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Donating body organz & Sikhizm

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Hi ! I have decided to donate my eyez after I am no more... What do you think about it...? What a Sikh thinks about donating body organz in conjunction with reincarnation and the Karmic system..

Should we donate body orgarz like this...? What do you think...?

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mr singh.. seva SHOULD be selfless anyway.. so ur not doing it to get any "gun".. whether u get anything out of it or not u do it to benefit others :D

ideal.. i never knew u could do eye transplant :? u sure ur not on about CORNEAL transplant?... :P

id rather transplant something which is more needed rather then eyes.. such as kidneys, heart, lung, liver.. :D

we dont need those parts when we die anyway :twisted:

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ideal.. i never knew u could do eye transplant :? u sure ur not on about CORNEAL transplant?... :P

id rather transplant something which is more needed rather then eyes.. such as kidneys, heart, lung, liver.. :D

we dont need those parts when we die anyway :twisted:

I dont think we need eyez as well after we die... :wink: well infact we can donate our whole body after we die... but do we it or can we do it ? :roll:

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This might be a dumb question but let's say the average age we die is 75, who would want your old kidneys, eyes and what not?

this is kinda like asking what poor child wouldn't want your leftover sabji from last night...

no one's gonna be picky when they're in desperate need... especially in western culture.

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this is kinda like asking what poor child wouldn't want your leftover sabji from last night...

no one's gonna be picky when they're in desperate need... especially in western culture.

Oh yaa guyz you are right... for very intelligent persons I mean people like yourself every question is a dumb question coz you know everything but there are otherz who would like to know much on this issue... Here is a research on about the AGE Limit at which we can donate our body organz:: It is just that We should be bold enough to be ready to donate...

Organ Donation Criteria:


· Brain death only

· Effective cardiovascular function

· Approximate age range 0 - 85 years

Not Acceptable

· Evidence of transmissible disease

· Evidence of extra cranial malignancy

Tissue Donation Criteria:


· Cardiac or brain death only

· Age limits

. Bone/Skin: 12 -85 for female, 12 - no upper age for male

· Connective tissue: 12 - 45 for male and female

· Heart valve: 37 pounds - 55 years for male and female

· Femoral Vein: 15 - 29 for female, 15-49 for male

.Saphenous Vein: 15 - 29 for female, 15-65 for male

Not Acceptable


· Hepatitis

Eye Donation Criteria


· Cardiac or brain death only

· Age limit of 73 years

Not Acceptable

· Active hepatitis

· Active encephalitis


· Creutzfeldt-Jacob disease

· Rabies

By donating your organs and tissue you can help 50 people regain life. Your heart and lungs can help one breathe again; your kidneys can free two people from having to undergo dialysis. Donating your liver can save the life of someone who's been on a waiting list, your corneas can allow two people to see again. Your bones and skin can repair damaged joints and heal those who have been burned severely

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I don't know what religion says about this. but this is a nobel cause and I whole heartdly back this up, admire this. I would defintely donate my organs. Since donation of organs was not possible in olden days.. that may be the reason that religion doesn't specify anything... otherwise .. i strongly believe that Sikhism would be the no 1 religion to support this. Sikhs are known for their sacrifices.... It is a tradition... I will Keep it up...

it would be cool to donate memories.

Classic.. I am ur Fan mate. You are simply excellent.

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  • 2 weeks later...

u have to burn it all guys.

i see how u can see it as seva but ive been told its wrong, how u came to

earth is how u shud leave....

Strict rule - shudnt do that.... i used to think same - bu then i wa told not tooo..... sorry i cant give u a gud reason but i know u shudnt.

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The soul leaves the body at the moment of death. We should concern ourselves much more with the journey the soul will take rather than what happens to the body which is discarded as an old garment of clothing.

Do not concern yourselves with superstitions regarding the rituals following death - most have only been put into place to offer some comfort for the greiving families. Remember, the body of GuruArjun Dev Ji was not cremated - anyone here saying his soul would have been affected?

Donating organs to help others is a seva and I feel everyone should do it :)

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