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Here's the full article for anyone interested:




2 hours ago, dalsingh101 said:

I just came across this from an old Journal of Sikh Studies article on an old hard drive. Note, just because I post something out of historical interest, doesn't mean I do or don't believe in the contents (before people start!):


Man if the world was as strict about history as we are there would be no history anyone belives. It is wise to be discerning about Paanthic Ithias, but way more skeptical of the fake western history which the His part belong to Kalyug and the story part Mithias. 

On 8/4/2021 at 11:58 AM, GurjantGnostic said:

Man if the world was as strict about history as we are there would be no history anyone belives. It is wise to be discerning about Paanthic Ithias, but way more skeptical of the fake western history which the His part belong to Kalyug and the story part Mithias. 

You know what though, I'd rather be more strict than promote the idiocy that used to be common when I was growing up, where people took Zafarnama literally and if you questioned the logistics and reality of sending a million soldiers against 40 you were accused of lacking faith.....

Or other fudhus that would tell you that there was no need for Singhs to train and be vigilant for oppressors, because Guru ji would magically turn Singhs into hardcore, soldier killing machines in an instant when required.....

I know history is HIS-story (the he being wasps), and is basically all whitewashed propaganda. True precolonial Sikh itihaas is different, but subsequent to the 'annexation' some apnay started following the anglo 'model' so we have to be careful and diligent.    Plus even some puratan 'Sikh' texts could be written by new converts, who struggled to shake of their previous biases/beliefs and incorporated them into their texts. When the Khalsa went buckwild and started to take over, people who would not have otherwise converted, converted.   

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