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One half of our heart always knows that some wishes would never come true,

Still the second half waits for the magic and miracles to happen......

That’s life   🍁        🍁        🍁

Your wound is probably not your fault but your healing is your responsibility..........



Be soft n cool like water, so that you can adjust anywhere in life.

Be hard and attractive like diamond , so no one can play with your emotions



Likable people will always do better in life.

Their positive vibrations can be sensed by others and helps them with better progress in career and in life.



No matter how educated, talented, rich or cool you believe you are

How you treat people ultimately tells what you are.


Integrity is everything.




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Quantum physics explains that everything in the Universe is made of energy vibrating at a certain frequency, and that includes your thoughts.

Thoughts are also made of energy; they can be measured, and they each have a particular frequency.

Your thoughts attract back to them people, circumstances, and events that are on the same frequency.

Like attracts like, and through the law of attraction the things you think about the most are what come into your life.

In other words, you create your life through your thoughts.

Everything that comes into your life you have attracted into your life through the thoughts you’ve been thinking.
Like all the laws of nature, the law of attraction is immutable; no one is above it or excluded from it.

It is impersonal, and operates on all of us equally—on every subject, and on every single thought.

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“My religion consists of a humble admiration of the illimitable superior spirit who reveals himself in the slight details we are able to perceive with our frail and feeble mind.”
Albert Einstein

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Can mantras be chanted silently? 

By Devala Rees

Generally speaking, mantras can and should be chanted silently, if and when you are able to keep the mind’s attention on the mantra.

Mantras function mainly in the mind. The sounds of the mantra should the object of your attention - ideally the “inner sound” chanted internally.

When you vocalize the mantra and chant it out loud, the sound may help you to attune yourself to the pronunciation of the mantra and the vibration of its energy, and to calm your mind.

The Vedas refer to this as Vaikhari Japa. It is helpful when you are distracted; if your awareness slips off the mantra, pronounce it out loud to allow you to come back to the energy of the sounds.

The physical sound of the mantra becomes the focus of your attention. This is said to be a good way to begin chanting most mantras, since a beginner’s mind is easily distracted.

When the mantra is whispered or hummed quietly enough to not be heard by others, this is known as Upamsu Japa.

This method requires a deeper level of awareness, and is many times more powerful than Vaikhari.

Now you may further experience the effects of the sound vibrations in your body, your breathing, and the feeling of the mantra in your mouth, lips, and tongue.

When you “chant” the mantra silently, in a purely mental way, it is called Manasika Japa.

This form of repetition requires a great level of attention to keep the mind pointed on the mantra.

It is many times more effective than Upamsu Japa.

However, this is a generalization across mantras overall. For specifics, one must refer to the specific instructions that go along with a certain mantra.

It’s ideal to receive a mantra from a Guru, who will also give you directions on how to use it.

For example, my Guru initiated me with a Tantrik Krishna Mantra.

She taught me to recite it mentally, not out loud, though I do sometimes like to sort of mouth it with the internal shape of my mouth, without actually parting my lips; I find that it helps my mind articulate the mantra precisely.

But my Guru also sometimes has me and other disciples chant certain other mantras loudly, especially in group Sadhana, where we want to hear and feel each other’s energy all joined together in prayer and worship.

Similarly in Pujas or Yagnyas, most of the mantras are chanted aloud, and participants are sometimes encouraged to join in, also out loud.

For example the Panditji of my local Mandir often tells us to chant certain mantras along with him, and frequently tells us “Louder! Louder!”

He taught me that for that kind of chanting, if you’re not striking deep in your diaphragm with a resonant voice then you’re not doing the mantras properly.

So it depends on the application as well as the specific mantras. Follow the instructions you receive from qualified teachers.

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Respect the "No"

Once, a Bird searched for a Home to lay her Eggs and Shelter in the Rainy Season.

In her Search, She saw Two Trees,
 and She went to ask for Protection.
When She asked the First Tree,
 It refused to give her Shelter.

With Disappointment,
 She went to the Second Tree.
And the Second Tree agreed.
She made her Home and laid her Eggs, and then the Rainy Season arrived.

The Rain was so heavy that the first Tree fell and was carried away by the Flood.
The Bird saw this and,
 in a taunting way, said:
 ”See, this is your Karma,
 you didn’t offer me Shelter, and
now God has given you the Punishment.”
The Tree smiled for the last time and said :
”I knew I’m not going to survive this Rainy Season.
 That’s why I refused you.
I didn’t want to risk your and your Children’s lives.“
The Bird had tears as She now knew Why She and the Kids were alive !
Moral :

1. We should  not always consider someone’s "NO"as their Arrogance

2. You don’t know the whole picture.

3. Respect others' Decision
 whether it is in your favor or not.

4. We get so involved in our Problems that we forget to view the other person’s point.

5. Without even trying to understand the Motive,we make our Judgments.

6. We should Never Judge others by their “No” because we
 don’t know their Story.

7. You don’t know what good is hidden for you behind it.

Always Respect the "NO."
Pause, and think about it deeply before you pass any Judgments about it in your Mind.❗

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My beloved Lord,

Now I will not let The go,

Whatever pleases Thee I will do;

Pray become mine, remain with me.


After endless days of separation,

Beloved Lord, I have at last meet Thee,

I am fortunate indeed

For thou has come within my home

Of thine own accord.

My beloved Lord,

I will not let Thee go.

I will cling to Thy Feet

And insist upon thy staying;

with all the stratagems

At my love´s command

I will hold The ensnared.

Pray rest with joy

In the temple of my heart.


Lord, my beloved Lord,

I will not let Thee go.

Kabir, O Lord, begs of Thee:

Do not be enticed elsewhere,

Become mine, remain with me.


Sree Kabir Jee.


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Each one of us would like the Lord to make His abode in our heart.

But have we ever considered, whether this heart,

where we would like the Lord to live, is it fit for Him?

Have we ever spent a sleepless night out of love for the Lord,

or because we are separated from Him?

Have we ever shed tears out of love and gratitude for the Lord?

Our hearts long for the world, and yet we want to meet the Lord.

Until we rid ourselves of our love and attachment for everything other than Him,

our heart will never be fit for Him.


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The 10 characteristics of a mentally mature person


  1. Don't chase validation from other people. Self-validation is what really matters to them.
  2. Trying to rationalize their problems. They do not allow negative or overwhelming emotions to overshadow their judgment.
  3. View constructive criticism as valuable feedback. An opportunity for growth and personal development.
  4. Don't get irritated by unconstructive criticism (or try not to). Because someone who takes their time just to say something negative to another person is not worth the mental energy and time of emotionally strong people.
  5. Accepting adversity. Emotionally strong people see the difficulties of living as necessary elements of life, leading to a stronger and wiser version of themselves.
  6. Have an optimistic or positive mindset. If your inner world is already gloomy or dark inside, even the sun that shines for you every day will not be able to cheer you up.
  7. Don't let fear paralyze you.
  8. Keep in mind that the errors themselves do not define them.
  9. Focus on finding solutions instead of endlessly crying about your problems and blaming others for them.
  10. Being grateful. Nothing destroys a person inside like always directing his attention to what he lacks while he completely ignores what he has.


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                                                     THE GRACE OF THE LORD


Try to surrender completely to the Lord by killing your haume, and under the cover of His power, protection and grace, you will wade through the waters of life unscathed.

The loving Father will protect you like a baby, in the might of His strong arms, and pass you scot-free from the fires of life without a burn.

Everyone errs.

Through these errors you have to grow into a pure and lusterous soul. Weed out the shortcomings, one by one.

The diary is a necessity and must be used for this purpose. It helps you to keep an eye on your ethical side of life, for this must be developed along with the spiritual growth.

Remember that the Father wants to embrace His child.

If the child’s clothing is soiled with dirt or mud, He will not forsake him, but cleanse the child and take him or her into His lap.

He is always with His children whom He loves, a hundred times more than the proverbial love of a mother.

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