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sound card problem-


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need help pl

i removed some sys files and a friend reloaded win 98. now when i want to use real audio message appears' an other applicatin may be using this device' when i restart the computer on black screen before opening win pci audio ? comes mother board had sound card sis 7018 driver is there. what is the prob.


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windows 98 doesnt support allot of drivers, OS such as Xp does because it coems loaded with most drivers

when u reinstalled windows u lost the drivers u did have..

if u have a disc for ur sound card use that to reinstall the driver

or go to http://www.driverzone.com/sound.html to find the right driver for u

right click on "my computer" go down to properties then to "device manager".. click on the sound icons... do u get a yellow circle with a ! in it anywhere?? u might have hardware conflicts :shock:

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Also, if u already have real player running, or some other program that uses sound card then make sure u disable that from the startup or close it before launching realplayer.

Another thing beside what Steel Bangle has said to check is that in ur sound properties, in the prefered devices u have the correct devices selected.

Make sure ur Playback and Sound Recording settings seem ok.

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