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The rainbow as a symbol of two covenants.

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We all know that biblically the rainbow was used a symbol between God and man that he will never destroy us with a flood again right. 

We all know the early christian church was perverted and usurped by babylonion into roman polytheistic satanism. And was used as a weapon of white supremacy. 

We all know that church is rife with every vice and pedophilia and that they're the same so called elites making the world a homoerotic wreck with no morals. 

So why did white supremacists posing as christians kill homosexuals? Well to keep up appearances and to keep impostering biblical people. But they are however sorry for that and as a symbol that it will never be repeated, you have again the rainbow. 


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16 hours ago, GurjantGnostic said:


We all know that biblically the rainbow was used a symbol between God and man that he will never destroy us with a flood again right. 

We all know the early christian church was perverted and usurped by babylonion into roman polytheistic satanism. And was used as a weapon of white supremacy. 

We all know that church is rife with every vice and pedophilia and that they're the same so called elites making the world a homoerotic wreck with no morals. 

So why did white supremacists posing as christians kill homosexuals? Well to keep up appearances and to keep impostering biblical people. But they are however sorry for that and as a symbol that it will never be repeated, you have again the rainbow. 


Interesting ideas bro. 

Where do they come from? I don't know much about Babylonians. 

Also, what does Tldr mean? 

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3 hours ago, dalsingh101 said:

Interesting ideas bro. 

Where do they come from? I don't know much about Babylonians. 

Also, what does Tldr mean? 

Tldr means too long didn't read, so it means short version these days. 

If you trace the pantheon used by all the imperial devils it's the same pantheon. Babylon being the first head of that hydra, same as romans etc. 

The rainbow covenant is documented regarding the flood. 

The fact the rainbow covenant was used again just lept out at me. 

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The dual nature of christianity as functioning roman santanism, overwriting the actual Dharam is 100 percent being done to Sikhi. We're over half cooked too already. We could learn a lot from the roman involvement first in christianity, then islam, and look at what the british did to us in Punjab, followed by what wasp cultists are doing in the uk and us and you should be feeling really uncomfortable. 

Also nesbitt and her hell spawn are slaughtering Ithias and Gurmat under the fake stamp of credibility of oxford and they aggressively manipulate all the wikis and run many sites including matrimonial sites. 

Fair warning. The oven timer says almost done. Fellow frogs. 

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I guess to make this relate. Expect to see Sikhi liberalized, modernized, misinterpeted, then defined as not you but anyone who thinks oneness sounds good. No discipline, rehit will be required, and all your sins will be forgiven by sata...err cesare borgia....err white Guru Nanak Dev Ji. 

You're patriarchal extremists. Probably terrorists. And you're backwards. Let nesbitt retell you what Sikhi is while nobody complains. 

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2 hours ago, MrSingh1699 said:

Gurjant bro a lot of what you are saying has been done in terms of distorting how Sikhi is understood by the masses since 1849 by the British and also by R+AW since 1947.

Common sense tells us what is just and true in relation to Sikhi if we apply our God given Bibek Buddhi rather than reading British,  Mughal or Hindutva lies against what Sikhi actually is.

But at the same time we need to be accepting of sects which follow their own rules like 3HO, Radha Soami's, Chowk Mehta Dera, Namdhari's, Nirankari's, etc, etc, except in those instances where they are blatantly attacking the Sikh Panth. Live and let live.

I think 3ho is and has always been not only a cult but an attack on the Paanth. They should leave the organization and become Sikhs if they're Sikhs. 

The other cultists are listed as people we're currently forbidden to associate with I'm pretty sure. 

Namdharis are exceptional, but their one giant mistake was continuing a fake lineage of the Guru Sahiban. Fortunately they benefit from having a single leader, who simply should have had a different title like Jathadar, but those leaders did adhere to Gurmat. And they're already trying to undo that mistep internally, and will mesh with the Paanth amazingly very shortly. 

The real christians, could not move forward with the romans who set out to replace them. 3ho is that. If they want to be Sikhs they should just be Sikhs. The fact is they set to be apart intentionally from the beginning based on impure intentions. Now many members of that organization may be unaware of that, as most wasp cultists usually are. But the invitation to Sikhi is open to them if they want to disavow that. 

Sikhi is open four directionally to anyone wanting to embrace it. It is not an invitation to get coopted wasp chrstianity status which is happening full force. 

We are fortunate to have survived the previous waves, previous attempts, but take this lesson from my celtic ancestors who gave me to Guru Gobind Singh Ji Maharaj. Over the course of thousands of years we fought the vikings off, the romans, the countless others. The british finally got us bro. The death nail was when Kennedy became president and we got given the permission to commit cultural suicide and join the satanists as white. 

I agree we face advesity from rss. From isi. But it doesn't stop there. And the wasp assault on Sikhi is well funded, well under way, and mainly unresisted. 

And before we have united Gurudwara, democracy free, based on consensus and representation, our warm fuzzies for frauds and enemies in bunny suits has to go.

And if we aren't careful we'll be in lawsuits with the white cults arguing who's the Sikh. 

While watching them commit Beadbi of Gurmat on every level, and making a fortune at it. 

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The only 3ho posters I've run into, obfuscated the fact they were 3ho, became outed due to their unGurmat sentiments, antithetical and animous to Sikhi, who then run, unable to defend themselves or their Jatha whatsoever.

Beleive me bro. If there is anyone born able to smell a wasp conspiracy it's a former Celt. 

They're our enemies since the mist of the time. This is their method. Since Babylon.  

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3 hours ago, GurjantGnostic said:

I challenge you. Before eating. Read anything by nesbitt or about Sikhi on wikpedia by her people. Okay step one complete. Now manage to eat. Go ahead. 

You want your kids having all the same stories everyone's been telling about what secretly happens around white christians, hang with those so called Sikhs. 

Who is Nesbitt bro?


Bhul chuk maaf

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5 hours ago, paapiman said:

Who is Nesbitt bro?


Bhul chuk maaf

She's a loopy bag lady that says... oneness ...a lot when she isn't murdering Sikhi on paper and getting a pat on the back for it. 

I invite you to sample any of her...pandemic..body of work. 

Much of the painfully contorted concepts relating to Gurmat and the Paanth have an origin story there. 

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1 hour ago, GurjantGnostic said:

She's a loopy bag lady that says... oneness ...a lot when she isn't murdering Sikhi on paper and getting a pat on the back for it. 

I invite you to sample any of her...pandemic..body of work. 

Much of the painfully contorted concepts relating to Gurmat and the Paanth have an origin story there. 

Dude, she's one in a long line. 

That's why it's important to have independent forums like this so that people can actually discuss what they've read in these motivated academic sources, and people can debunk the contents. 

We are still in a phase of being (largely) enveloped in neo-orientalism in terms of nonSikh writers writing about Sikhi (even some so-called Sikh writers do it!). But from my perspective, more (reading) people are clued up about this than ever. As for the majority pendus backhome, they are immune to such mind games because they generally don't read.  

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1 hour ago, GurjantGnostic said:

She's a loopy bag lady that says... oneness ...a lot when she isn't murdering Sikhi on paper and getting a pat on the back for it. 

I invite you to sample any of her...pandemic..body of work. 

Much of the painfully contorted concepts relating to Gurmat and the Paanth have an origin story there. 

Sat1 ?


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