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Is Rakhi a sikh festival, can Sikhs celebrate it?

For the first question, a certain no. While there is no "ban" on Rakhi, I believe it to be against the teachings of equality in Sikhi. So, I would answer your second question with a no as well.

However, if a non-sikh woman (hindu, I suppose) wanted to tie me a rakhi, I would not object to it.

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Yea I agree with you, but Sikh woman in india are so programmed that they celebrate Rakhi. Is it a cultural contamination in our religion from the Hindus ? One person said he would never tie rakhi as it violates the teachings of Sikhi, well.. I dont see anything wrong in tieng a rakhi by a non-sikh women... i think thats fine, what u think?

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One of the prominent Sikh website states Rakhsah Bandan as Sikh festival... I wonder whom to follow... :roll: Just scroll down to the end of the webpage...


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I think its okay to follow rakhi. Rakhi means protecting your sister and if Khalsa wont protect then who else will? So Khalsa is for the protection of the people. It is not a discrimination on sex and it doesnt say that women are low and they need protection from men. It only says Brothers should protect there sister? Wont you protect your sister? Therez nothing wrong with Raksha Bandhan.

That website has replaced the adultery kurait by not doing black magic and stuff. check it out.

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I think its okay to follow rakhi.

You've made up your mind then? :)

Rakhi means protecting your sister and if Khalsa wont protect then who else will?

Khalsa includes women as much as men. What makes you think a Khalsa woman needs protection? Should she not be capable of protecting herself?

So Khalsa is for the protection of the people.

A woman doesn't need to tie a piece of string on a Khalsa's wrist to remind him of this duty. Our beloved Nanak gave us a Kara. Why should we trade it for a piece of useless string?

It is not a discrimination on sex

Maybe the men should also tie it on women's wrists then? After all, Khalsa doesn't discriminate, right?

...it doesnt say that women are low and they need protection from men.

What does it say then? Is it a meaningless ritual then?

It only says Brothers should protect there sister? Wont you protect your sister?

You're contradicting yourself here. A Khalsa protects anyone that needs protection.

Therez nothing wrong with Raksha Bandhan.

If you say so.

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You've made up your mind then? :)

Khalsa includes women as much as men. What makes you think a Khalsa woman needs protection? Should she not be capable of protecting herself?

A woman doesn't need to tie a piece of string on a Khalsa's wrist to remind him of this duty. Our beloved Nanak gave us a Kara. Why should we trade it for a piece of useless string?

Maybe the men should also tie it on women's wrists then? After all, Khalsa doesn't discriminate, right?

What does it say then? Is it a meaningless ritual then?

You're contradicting yourself here. A Khalsa protects anyone that needs protection.

If you say so.

Agree with COmmander

Khalsa is the "pure ones" NOt the "pure men"

kahlsa includes WOmen as well


RAkhi is ALL ABOUT Diluting Women.....that they need protection from the men..But No

A Soldier doens't need the protection of the other....

and having a thread on his arm isn't going to remind him of his duty!

If a gyaal in the London is being robbed....will her brother from Birmingham run to London to protect her :roll:

Unpracticle na?

so why doesn't the WOmen protect herself when she got blesssed with the Kirpan..?

men are just trying to DILUTE WOMEN!

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whether it is a sikh festival or not... why show ur "affection" for one day only?.. and a peice of string cannot show how much u love ur sister - nor does it have any "protection value".. if ur rakhi breaks.. does that also mean ur love for ur sister breaks?

these are all a load of BS - and its a shame people follow these stupid things and ignore what you should really be participating in :roll:

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agree with Steel bangle ji

and another thing is..

so they're DILUTING their sister's / females!



for a sikh..

any female in ur age is ur sister :o !

oh btw

can't the females protect them self if they are equal to men?

why can only men protect themself..

are Women less compitant of doing so?

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i agree wid commander ji and steel bangle ji, we shudnt celebr8 rakhi full stop. The reason why lots of people get confused as to y we shud ce,ebr8 it is cos during the Guru Ji's time, loads of Sikhs were celebr8in rakhi. So, in order to get those people away from this, there was always a Diwan by the Guru Ji at that time. Now people think that the Diwan was for Rakhi, but it was actually to get all the Sikhs together and away from the Hindus. This also happens at Holi, that's the reason why Hindu's celebrate Holi n Sikhs celebrate Hola Mohalla on the same day, and the confusion comes into Sikhi from there.

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