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Hair and Nails


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:arrow: usually clubbing hairs with nails with is mischief of radhasoamis and atheist communists ( a common sikh too may have this wrong notion under false propaganda of former) nails are natural apparatus to protect soft finger from injury/prick ,cutting nails is necessary to avoid accumultion of dirt in it.

:idea: hairs are natural gift to man,a characterstic feature of mamals(other features are 4 chambered heart, mamary glands etc.) only palms and sole of hands and feet free ofit . hairs is attached far more deep to body then nails. mediically nails are categorized as dead epithelial tissues while hairs are said as a living growth.

:!: great mens of world were keshdhari, prophets , scientists poets. u may find hairs intact in a person burried hundered years ago and no trace of nails at all

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:arrow: usually clubbing hairs with nails with is mischief of radhasoamis and atheist communists ( a common sikh too may have this wrong notion under false propaganda of former) nails are natural apparatus to protect soft finger from injury/prick ,cutting nails is necessary to avoid accumultion of dirt in it.

:idea: hairs are natural gift to man,a characterstic feature of mamals(other features are 4 chambered heart, mamary glands etc.) only palms and sole of hands and feet free ofit . hairs is attached far more deep to body then nails. mediically nails are categorized as dead epithelial tissues while hairs are said as a living growth.

:!: great mens of world were keshdhari, prophets , scientists poets. u may find hairs intact in a person burried hundered years ago and no trace of nails at all

mediically nails are categorized as dead epithelial tissues while hairs are said as a living growth.

I asked my science teachers (we got 2)

and both said that hair outside are deadcells...

in other words the hair that we see is dead cells

but the instead the root and stuff are the living cells :?

Also in a Science Magazine...some1 asked if the hair really becomes "living" when using some shampoo's like told on the comersials...

In the answer they wrote that the hair gets shinier and stuff..

but its dead ceels so it can't become living :?

But tha magazine often have errors, and people point them out for them..

Any scientists around here ? :please:

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