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Hello there; I just want to know which foods the Sikhs should know about consist of flavourings such as Gelatine and Animal Rennet etc. of which; Sikhs are prohibited in eating; Here are a selection.

Please add more;

Walkers Cheese & Onion Crisps; Animal Rennet

Walkers Quavers; Animal Rennet

Nestle Lion Bar; Gelatine

Walls Feast (Chocolate Ice Lolly); Gelatine

Mars Snickers; Egg White

Mars Bar; Egg White

Please add more+

1 Question; is there a difference between Gluten and Gelatine


Chicken : Self explainitary. :twisted:

Ham: Contains Meat.

Pork: Contains Ham, therefore contains Meat.

Tuna: Contains Fish

Goat: Contains Meat.

Sheep: Comes from Wales.

Pig: Demon

Bird: Hard to catch

Hedgehog: Prickly.

Mugermach: oops. please dont eat me. :roll:

Oh you want a list of things we cant eat... oopss. Forgive me :roll: :roll: . lol only joking singh, um... im not much of a label person but sure there are people out there that are. I'll leave it up to them add to the list. :D


Sat Sri Akaal

I think you guys have missed the boat completely. I simply want to know about products which it is ambiguos whether or not we should eat. For example Opel Fruits; aka Starburst used to have Gelatine in, but following reactions; they removed this ingredient.

I just want to know about products that we are unaware of.

Ms. Kaur; im sure the Panj Piare cant tell u every ambiguos good

Guest Javanmard

Meat is not an issue in the Panth as such. If you wish to be a vegetarian as a personal choice go on and do it but don't mix it with Sikhi. Even by SIng Sabha standards meat is allowed as per hukam of Akal Takht!

This thread just reminds me of all these Hare Krishna sites and their obsessive vegeterianism :evil: :evil: :evil:


Meat is not an issue in the Panth as such. If you wish to be a vegetarian as a personal choice go on and do it but don't mix it with Sikhi. Even by SIng Sabha standards meat is allowed as per hukam of Akal Takht!

This thread just reminds me of all these Hare Krishna sites and their obsessive vegeterianism :evil: :evil: :evil:



who is rulin over AKAL TAKHAT TODAY?

DEcide ur side!

Guest Javanmard

I did not say that I sided with SGPC (God forbid :evil: ) I am just saying that even for those who follow SGPC-Akal Takht maryada meat is not an issue as it is allowed. I am open minded enough to take other people's views into consideration even though I think they're wrong!

I definetly don't recognise SGPC as an authority! :evil: But other people do. Our friend Harsimranjit probably follows that type of maryada and I just wanted to point out to him/her that even according to his/her own standards meat is not an issue. If he/she wants to be a veggie it's a personal decision that should not derived from whatever maryada be it puratan or even SGPC!

Guest Javanmard

On top of that: if killing animals is so bad... what is the table made of then? :twisted:


A tree onces had life init, like fruit. Fruit is grown in da same way as us, so dis means it lives.

Now picture a fruit as being u.

A Fruit needs water like 2 live, if dey dont hav water, der skin will wrinkle up and look like dry skin as on humans, den it will lose shape, den it will die.

C, we're killing smaller life forms everyday, every second.

Ders tings in da air dat we kill off, Y dont ppl talk bout dem den meat. Sum Jains covers der months wenever dey walk around, cos Jains believe dat ders life in da air and der is.


But dey eat too, Vegge stuff, isnt der life in food?

We're all ignorant, including me. Were ever ders life, ders Waheguru, Waheguru is omni-present.

Another thought would b. Say u become Vegge, and u change ur life. But now tink, animals r still ganna be killed off for meat, cos ders a demand for it. Ur not really helping in stopping animals from dying, u jus choose not to eat dem ne more. Its like crying over spilied milk.

Im not saying being vegge is bad, cos it isnt.

I hope i havent offended ne1, if i hav, i'm sorry.


There is a difference between gluten and gelatine. Gluten is something made of wheat i think. Stuff which has animal related stuff in it apart from the stuff already mentioned, includes some fizzy drinks such as Lilt and some others i cant remember, these contain fish protein as a stabliliser. A lotta other things have animal derived stuff in it and it dont always say on the label, so the best mode of action is to contact companies and ask them to send u a list of whats vegetarian and what isnt. Im not saying whether eating meat is right or wrong, im just answering the original question in this thread.


so the best mode of action is to contact companies and ask them to send u a list of whats vegetarian and what isnt.

yep, cuz I got a lot of time for that :P That's not very practical at all!!



thank you sehmi

Rupz; u say that we eat things such as stuff in the air? well this is not the case. when we breaath in; do we say to ourselves..."mmmm; i love eating bacteria?" or when we eat dahee" mmmmm this jaag tastes soo goood"...no; we therefore do not eat it with the intention of consuming meat. wheras if you look at meat; you actually are eating; for the sake that it is someones life and u are aware of this and u r simply eating because of the taste derived from a dead creature.

Im sick of Sikhs questioning and being so radical. If meat wasnt prohibited in Sikhi, y was the bani of bhagat namdev ji (i may be wrong on the individual bhagat) allowed to be in the guru granth sahib ji; where they condenmed meat in sikhi?

it is to ur own interpretation of what exactly life is; for example the british courts do not recognise that a baby in a womb is a life; and even if u stab a knife through female body and baby dies; u will not be liable for murder, but only gbh commited on women. (Although, if baby comes out of womb and is alive and then dies following wound from stab; then u r likely to be the cause of death and will be liable for murder)

in my eyes; i see life as; a lliving creature; with a heart and a mind which allows them to pray to waheguru.

Rupz; this world is a test; think of it subjectively. its what U do that matters later on after life, it doesnt matter what others do as u will not carry their burden to the dhram rajaa; if u dont eat meat; do u think u will get fal or paap?

maaan; im sorry but i am offended by ur comment; too many radicals


Firstly I would like to say that I'm not nearly as knowledgeable as a lot of the people on this board about sikhi, but I would like to point out that I don't think the guru's ever wanted people arguing over such trivial things as being vege or not...there is much more in sikhi to devote your time to..also I believe there was a quote along the lines of "what is meat, and what is not meat?" not sure of the source right now, but just thought i'd mention it.

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