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SKiiNg vs SnoWBoaRdIn


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man, i used to snowboard as a little kid.

Used to get a plank of wood, and gown down the stairs.

I remeber once that my family left me at home and i had to protect the house cos some robber where tring to steal things from my house. Man, i set up al sorts of booby traps and things. I hit one in the head with a Paint Tin, and i hit another with a Iron. Man, it was fun....

other then that, never really snowboared or skied.



note: read above post in little kids voice)

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man, i used to snowboard as a little kid.

Used to get a plank of wood, and gown down the stairs.

I remeber once that my family left me at home and i had to protect the house cos some robber where tring to steal things from my house. Man, i set up al sorts of booby traps and things. I hit one in the head with a Paint Tin, and i hit another with a Iron. Man, it was fun....

other then that, never really snowboared or skied.



note: read above post in little kids voice)

I liked Home Alone too...lol

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slushy snowwwww is iky! the best snow is just fallen or the snow that has just fallen and its warmed up a bit so then u can make the perfect FORT and snow balls! SNOW FIGHT!!!! and then u can make a lil snow man sadar! sikhiwink1:

one! :

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