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Is it important dat a sikh be married?

How abt single life and livin to rise above da five pasions and meditatin alone, wen u dnt have much responsibilty of kids, spouse and relatives?

Wouldnt life be much smoother and more chances of MORE spirtual progress?




Is it important dat a sikh be married?

How abt single life and livin to rise above da five pasions and meditatin alone, wen u dnt have much responsibilty of kids, spouse and relatives?

Wouldnt life be much smoother and more chances of MORE spirtual progress?


Marriage should be a union of two souls (with the help of the Guru). As such, it will give you more strength to be a Sikh. Our Guru wants us to be married and live a "grasth" life. Besides, a Sikh cannot run away from his or her social and biological duties :)



Is it important dat a sikh be married?

How abt single life and livin to rise above da five pasions and meditatin alone, wen u dnt have much responsibilty of kids, spouse and relatives?

Wouldnt life be much smoother and more chances of MORE spirtual progress?


If you have very low Kaam (libido) then go ahead and be celibate if you want.But if you have normal libido, then it is not a good idea to put your mind under so much pressure.

Let the pressure go, and carry on with rest of days activities.


we're encouraged to live in gristhee for this reason, and dat is dat we r kaami. now if a person feels dey can live without ne1 as dere companion, dey wud do fine in spiritual progress. and abt 'app japoh, avrai naam japavo' well y not adopt som kid and raise dem as a sikh.

lifes more, dan marriage, and abt da union of two souls, dnt think dat happens wid evryone. nothin is stable, looks, money, posession, relationships. in da end of da day, we'r all gona go alone, die alone. so y not practice to be alone, yet be wid SomOne wid whom u dnt feel alone at all. :twisted:


then it is not a good idea to put your mind under so much pressure.

Let the pressure go, and carry on with rest of days activities.

Haha, but atleast he won't have to deal with the pressures of petty squabbles and mother-in-laws :LOL:



Is it important dat a sikh be married?

How abt single life and livin to rise above da five pasions and meditatin alone, wen u dnt have much responsibilty of kids, spouse and relatives?

Wouldnt life be much smoother and more chances of MORE spirtual progress?


there is always that if you do get married, Your husband and you might progress even faster on this path of spirituality, who knows maybe you might be able to help him find his path and vice versa. Perhaps that Soul that you will bring into this world, needs a mother like you to progress his path in spirituality. One has to pass thru birth to acheive liberation.

Life can be smoother with or without marriage. You can definetly be a Sannayse by not getting married, living alone in Soletude. But being a Sikh is much difficult, because you have to live in this world and be a Sanayasee.

Marriage will Only hinder your progress in Spirituality if you let it. If you and your husband understand what it means to be married, then it can become a Aid to your spirituality. So its not a one way street.


I have seen many mahapursh encouraging grisht jeevan even though they are not married....i think its good they encourage it but its still its not a sin not to get married....

I dont see no disctincation between mahapursh who did get married or mahapursh who didnt get married...its not like they will get special prize in sachkhand compare to saints who did not get married ...

Its an individual choice..lets just live at that...these kinda things are not must in sikhi but optional...

thats my opnion :D :D :D


Sikhi as any other religion also give us the uniform and universal principal to help those in needy by a proper mode. It might be in the shape of food, shelter, physical protection or/and survival of kind(mankind for say).

Marriage is known as the oldest association of sociaty which allows (give environment 'n' permission) two souls to have their pathology for a single goal it might be in the form of old said MOKSHA or some tangible/intangible SANSARIK form goal objective or target .

There is nothing in Sikhi which lead us about not to have the (As my respected friend already mentioned) the GRAHASTA JIWAN.

One more reason to have such association is formed by the Mother Nature itself. It also expects such association that is why it make Adam 'n' Eves as uncomplete creature which can only be complete via such association.

Nature requires such association for all living creatures except Plants, trees etc. coz such class is formed as complete in itself and it can florish without such association we called Marriage.

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