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I just saw the movie with Tom Cruise called 'The Last Samurai'

The way the samurai are related to the khalsa panth is unbelievable.

You must watch the movie, and you will see what im talking about.

There is the new Japanese force who attempts to destroy off the Samurai and their way of life. Tom Cruise is sent to Japan to be a General and kill off the remaining Samurai. He then becomes a POW and realizes how peaceful the way of samurai is.

It's unbelievable, you all must see this movie, and you will be able to spot out so many references on how their lifestyle is similar to the teachings of sikhi and that of the Khalsa Panth.

Sad to say, the Samurai die off slowly, which seems to be the same happening to the Khalsa.

Even the ending where...(I wont spoil it for anyone, unless you ask :D )

I reccommend this movie to all.


  • 3 weeks later...

It's unbelievable, you all must see this movie, and you will be able to spot out so many references on how their lifestyle is similar to the teachings of sikhi and that of the Khalsa Panth.

Sad to say, the Samurai die off slowly, which seems to be the same happening to the Khalsa.

Guru Khalsa Panth is'nt dying, man.

GUR BAR AKAAL!!!!!!!!!!!!


I don't know. I've read the Hagakure, and to me the fundamental disfference lies in the difference between the suicidal (morbid?) self-sacrifice of what might be called "bushido" and the sheer will to win of kshatriya dharam. An essential difference there? Although the attraction of a heroic death is ever strong.

Nischay kar aapne JEET karo

Guest Javanmard

May I add that a proper comparison should be drawn between the samurai and the Nihangs

Look at the way both have started being called "savage" and "uncivilised" by the "modernised" members of their own community ie the Meji middle class and the Tat Khalsa (also middle class)

Look at the way they are both feared, how they use external appearance to inspire fear (surma under the eyes in the case Ujyo).

The movie has some inconcistencies:

1. Samurais did use fire weapons

During the Meiji era many samurai were forced into a miserable existence which is the case of many 20th century Nihangs.

Now that I am thinking... it would be quite interesting to do prachar of Puratan Sikhi in Japan and inspire Japanese people to go back to their tradition without neglecting the advantages of the modern age. Keeping kesh was a samurai practice, keaping shastar as well. Instead of making them Panjabis (typical way of SGPC to do prachar) it would be wiser to encourage them to apply their traditional culture to Sikhi!

Maharaj as the divine emperor, darbar sahibs like the imperial throne etc...

just thinking aloud.... :roll:

by the way:

1.HIROYUKI SANADA, Ujio in the movie, has fantastic rob it's amazing. He simply just overshadows everyone else on the battle field!!!

2. i think Koyuki, the Japanese actress who plays Katsumoto's sister Taka is really super cute but that's just my opinion :oops:


the film is wicked.

'those that live by the sword, get shot by those that dont.'

the only thing i found odd was that they listened to the tutoo of a leader, (the skinny gay~ish dude)

highlights of film for me personnaly.

cutting dudes hair in the middle of the street.

when the main character told to take his sword off, he said he rather leave. Although he should have just chopped that tutoos head off.

would have liked to see more blood/guts, that many swords classing and not a pool of blood.... need more blood, esp like in braveheart when you see the guys face collapse when he gets hit with the mace. nice....


2. i think Koyuki, the Japanese actress who plays Katsumoto's sister Taka is really super cute but that's just my opinion

I know lalleshvari... :LOL::LOL:

dil nauo kuch kuch hunda dekh keh uhnoo... jokes :oops:


I watched the film sometime back.... it was ok.. I have seen samurai fight better...

It was ironic that how the wife kept the guy in her house, who had killed her husband, and eventually falls in love.. typical english movie twists :-)


haha, yeah, I thought that was really stupid...the whole love story they through in there, but i really liked the movie. This kinda brings up a question for me...you know that the samurai were all traditional and preferred using swords to guns, but what about Sikhsim? I mean Kirpan is one of the five K's, but is it understood that that now means gun, as that is the weapon nowadays?


weapons are chosen as time goes on.. Even our Gurus used guns from the time of Guru Hargobind Singh Ji, that was the time when sikhi got arms...

maybe in the future they will get rid of guns and have some type of laser guns/phazors etc .. it all changes with time.

Guest Javanmard

Sorry guys but kirpan is a Sanskrit word and it means SWORD and SWORD only! We have to carry it but shastarnam mala also mentions other weapons including fire-arms: but they are not kirpan!!! :evil:


tupak are firearms, the kirpan is still and advantage, only to those that know how to use it, most people carry it becasue of "symbolic" reasons, the kirpan is not at all symbolic, it is a shaster and is used to defence to kill the enemy. Although it has its advantages of being called symbolic too. (i.e when ur being searched randomly 7 times for walking in NY airport while waiting for a connecting flight back home...... )

any hows, as most people will prob not get that, i reckon you should keep up with the times, there are guns about, but in england you cant carry them around, but you can practice using them at certain clubs. same with archery

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