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Formal Education N Sikhism Awareness


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Education of 21st Cent 'n' Sikhism Awareness

SSA Friends,

Here i m going to start a new thread in which i want to have a fair, firm and some useful discussion over the education standerds (requirements)of 21st cent, which is the age of information and speed, and the awareness of Sikhism between our generation X.

In other words I mean to say is that is there any provision that we can cause breed some religious and moral values in our new gen via formal education methods.

Please make ur suggestion in clear cut recomandation form.

Hope U all will understand this is the urgent requirement of the time.

So that participate in the discussion.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Well you've forgotten that religion is separate from the state and has no influence on the government including education. At my school, we only ever learn about moral issues in R.S or English and even then our teachers don't even imply that doing certain things are wrong (not even from an atheist view point). They leave it up to the class to discuss whether something is right or wrong and usually obscene comments are made in favour of outer-marital sex or drugs. Our teachers would have a lax approach to these obscenities and would not even critiscise them.

The only thing that we can do is to set up Sikh schools which would encourage and distil religious and moral values into the pupils or we can take a more conservative approach towards the media and regulate/censor the innappropriate filth in music, TV and internet. If we can do that (which I doubt is possible) , sex and drugs won't be as glamorous as they are now and the youth will find religion more appealing as their minds will have less corruption than that of Ghetto wannabes who see religion as an unnecessary apendage that only gives them unnecessary guilt when try to achieve happiness through imoral means.

I doubt that there is anything else we can do to spread moral values without upsetting liberals who would use the excuse that it would impede on their lifestyles and that it is ultimately their decision whether they choose be moral or not. To make matters worse they would also argue what morality is and would claim that morality is relative to the current ideology of a society thus making much contraversy with little being solved and the liberals having won due to the permissive attitude of society.

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Sorry genteman,

I thing u hadnt read what i want to be discuss about in this thread. I m not talking about any cate or creed question, but i m talking about the basic moral values regarding spiritual values between our Gen X and i dont thing this must require any additional space for knowledge which we want to impart to our childrens.

I think it should be a part of extra curricular activities. U cant force anyone to learn the subject if that buddy dont like to do so. Or does ot possible.

One more thing i had nowhere mention any reference regarding state or culture here anywhere.

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As an optional extra curricular activity? :LOL:

If you havn't already noticed, most Gurdwaras offer GCSE and A level Punjabi classes which teach moral issues but the majority of Sikh teens see it with comtempt and think that as long as you can speak a few words you're automatically Sikh.

"U cant force anyone to learn the subject if that buddy dont like to do so. Or does ot possible."

Well why bother asking the question then? Do you really think that given the choice, that some Punjabi ghetto wannabe would want to give up his girlfriend, clubbing lifestyle and cigarettes just to live the life of a saint? You're forgetting that we are dealing with a very superficial generation with a liberal ideology and apathy for religion.

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I m fully appriciate that we cant force anyone to be aware about not only Sikhi but any topic if he/she dosnt have any interest. It is a matter of ones own state of mind.

But while talking about the other issue as u said that

............ ghetto wannabe would want to give up his girlfriend, clubbing lifestyle and cigarettes just to live the ..........

dear sit a while n ask yourself that who is responsible for such a situation. No my dear it is not that guy/gal who is responsible it is our environment, our culture @ home our moral values which we got from our elders.

Life give U everything which we all expect from it. No matter it is a sip of Cigar or amitation with Sri Sukhmani Sahib


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I'm not saying it is totally the guy/gals fault (it is partly because they won't repent even if you explain to them that they are being immoral). I was trying to say it is too late and futile to try to aim at teens. I think it is largely the media's fault that so many of the young generation have detracted or become ignorant of the real values of Sikhism. A lot of parents don't emphasise enough on religion, I'm not saying they don't bother but not enough is mentioned and instead they emphasise on trying to get a job after finishing school (whether it be with education or not). Then as a result, they (juveniles) without the guidance of God become assimulated into pop culture and fashion trends which in turn causes peer pressure to try out drugs or to have sex. I believe that no-one could be more responsible than the parents as they have the influence to affect the child's way of thinking and therefore the child's future actions.

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What I'd recommend is that the parents teach their children from an early age, morals, punjabi and to keep kesh. Once the child reaches adolesance he/she will be able to think for himself and if taught properly will wish to learn more of Sikhism if not they will just want to follow pop culture and go down a spiral of moral decay. Not necessarily should the child be taught gurbani, just things like it wrong to say certain words, that stealing is wrong and that God who loves all doesn't look so kindly on those who do wrong (also evildoers should like glamour models or sex symbols should be discouraged as well). Having learnt some important morals, the child will take interest when he/she is older and will be inquisitive to learn more, eventually they will become god Sikhs through their own effort.

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"I believe that no-one could be more responsible than the parents as they have the influence to affect the child's way of thinking and therefore the child's future action"

I really liked what someone said on this board once.." Your parents only set up the foundation for your future..it is up to child - to build upon that foundation" ...

As giani_g said I do believe that parents do have an affect on the child's life ..but only to a certain extent..What more can you say these days to a kid? "Shut Up" "Don't talk to me like that" ..Etc ..Here in the west, we live in such a democratic society that ..If you slap 'em ....punish him/her ...there he/she goes ringing 911..Over 18 means out of the house ...Kind of thing..

Our parents of our generation are TOO busy working in order to support the family - and whoever has time for children? I am not saying ALL, bust most. Those that do are lucky, but then there are those who are naming their kids "Erica" , "Jason", "Benjamin" ..How bad can it get ..? After naming their kids whitish names, I don't think they'll have a real interest in teaching them Sikhi..Its more like " Go Have Fun - ! You Live life only once"

I disagree that parents should be blamed incase the child goes wrong..You can't be with the child 24/7 ? - Can you? No matter how much innocent or nicely they act at home..who knows what goes on outside..Peers have more influence..- the people who you hang out with, who you socialize with and etc. Its like I am the best of family right now, LOL but the thing is ..do they have ever go to uni with me ?? .THey don't know a thing that happens outside...!

The thing is ..I am proud to be Punjabi - Know my roots and stuff..The more my parents enforce stuff on me , the more I want to kind of go against it..If I am the one going against it in 2004...What you think ..in the years to come - "our" kids will be doing?

There isshortage of Sikhism youth right now, while an increase in the amount of "white=washed" ..( Even in India- For Cryin' out Loud) ..If the white-washed are acting like whites today..do you really think they'll teach their kids about their virsa or religion - or what not..? More people are entering the "white-washed" category than those who are seeking interest in Sikhism..

At the end, no one is more responsible for your actions than your own self - ..Your parents can be the hardcorest desis in the world - but it doesn't do anything in the end -You can only put a certain amount of influence in a child. ..The brain is still of the child..The decisions and choice he/she makes depends on its brain.

Meanwhile, "AkhiyaN OtheY LaYeo JithE Mah PEh DI IzzAT HOvEY"...

:wink: :wink:

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I still think parents are the most important part of a child's development. If a child is taught to think as a Sikh, he/she will resist most peer pressures such as smoking, drinking and sex (unfortunately bullying and material posession most can't resist). However I totally agree with you about the white washing, most of my cousins hardly know anything about Sikhism and are all into the ghetto scene. I've never heard about children ringing the police though, when ever I used to get slapped, I'd just accept it knowing I did something wrong. It's a real shame that a lot of Sikhs are becoming liberalised/secular and that there isn't anyone to rally those Sikhs left to prevent any more damage being done.

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I really liked what someone said on this board once.." Your parents only set up the foundation for your future..it is up to child - to build upon that foundation" ...

.....................self - ..Your parents can be the hardcorest desis in the world - but it doesn't do anything in the end -You can only put a certain amount of influence in a child. ..The brain is still of the child..The decisions and choice he/she makes depends on its brain.

Meanwhile, "AkhiyaN OtheY LaYeo JithE Mah PEh DI IzzAT HOvEY"...

:wink: :wink:

Sorry Fair lady,

I M not a little bit agree with UR viewpoint of distingusing childs behaviour as east or West categories. This is purely Human Psycology which will determine to make someones character. It dosnt mean UR in East or West. I will show U the Total Quality People in both of the regions and vice versa. Which are only the coz of proper mental breeding to them. This is the environment of UR home (first of all) which is the class room of UR child.

This is conversation between father-monther.

This is their(father n mothers) behavior to their parants (if any),

This is their(father n mothers) behavior to their friends, their reletives, This is their(father n mothers) behavior to their subordinates

This is their(father n mothers) behavior to their negihbourhood

and all those concerned.

This is how much true and lies they are talking before child.

Does they drink

Does they smoke.






List is endless. All such minor things are deceicive factors my dear.

School, Collage and the outer world is the second most learning place for a child.

The principle of GARBAGE IN GARBAGE OUT, has the cent percent implementation on making ones character. I m asking to you why the situations for 'SHUT UP' AND 'DONT TALK ME THAT WAY' will arise.

This is the foundation my dear if it is solid their is no such whirlpools which can dissolve that foundation so easy.

I totaly appriciate Ur thinking regarding enforcing someone to do something or vice versa. This is not tha way to mend the things and situations. One must have to be familier. A carrort is more effective then stick, and this is now also proven by human psycologists.

Sometime Freedom is more required then the boundries or discipline.

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I understood that very well. He's tryings to say that a child will develop a mentality from their parents. This mentality will be the basis of how the child will react to certain things, most people just don't go on a killing spree if they see a horror film or take heroin after seeing Pulp Fiction because they have raised to think that you shouldn't do that. To simply say the child will cave in to peer pressure is ridiculus, if the child has no strong opinion on smoking when offered a cig then he/she is likely to try it. Same with beer when the child comes of drinking age, if the child hasn't been told that alcohol is evil and has seen many of his/her relatives drinking than he will have no obligation not to drink. It is a well known fact that religious teenager is less likely to try drugs than a non-religious teenager. PM either of us if you don't understand still.

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I've read your post three times over and over...

Not a single thing made sense to me....

You or anyone help out please..

Hey Rupy dear,Sorry. i cant do anything if u not understand vat i mean coz i already used simple language / vocab to express myself.

On the other hand giani_g i dont mean only the behaviour of childs parants will influence upon the reactions or character of one child. It is environment my dear fellow. It is the whole environment which does so , i made some stress on parants coz those are the nearmost members to whom one should have to be in contact most of the time @ their early ages of life.

One more thing there is not only the question of cigar or drinks which are resultant habits even every action of that creature will symbolize the upbringing of his/her, symbolizes the atmosphare of his/her. For example it will be his/her dressing sense, social ettiquates, his/her performance results in acedemic or in other extra curricular activities, his/her interests, his/her priorities n all those etc.

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Without no doubt, it is said that the most critical factor for at-risk behavior in a child is the behavior of his or her friends. Say for an example, a child's friends are dealing with drug or displaying self-destructive behavior, then it is MOST likely the child him or her self is doing the same. It is the parent's responsibility (least till the kid is mature enough) to know who their child associates with and it is there responsibility to encourage and support healthy peer relationships. I look at this way that it is not the Mom and Dad who have the biggest impact on a child's life.I'd say kids are most influenced by their friends ..or peers. The reason I say that is because society decides who is wrong and who is right.it is the child's peer who tells him or her how well they're fitting in whether it is in classroom, on the playground, or even at a sporting event. that are telling him or her at school,parties, or even at an sporting event. From an early onset, children become the parents of certain behaviors in social venues in order to win acceptances from their peers. It is said, by research, that behaviors outside the home are the ones that remain through adulthood. However, I also do agree that the relationship between a child and the parents is an important part of early childhood, but in the overall picture it plays a little role. One's social environment, again emphasizing their interaction with their peers – amends the child's psychological features forever. It is also safe to say that rarely does a child keep the “same†behavior both at home and outside the home. Take a simple case, a kid who is renowned as the best of the best in their home ..as being honest, is likely to cheat in school...Take the best example of ..these days we have many of our Desi lot speaking “ghetto†language ..is it the parents who are speaking that language at home.? No! This just goes on to prove that kids easily make a transition outside the home and mainly speak the language of their peers, which then becomes the primary second language in adulthood. I went to a lecture once here in town, and the speaker was saying ..that parents do influence their children’s behavior but the influence is in context, specific to the home. And when kids go out, they cast their behavior similar to taking off the stupid sweater their mother made them wear.

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