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There is an example in Sikh history for us to learn from!!!

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At the time of Guru ji Gobind Singh Jee, a very good and handsome Sikh used to present himself in Guru Jee's Sangat/company. Guru Gobind Singh Jee was always pleased to see this good Sikh. One day, the handsome Sikh man noticed that he had a white hair in his beard. He did not like of the white hair as he thought it made him look less attractive. Thereforce, before going to see Guru Jee, the Sikh man pulled out the single white hair. However, when he went into the holy congregation/Sangat, Guru Jee turned his back to the Sikh and would not acknowledge him-beacuse the Sikh had gone against Guru Jee's command of keeping all hair intact. The Sikh realised his mistake and sought forgiveness. Hence, we should always remember nd respect the importance of every single hair as Guru Jee instructed us to.

vahegurooooooooooo :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

yeh, short n sweet but, if u hear da same story in panjabi u get dis deeper meaing effect. i realised its better to learn da sakhis in panjabi rather than english. but thats only if u have a deep understanding in both panjabi and english

but anywayz that was good stuff

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I agree with nek if you understand punjabi.. its good to hear the sakhis in punjabi since it can give you lot depper meanings and teach you the moral of the sakhi. :D

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