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gurfateh gurmukho,

I have a question for everyone here. what is the origin of the 4 bajjar kurehits? my question for asking is this....during charan pahul amrit (prior to pahul khanday taar) were there any kurehits? as a gursikh I would naturally assume that a ku-rehit would be anything that makes one manmukh in their progression to becoming a gurmukh (ie..acting with one's own egotistical intentions as opposed to willfully submitting to god).

now what were the earlier bajjar kurehits, and how have we come to the consensus that the 4 kurehits we have now are the 4 worst things that a sikh can do?

here is a scenario, we have singhs who will say absolutely no alcohol, no medicine with alcohol, should ever be ingested, then you have singhs who will say that it is okay medicinally to have a very small portion of alcohol in medicines, then you have singhs who say as long as one is still in their "hosh"; alcohol is permitted...... looking at it from any standpoint, the other 2 will always look wrong....the same can be said about meat, some say it is absolutely wrong in every way, others say it is okay in dire times. then others say so long as it isn't halal.... now with my logic, and of the above with gurmat and guru in mind isn't wrong, but the question comes down what makes these 4 kurehits so bad?



First of all, we should discuss what the four 'bajar ku-rahats' are, according to the 'Sikh Rahat Maryada'. Then we can discuss their origins easily.


The 4 bajjar kurehits as I understand them are

1) do not trim or cut any hair from your body

2) do not smoke (which currently entails the misuse of any intoxicant)

3) do not eat kuttha (some say meat, some say halaaal)

4) do not indulge in extra-marital sex (which I have also seen interpreted as muslee yudh..which means having sex with prostitutes/ or raping)

I was told during my amrit sanchaar that I should not do hooka, haraam, halaal, hajamat (this was at hazoor sahib)....

amrit ji, or anyone else, feel free to comment


I was told during my amrit sanchaar that I should not do hooka, haraam, halaal, hajamat (this was at hazoor sahib)....

Did you get 'Amrit' from Takht Sri Hazoor Sahib? You mean you are a Hazoori Singh? :yo:



as of december 1, 2003 (in india); I became a khalsa at hazoor sahib, the actual takht.

btw: what is a hazoori singh? is there anything in history, reference-wise etc, (I mean, I am proud being a singh of guru gobind singh, is there something extra special about being a hazoori singh)?

thanks in advance for any info you share, on top of that, how would you define the bajjar kurehits?


These are the four 'Bajar Ku-rahats' mentioned in the 'Sikh Rahat Maryada': -

1. Dishonoring the hair, 2. Eating the meat of an animal slaughtered the Muslim way, 3. Cohabiting with a person other than one's spouse, and 4. Using tobacco.

First of all, we should know that the word 'Bajar' has not been used in

the books like 'Tanakhaah-naama Bhaayee Nand Laal' and 'Rahat-naama

Bhaayee Prahlaad Singh'.

The old 'Rahat-naamaas' tell about many 'ku-rahats'. He, who does any

'ku-rahat', is called 'Tanakhaaheeya'. According to 'Tanakhaah-naama

Bhaayee Nand Laal', He, who does not go to 'Sat-sangat' in the morning,

is a big 'Tanakhaaheeya'. Same 'Tanakhaah-naama' tells 'Nirdhan Dekh Na

Paas Bahaavai. So Tanakhaahee Mool Kahaavai'. Thus, according to this

book, he, who does not let any poor sit near him, is a 'Tanakhaaheeya'.

In other line, same book says, 'Lai Turkan Te Maas Jo Khaavai' (He, who

eats meat from Muslims, i.e. 'Kutha').

Thus, not going to Gurdwara, stopping any poor to sit near and eating

'Kutha' are equally sins or 'Ku-rahats', according to 'Tanakhaah-naama

Bhaayee Nand Laal'. This book describes many other 'ku-rahats' as well,

but there is no 'Bajar ku-rahat'.

'Rahat-naama Bhaayee Prahlaad Singh' says, 'Hoye Sikh Sir Topee Dharai.

Saat Janam Kushtee Hoye Marai'. It means, according to this

'Rahat-naama' that wearing a cap is a big sin. It does not say whether

cutting hair is a big sin or not. The word 'Bajar ku-rahat' has not

been used.

But, there was a term widely used in the Indian religious tradition. It

was 'Chaar Kilvikh' or 'the four sins'. Sri Guru Arjan Dev Jee says,

"Chaare Kilvikh Un Agh Keeye" (Sri Guru Granth Sahib, page 70). Do you

think the four 'kilvikh' mentioned here in this line of Gurbaanee are

the same, which is called 'the four bajar ku-rahats' today?

Gurbaanee tells about famous four sins (of Indian tradition), "Brahman

Kailee Ghaat Anchaaree Ka Dhaan" (Killing 'Brahman', means a saint,

cow, female infant, and accepting the offerings of an evil person) (Sri

Guru Granth Sahib, page 1413).

When the well-learned old Sikh writers found that there are 'the four

sins' in a Hindu tradition, they tried to explain the four sins in the

'Sikh' tradition. They reached on the conclusion that Guru Gobind

Singh, again and again, warned the Sikhs against 'Bhadan' (shaving).

See the examples: -

1. "Jo mera Sikh hosee, so Ustra na laavsee" (Saakhee Rahat Kee).

2. "Jo mera Sikh hovega, Kriya Karam, BHADAR, USTRA, Gaaytree, Tarpan

Pakhand Kar Mannega" (Saakhee Rahat Kee).

3. Guru Ke Sikh Mussadee, Jo sarkaar Turkaan dee vich Hovan, tina noo

sabho ku-rahataan maaf, ik inah tinna bina- ik kanya-hat, dooja BHADAN,

teeja bikhiya. (Rahatnaama Bhaayee Chaupa Singh).

4. "BHADAN na karai" (Param Sumaarag).

5. "Jo Sikh de challe 'BHADAN'nahee karaana". ('Bansaavalee-naama').

They included the 'Bhadan' (shaving) in the four sins for a Sikh. An

ordinary person knows the difference between 'shaving' and 'cutting


Because the 'Kes' was one of the famous 'Trai Mudra' of the 'Singhs',

so they, then, used the words 'cutting the hair' in the four sins

instead of 'Bhadan'. Thus, 'Bhadan' turned into 'cutting the hair'. No

one had objection on this, because it did no make any difference. The

'Kes' was already there in the 'Trai Mudra'.

Eating 'Kuthha' is also a 'Bajar Kurahat'. Muslims call this meat 'Halaal'. There are many people, who do not eat meat. They go to Gurdwaras and take food in 'Guru Ka Langar'. So, 'Rahatnama Bhaayee Desa Singh' says: -

"Deg asan de hain sabh bhaagee. Brahman Khatree sabh anuraagee.

Taan te yeh sichha sun leejai. Deg maahe nah maas aneejai".

So, this is instructed that in 'Guru Ka Langar', meat should not be cooked.

Some people say that eating meat is 'Bajar Ku-rahat', whether this meat is 'Haraam' (Kuthha) or 'Jhatka'. They also give examples from the Gurbani. But they should know the fact that the famous four 'Bajar Ku-rahats' for Sikhs are mentioned nowhere in the Gurbani. If they insist to base these 'Bajar Ku-rahats' only on the Gurbani, then how will they prove that 'cutting hair' is a 'Bajar Ku-rahat', according to the Gurbani. Kabeer Jee says, "Kabeer, when you are in love with the One Lord, duality and alienation depart. You may have long hair, or you may shave your head bald". (Guru Granth Sahib Jee, page 1365).

I do not eat meat and eggs, but I have no right to make any changes in traditional Sikh rahats and Ku-rahats. That is why I wrote that eating 'Kuthha' (Halaal) is the bajar kurahat.

Cohabiting with a person other than one's spouse is also a 'Bajar Ku-rahat'. In old Sikh-writings, cohabiting with a Muslim woman is considered a 'Bajar Kurahat'.

The 32th Saakhee of the 'Sau Saakhee' says: -

My Sikh, who enjoys the sexual relations with a Muslim woman, is not my Sikh. If someone repents after having sexual relations with other's woman, he can be forgiven; but he, who has sexual relation with a Muslim woman, will never be forgiven".

The Sikhs said, "The Muslims copulate with Hindu women. If Sikhs get revenge, it is good".

Guru Jee said, "Sikh-brothers! We have to take this 'Panth' to the high position, not to lower position. We have not to imitate the wicked.

But, 'cohabiting with a other's wife' was already included in 'Panch Aibs' (five sins), so, 'cohabiting with a person other than one's spouse is also included in the four 'Bajar Ku-rahats'.

'Using tobacco' is another 'Bajar Ku-rahat'. Some people do not consider tobacco an intoxicant. Adding tobacco in the four 'Bajar Ku-rahats' indicates that even tobacco, which is not considered an intoxicant by some people, is not allowed in Sikhism.


as of december 1, 2003 (in india); I became a khalsa at hazoor sahib, the actual takht.

btw: what is a hazoori singh? is there anything in history, reference-wise etc, (I mean, I am proud being a singh of guru gobind singh, is there something extra special about being a hazoori singh)?

thanks in advance for any info you share

There are three categories of 'Hazooree Singhs': - (1) Traditionally, the Singh, who was the courtier in the Holy court of True King Guru Gobind Singh Jee, was called 'Hazooree Singh' (also 'Hazooriya'). (2) A Singh, who tasted the holy 'Amrit' at Takht Sri Hazoor Sahib, is also called 'Hazooree Singh'. (3) The Singh, who lives in the city of Nanded (where Takht Sahib Jee is situated), is also called 'Hazooree Singh'.

All the five beloved ones, Bhaayee Jeevan Singh Jee, Bhaayee Bachitar Singh Jee etc come under the first category. Baba Banda Singh Jee Bahadur comes under second category. (He lived only about one month in Sri Hazoor Sahib as a Singh). The Singhs, who live in Sri Hazoor Sahib, come under third category.

History of Hazooree Singhs is well known. It was a 'Hazooree Singh' (Baba Banda Singh Bahadur), who led the Khalsa Army after Guru Gobind Singh Jee. :yo: He established the first 'Khalsa Raaj'. :yo: His orders were considered as 'Hukamnaame' by the 'Panth'. :yo:

The 'Hazooree Singhs' maintained the 'Maryada' even in those black days of Mughal era. They kept the holy weapons of Guru jee secure. You cannot imagine the difficulties/problems they faced. Rarely any Singh from Punjab would go to Sri Hazoor Sahib in those days. There were no means of transport. It was totally insecure to visit Sri Hazoor Sahib. The 'Maryada' in Punjab was destroyed, but the 'Hazooree Singhs' kept their old 'Maryada' alive.

You will not find any description about how the 'Hazooree Singhs' kept their 'Maryada' alive for three centuries. Did you ever hear they even killed many so-called Sikhs from Punjab, who tried to change their 'Maryada'? No one could find even their dead bodies. (River Godaavri Zindabad).

BUT, the time has been changed. Punjabi 'Singhs' are again reached there. This time, the 'Hazooree Singhs' are going to lose the battle, perhaps.

Even fifty years ago, a 'Hazooree Singh' was considered a 'Nihang', a part of 'Budhha Dal'. (Neo-Nihangs do not know this fact, perhaps).

We all are the Singhs of Guru Gobind Singh Jee/Guru Granth Sahib Jee. It does not matter from where we tasted the 'Amrit'. We all are the brothers/sisters.

But, I have one question for you. Why did you use the words 'the actual takht', for Takht Sri Takht Sahib? Why? Why? Actually, a 'Hazooree Singh' inside you used these words for you.

There is the 'mystery'. You can smell it everywhere in Sri Hazoor Sahib Jee. You can smell, but can never describe. Think these points: 1. Takht Sri Hazoor Sahib is the ONLY Takht, which is constructed on Sri Angeetha (pyre) Sahib. 2. An 'Angeetha' is obvious symbol of 'Mrityu' (death), and you got the 'Amrit' ('aa' + 'mrit', who cannot die, immortal) right before the Sri Angeetha Sahib. 3. You got the 'aa + mrit' right before the Sri Angeetha Sahib, where the small 'Kirpan' of Sri Gobind Singh has been kept, which was found in the mysterious 'Angeetha' (pyre) of Guru Gobind Singh Jee. The 'Teer' (arrow) of Guru Jee is there on 'Sri Angeetha Sahib'. The 'Tega' of Akaalee Phoola Singh and two swords of Maharaja Ranjit Singh are there on 'Sri Angeetha Sahib'.

Don't you think that you got your second BIRTH from a PYRE (Sri Angeetha Sahib)?

And, what about the belief of old 'Hazooree Singhs', which says that Guru Gobind Singh Jee concealed the treasure somewhere in Sri Hazoor Sahib for the 96, 00, 00, 000 Khalsa? (Gurdwara Maal Takri Sahib).

Guest Javanmard

I openly declare in front of all the sangat: I have not read such a beautiful post in ages. Dear Amrit you have given me much anand. May Guru Gobind Singh Ji Maharaj, the face of the Divine, shower millions of blessings on you and on all those you love!!!!




Respected Lalleshvari Jee,

Thank you for encouragement. I am thinking to start a new thread about 'Hazooree Vismaad'. What do you say?



  • 2 weeks later...


Are you saying that it's a good thing that Sikhs fought over Maryada and that some Punjabi Sikhs were murdered and thrown in the Godavari river ?. Seems strange that a Sikh would seemingly praise murder of fellow Sikhs just because he want's to try and talk up Hazoor Sahib?.

I seriously doubt that such a thing took place and may be one of many fairy stories that the management of Hazoor Sahib indulge in. But one thing that is shocking is that someone as seemingly intelligent as yourself would praise the murder of sikhs by other sikhs. I see that you are from Punjab so it's no wonder that Sikhi is in such as bad way with people like you there. I have one sugeestion for you. Instead of wasting your time here indulging in petty fights and praising murder of fellow Sikhs and thus getting praise from Guru ka Nindak your time would be better spent doing sewa and parchar in the villages of Punjab.

You keep going on about ancient sikh literature but isn't there a tradition that Guru Gobind Singh specifically stated that he DID NOT want any buildings or Gurdwara to be constructed at Hazoor Sahib?. If so then where does this leave your attempt to give importance to this place. There is only ONE Takht that is built by a Guru and that is Akal Takht.



manny Jee wrote: -

Are you saying that it's a good thing that Sikhs fought over

Maryada and that some Punjabi Sikhs were murdered and thrown in the

Godavari river ?.

I did not say that it is good. Did I say? :roll:

Seems strange that a Sikh would seemingly praise murder of

fellow Sikhs just because he want's to try and talk up Hazoor


Did I praise murders, Veer Jee? Don't you think I just 'narrated' what

happened? In my same post, I wrote, "This time, the 'Hazooree Singhs'

are going to lose the battle, perhaps." Does it mean I condemned the

Hazooree Singhs? Similarly, if I said that they even killed many

so-called Sikhs from Punjab, who tried to change their 'Maryada', how

could it be considered that I praise those murders?

Feel the satire in my words 'River Godavari Zindabaad'.

Well, had the Hazooree Singhs not killed those people, Hazooree Singhs

would have faced the same situation, which was faced by Punjabi Sikhs

when Udasis took control over the Gurdwaras like Sri Nanakaana Sahib.

To remove those Udasis, the Sikhs sacrificed their lives. Had those

so-called Udasis were killed one by one, the lives of those Sikhs would

have been saved, perhaps.

Iseriously doubt that such a thing took place and may be one of

many fairy stories that the management of Hazoor Sahib indulge


Why do you doubt? :?: Any reason, Veer Jee?

But, I do not doubt that many Punjabi Sikhs were killed by the Punjabi

Sikhs in Gurdwara complexes. Some were killed even in the presence of

Sri Guru Granth Sahib. A Sikh police officer was killed even in Sri

Darbar Sahib complex, Sri Amritsar Sahib. His name was Avtar Singh

Atwal, the Deputy Inspector General of Punjab Police. He was killed on

April 25, 1983. (I just NARRATED what happened. I do not PRAISE this

murder. I condemn, indeed). :wink:

Sant Harchand Singh Longowal was shot dead by a Sikh. I think you know

where he was when killed. (I just NARRATED what happened. I do not

PRAISE this murder. I condemn, indeed).

(There is long list of such murders of Punjabi Sikhs by Punjabi Sikhs.

'Sodhi' was one of them). :cry:

Veer Jee, you wrote, "There is only ONE Takht that is built by a Guru

and that is Akal Takht". Now, let us see what happened INSIDE this holy

Sri Takht Sahib. Punjabi Sikhs were killed by Punjabi Sikhs (not by

army or police) INSIDE this holy shrine. Will you say that you

'seriously doubt' that such a thing took place? (I think you know when

it happened, and who was killed in this incident, and who was injured

badly). (I just NARRATED what happened. I do not PRAISE this incident.

I condemn, indeed).

What about the 'Opration Black Thunder'? What about a Sikh (You know

that he is a PUNJABI sikh), who ordered for this opration? (I just

NARRATED what happened. I do not PRAISE this opration. I condemn,


What about a drum full of human waste right before Sri Akaal Takht

Sahib and Sri Darbar Sahib? Those, who used this drum as a toilet pit,

were PUNJABI Sikhs. (I just NARRATED what happened. I do not PRAISE

them. I condemn, indeed).

But one thing that is shocking is that someone as seemingly

intelligent as yourself would praise the murder of sikhs by other


'Seemingly' intelligent? The word 'seeming' means 'apparent but perhaps


Veer Jee. I am not intelligent: -

"Baba, Moorakh Haa, Naanvai Bal Jaayon".

(O Baba, I am foolish. I am a sacrifice to the Name). (Sri Guru Granth

Sahib, page 1015).

As I wrote above, I did not praise, but 'narrate'.

I see that you are from Punjab so it's no wonder that Sikhi is

in such as bad way with people like you there.

No comment.

I have one sugeestion for you.

Suggestions are always welcome.

Instead of wasting your time here indulging in petty fights and

praising murder of fellow Sikhs and thus getting praise from Guru ka

Nindak your time would be better spent doing sewa and parchar in the

villages of Punjab.

Do you mean I did never spent time in villages of Punjab doing

'parchaar'? Do you know me personally?

It seems that you have spent a lot of time doing 'sewa' and 'parchaar'

in the villages of Punjab. Otherwise someone could say to you: -

"Avar Updesai, Aap Na Karai. Aavat Jaavat Janmai Marai".

(One, who does not practice what he preaches to others, shall come and

go in reincarnation, through birth and death). (Sri Guru Granth Sahib,

page 269).

Are you doing 'Parchaar' among Bihari labourers in Ludhiana? Please

tell us how you are doing this, so that we can learn from you.

Veer Jee, Gurbani says: -

"Fareeda Je Too Akal Lateef, Kaaale Likh Na Lekh.

Aapnarhe Girivaan Mah, Sir Neevaan Kar Dekh".

(Fareed! If you have a keen understanding, then do not write black

marks. Look underneath your own collar). (Sri Guru Granth Sahib, page


I did never praise any murder, but now let us see what have you written

in another thread: -

Shere Singh

Just wanted to tell you that I hope you and the other bros find

lalleshvari and deal with him the way Massar Rangar and other panthic

dokhis were dealt with. Let us know when you have completed your sewa.

From what I have read his post are mainly nindya of Gursikhs. He even

did nindya of Gursikhs fighting the turban ban in france.




What are you saying here, Veer jee? Are you not saying that Lalleshvari

Jee should be killed? What is the difference between the murder of

Lalleshavari Jee and the murders of 'So called' Sikhs from Punjab in

Sri Hazoor Sahib? Are you not encouraging the murders of Sikhs?

Still, you are just spreading lies that I praised the murders of

'so-called Sikhs from Punjab'. (You bypassed the word 'so-called').

Who is 'Guru ka Nindak'? Lalleshvari Jee? Who has given you the right

to declare someone 'Guru ka Nindak'?

Lalleshvari and I do not agree to each other on many points. So what?

Should we give threats to each other? There is a concept of 'Goshtee'.

Try to understand this concept.

I respect Lalleshvari Jee, because he is more handsome than me, because he is more educated than me, because he is more intelligent than me, and because he is my brother. If he is not agreed to any of my views, I can discuss with him in 'Goshtee'. If still we do not agree to each

other, no problem; still he is my brother, I am his brother.

You too are my brother.

You keep going on about ancient sikh literature but isn't there

a tradition that Guru Gobind Singh specifically stated that he DID NOT

want any buildings or Gurdwara to be constructed at Hazoor Sahib?.

Veer Jee, should I discard our ancient Sikh literature? And, please

tell our members what is the tradition (about Sri Hazoor Sahib)? (Veer

Jee, it is written even in one of our old books what you have said

about any building to be constructed at Sri Hazoor Sahib; so please

quote to that book, so that our readers could think that you know about

Sikhism and Sikh history).

Do you know the background of this 'tradition'? Why Guru Gobind Singh

Jee appointed Bhaayee Sahib Bhaayee Santokh Singh Jee to do 'sewa' of

Sri Angeetha Sahib Jee (Takht Sri Hazoor Sahib Jee)?

Do you think there was not such a thing, which could be called a

'building' when Guru Gobind Singh Jee was there physically?

If so then where does this leave your attempt to give

importance to this place.

I did not attempt to give importance to Sri Hazoor Sahib Jee. It was

already important to Gursikhs, even before my birth. Actully, it was

important even for Guru Gobind Singh Jee. Don't you know it? (Veer Jee,

why did you not wait for a proposed thread of 'Hazooree Vismad'?)

There is only ONE Takht that is built by a Guru and that is

Akal Takht.

Please tell us whether you accept Sri Hazoor Sahib, as a Takht or not?

Built? Do you want to say that a 'Takht' is a building?

What about these lines: -

"Takht Baithha Arjan Guru, Satgur Ka Khivai Chandoya".

(Guru Arjun sits on the throne. The royal canopy waves over the True

Guru). (Sri Guru Granth Sahib Jee, page 968).

On which 'Takht' Guru Arjan Dev Jee sat? Was it Sri Akaal Takht?


-Amrit Pal Singh

  • 4 months later...

Sometimes its nice to go back to some old topics. Maybe in the time elapsed we have become more knowledgable and can comprehend what is being written in a better light.

Your post was brilliant Amrit, very inspiring.

(Also, remind me to never get on your bad side :wink: )


Reading this post is very inspiring indeed, is there any other information (perhaps another post) about Sri Hazoor Sahib, about the mystique around it??? Just wondering....

  • 2 weeks later...

Gurbaanee tells about famous four sins (of Indian tradition), "Brahman

Kailee Ghaat Anchaaree Ka Dhaan" (Killing 'Brahman', means a saint,

cow, female infant, and accepting the offerings of an evil person) (Sri

Guru Granth Sahib, page 1413).

what are the four sins of indian tradition?


what are the four sins of indian tradition?

Already given in the lines you quoted.

These are the four sins, or 'kilvikh': -

1. Killing a 'Brahman',

2. Killing a cow,

3. Killing a female infant,

4. Accepting the offerings of an evil person.

"Brahman Kailee Ghaat Kanjkaan Anchaaree Ka Dhaan" (Sri

Guru Granth Sahib, page 1413).

(I just laugh to read its English translation available online : If a Brahmin kills a cow or a female infant, and accepts the offerings of an evil person, he is cursed with the leprosy of curses and criticism; he is forever and ever filled with egotistical pride).


thanks for the reply.

about the fourth one... how do u know if someone is evil? or is it if the motivation behind giving the money is evil? (which would make more sense to me)

  • 13 years later...



Waheguru ji ka khalsa 
Waheguru ji ki fateh jio

Me jo gall krni hai usda solution sirf tohade kol hi mill skda hai. gall eh hai ki me amrit chakeya c choti umar vich te khandat hon di vaja naal ya eh keh lavo ke naa samaj kr ke kirpan la ti .us to baad thodi umar vaddi hoyi te fir akhand kirtani jathe che pesh hoya amrit di daat dubara liti. but jad singapore to vapis aa reha c ta me kirpan bag che rakhni bhul geya . Uthe hi deposit krvati then india aa ke maffi mangi but dil ni maneya. te edda lageya ke amrit khanadat kr ta me ...then non veg khana shuru kita .gym join kita ..kudiya de chakkar che pe geya c .kuch galt kamm vi kite jad amrit chakeya c ta vi kuch tym glt kamm kite ..ik kudi naal pyar hoya us de naal viyah tk gall punchi .te usde naal sex vi kita jo ni krna chahida c. shadi to pehla. But sade ghar vale ni manne te me unnu chadd ke dubai aa geya c .te hun dubai che kamm krda haan te me 5 piyare de aage pesh ho ke glti except krna chanda haan but dar lagda hai. kyuki me dekhya hai ke muh kala karva ke sangat che ghumande ne sangat che jaan da dar ni hai. But dar is gall da hai ki Ussi sangat che mere kuch jaankar vi bethe honge...jinna de saamne jaan di meri himmat ni hai...
Akhand kirtni jathe de hisab naal eh kuch saza ne te 
Jo me galtiya kiti ne oh aap de aage rakhda haan
1. Parayi istri naal sex kita, bachha giraya amrit di daat len to baad.
2. Daaru piti.
3. Ciggratte piti
4. Non veg khaya
5. Cow,camel da vi meat khaya.
6. kesh vi katte 
Menu apni kiti galtiya di bhul bakshani hai.
Menu pata hai meri eh gall padh ke bot gussa ayega but me majboor c. Mera dimag menu jithe le ke ja reha c me janda peya c .

So menu kuch rasta dasso ke me ki kara 1f64f.png🙏1f64f.png🙏1f64f.png🙏1f64f.png🙏1f64f.png🙏1f64f.png🙏

11 hours ago, rinkal said:

.te hun dubai che kamm krda haan te me 5 piyare de aage pesh ho ke glti except krna chanda haan but dar lagda hai. kyuki me dekhya hai ke muh kala karva ke sangat che ghumande ne sangat che jaan da dar ni hai. But dar is gall da hai ki Ussi sangat che mere kuch jaankar vi bethe honge...jinna de saamne jaan di meri himmat ni hai...

Paaji, partake amrit from a place where your relatives/friends will not be present.

You can partake amrit when you visit India.

Also, avoid partaking amrit from Akhand Kirtani Jatha (AKJ). They do not believe in the entire Sri Guru Granth Sahib jee. Partake Amrit from a Jathebandi which believes in all Gurbani (including Sri Dasam Granth and Sri Sarabloh Granth) such as Nanaksar, Taksaal, Rara Sahib, Harkhowal, Nihangs, etc. The main criteria is that the Panj Pyare must be Chardikala wale Rehatvaan Gurmukhs.


Bhul chuk maaf

12 hours ago, rinkal said:

So menu kuch rasta dasso ke me ki kara 1f64f.png🙏1f64f.png🙏1f64f.png🙏1f64f.png🙏1f64f.png🙏1f64f.png

Rabb to bhul chuk muaf karao bhaji.

Enhiyan bhullan to baad vi je banda sahi rah pe jave ta Rab sabh paap bhula dinda hai.

Guru Granth Sahib di shuruwaat Satya to hoyi hai.

Isliye Satya de rah te chalan naal hi banda apne aap nu sudhar sakda hai.

Sach bolo, ate Satya anusaar kam karo,

Aisa kam na karo jisde de baare tusi baad vich Sach bolan to daro.


  • 4 years later...
  • 5 months later...
On 7/17/2004 at 10:10 AM, Guest said:



Already given in the lines you quoted.


These are the four sins, or 'kilvikh': -


1. Killing a 'Brahman',

2. Killing a cow,

3. Killing a female infant,

4. Accepting the offerings of an evil person.


"Brahman Kailee Ghaat Kanjkaan Anchaaree Ka Dhaan" (Sri

Guru Granth Sahib, page 1413).


(I just laugh to read its English translation available online : If a Brahmin kills a cow or a female infant, and accepts the offerings of an evil person, he is cursed with the leprosy of curses and criticism; he is forever and ever filled with egotistical pride).

Not so sure on 3. 

  • 10 months later...
On 3/20/2018 at 9:11 AM, rinkal said:

..ik kudi naal pyar hoya us de naal viyah tk gall punchi .te usde naal sex vi kita jo ni krna chahida c. shadi to pehla.  1f64f.png1f64f.png1f64f.png1f64f.png1f64f.png1f64f.png1f64f.png1f64f.png1f64f.png1f64f.png1f64f.png1f64f.png

ਕਯੋ ਕੀਤਾ ? 😡🤬

ਹੁਣ ਜਦੋ ਅਗੇ ਵਿਆਹ ਕਾਰਵਾਓਗੇ ਤੇ ਅਗਲੇ ਸਪੌਸ ਨੂੰ ਤੁਸੀ ਦੋਨੋ ਜੂਨੇ ਇਹ ਗੁਲ ਦੱਸੋਗੇ ਕੇ ਲੂਕਾ ਕੇ ਰੱਖੋ ਗੇ 

ਜਿਹ ਸੁਜਾ ਸਿਰਫ ਮੂੰਹ ਕਾਲਾ ਕਰਵਾਣ ਦੀ ਹੈ ਤਾ ਇਹ ਤਾ ਬਹੁਤ ਹੀ ਫਾਇਦੇ ਵਾਲੀ ਸੁਜਾ ਹੈ | ਜਿਸ ਵਿਚ ਥਵਾਦੀ ਨਿੰਦਿਆ ਹੋਣੀ ਹੈ ਸੰਗਤ ਚ ਅਥਵਾ ਪਾਪ ਦਾ ਭਾਰ ਖਤਮ ਜਾ ਫੇਰ ਘੁੱਟ ਹੋ ਜਾਣਾ ਹੈ |


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