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Shri Bhagvat Gita in Punjabi

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The Spiritual Philosophy of Lord Krishna


Shri Bhagvat Gita



Translated & Edited By Dr. Amar Komal


The Bhagavad Geeta is a symposium of all the principles, governing the ethical and spiritual life of the man. The lord's supreme motives is to make these teachings available to the aspirants. The life of man would rise in stature to the extent these principles are imbibed and put into practice. Still, there are flippant people among whom this sacred science should not we made cheap affair, serving no, useful purpose what so ever. As an album of beautiful pictures and drawings is of no avail to the blind, the teachings of Gita do not good to those, Who are devoid of austerity and disciplined life. Again a thoroughly disciplined life is not and end in self any more than merely owning a perfectly made musical instrument is. As music ought to be brought out of the instrument, a perfect life of man ought to bi directed to the cultivation of devotion to the Lord. It is Bhakti that sanctifies the human life and renders austerity purposeful the nature of Bhakti is ever to give unconditionally and not to grab. The devotee expresses his love in the form of service. He delights in service and not in being served. The best utility to which the human body can be put is a whole-hearted service to others. Finally all these merits must be dominated by the feeling that it is Divinity that is manifesting it self in all these forms. Any attitude short of it is likely to beget evil and sow the seed of sorrow in its trains. That man who slights Godhood in the creation nullifies what ever good he may do to the people. He who is devoid of austerity devotion, service and faith in herent Divinity of men derives no benefit from the pursuit of the Bhagavad Gita.

(Swami Chidbhava Nanda, The Bhagavad Gita, Page 963-964)

CHAPTER - I :- The Despondency of Arjuna.

CHAPTER - II :- The Yoga of Knowledge.

CHAPTER - III :- The Yoga of Action.

CHAPTER - IV :- The Yoga of Renunciation of action on knowledge.


CHAPTER - VI :- Yoga of Meditation.

CHAPTER VII:- The yoga of knowledge and realization.

CHAPTER VIII:- The yoga of the imperishable Brahman.

CHAPTER IX:- The yoga of sovereign science and sovereign secret.

CHAPTER X:- The yoga of divine manifestations.

CHAPTER XI:- The yoga of the vision of the cosmic form.

CHAPTER XII:- The yoga of devotion.

CHAPTER XIII:- The yoga of discrimination of kshetra and the kshetrajna.

CHAPTER XIV:- The Yoga of The Division of The Three Gunas.

CHAPTER XV:- The yoga of supreme self.

CHAPTER XVI:- The yoga of division between the divine and The demoniacal.

CHAPTER XVII:- The yoga of the threefold sraddha.

CHAPTER XVIII:- The yoga of liberation by renunciation.

Index :- Historical Mythological words meanings.

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