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Any into weight training/bodybuilding??


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2 years ago, used to hit the weights 5 times a week using a split routine, and if I dare say so, chiselled a Bruce Lee physique...only thing, that was 2 years ago!

For numerous reasons, I've moved off the weights (expect for shoulders/back and arms work in the main) in other fields of exercise that are more appropriate for martial artists -weights are nonetheless great, just don't split if training with martial arts as well...the systematic drain can be overbearing!

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I don't care what anyone says but arnie is class

in Terminator 3 , three months before the shooting he managed to have the same body in that in terminator 2 and the first one

to reach the same body weight, to have the correct proportional body is one heck of an achievement, especially in three months

He's has that love for what he deos, he is such a great actor, and now he's becoming something bigger and eventually the President :LOL:

Kristanna was talking about it one of the interviews aswell

she had no chance inda gym against him :LOL:

Arnie is the one who put weights on the map he's is similar to legends like Bruce Lee who has put Gung Fu on the map and other arts.......made it so well known

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  • 5 weeks later...

Bah. Bodybuilding ... Bodyfascism.

None of the following is meant as an insult to any member of SikhAwareness: I know you're all fine people who do things (like bodybuilding) in moderation, sensibly. This is simply a call to be more aware of some of the issues around this pointless pursuit.

It's fuelled by a pointless quest for uniformity and a perpetual dissatisfaction with one's natural body shape and proportions. Be happy with the form that God made you in. There have been plenty of slightly overweight Singhs. It does'nt mean they were any less worthy as Singhs. I've even seen overweight Nihangs.

Being a bodybuilder is one step away from shaving your beard and pubic hairs, and going to saunas/steamrooms to open your pores and expurge your toxic impurities or whatever. The origin of this sort of vanity-based physical culture is in the gymnasia of ancient Greece. A sort of man-building and man-shaping exercise, to produce good soldiers to serve the ruler. Women would be encouraged to practice flexibility and aerobic exercises, to make themselves more attractive to men and in the belief that they would then produce stronger, healthier children. The Greeks would train with weights, shave their facial and body hair completely, and apply unguents and oils to appear more youthful. This is because homosexuality was a received and accepted part of their culture.

In its "highest" expression, the Greek culture of bodybuilding found expression in the Spartan habit of leaving "imperfect" (deformed/disabled) babies to die on the mountainside shortly after their birth. If you look at the Greeks today, they are hardly some kind of master-race, so all of their fascism, cruelty and perversity availed them nothing. As for Sparta, it was crushed underfoot by God and there is no trace of it remaining.

You may find it interesting that the bodybuilders' ideal is not ideal for the Army, and a serious bodybuilder is much more likely to fail a modern day Army-selection course than a serious jogger, for instance.

Bodybuilding as a hobby is a reflection of fascist ideals. I know this because I have had long and in-depth discussions about things with a bodybuilder. I have more trust in each and every beer-guzzling slob (Sikh or not) than in any of those eugenics-promoting, BMI-calculating, steroid-pumping (all of the successful ones), diuretic-urinating self-avowedly-Darwinian egotists.

Oh, and I would add that the Greek soldiery were defeated in the field by their own vanity. The Romans took advantage of Greek vanity by causing disabling (hence demoralising to any bodybuilder or anyone obsessed with being physically "perfect") rather than fatal injuries to Greek phalanx-men. This ruined the Greek discipline, and military losses inflicted on them using clever tactics such as this (by various enemies) brought down their civilisation.

Also: the saddest thing about bodybuilding today is the forces that are driving it. Marketing, media, the agents of the New World Order. Young men and adolescent boys today take their cue from male models (with no beard or chest hair) in male perfume adverts. Get a grip and choose a real role model. No point in being a chicken in a battery farm.

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not always veerji :roll: oh and don't forget us Kaurs!

Bhenji, I suggest that there's an exception to every rule or so they say, so perhaps if you know a Singh who is a strenuous exerciser and a moderate eater you've found the exception.

I won't forget the Kaurs. However, it would be a fonder memory if they stopped pumping iron and popping steroids, and switched to hatha yoga.

Just kidding of course... :LOL:

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Im into weights but im not after in to getting BIG. I need advice, i've been trying to cut-up for ages i do like say 45 mins CV and bout 30 mins Weights, ive only noticed some difference. Im trying to shift the luv-handles too, Can anyone help?

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Guest Maha_Pavitar

I won't forget the Kaurs. However, it would be a fonder memory if they stopped pumping iron and popping steroids, and switched to hatha yoga.

Just kidding of course... :lol

LOL, of course I know you're kidding..but perhaps I should share my routines one day..they're quite good for a 'kaur' ;) I learned from the best after all..

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