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Sikh Gatka Film from Guru Gobind Singh Foundation's (Rockville, MD)

Camp Gurmat


Every summer, Guru Gobind Singh Foundation (located in Rockville,

MD) holds an annual Sikh Youth Camp entitled Camp Gurmat.

For the past three years, the biggest highlight of the camp, which

is enjoyed by the campers and the local Sikh community, is the

annual Gatka Show.

Gatka is a form of Sikh Martial Arts that Sikh Warriors used when

fighting the Mughal forces throughout the timeline of the Gurus and

the times of the Sikh Misls.

The art of Gatka is still practiced to this day and has been taught

at the camp for the previous three years. Countless volunteers from

the U.S. and Canada who are skilled in this art attend the Camp to

teach the Sikh youth of this art form and to teach the history and

discipline behind it.

A nine minute film has been placed online that summarizes last

year's Gatka Show. It shows the hard work of all individuals

involved and gives a retrospect as to what Gatka is and how it is

intertwined within the Sikh spirit. The film puts into perspective

that Gatka being practiced today should be held in great light as it

gives a gateway to Sikh history and endless Sikh pride.

The film can be viewed at the following location:


Several versions are available of the film - Windows Media Video

(.wmv), Real Media (.rm), and MPEG (.mpg).

The Real Media file is set up to stream for modem and broadband

users. Each file can also be downloaded as pleased, however it is

not meant to be downloaded from a modem connection.

Please circulate this email and link above to all you know.

A special thanks goes to Guru Gobind Singh Foundation for allowing

me to film, edit, and present this film to the community.

Also a special thanks goes to Mr. Guggan Datta of Ignited Solutions

(gdatta@ignitedsolutions.com) for allowing these video files to be

hosted for free.

Questions regarding the camp can be sent to ggsfcamp@yahoo.com.

I hope you all enjoy this film as much as I enjoyed creating it.


Sartaj S. Dhami

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