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Guest Maha_Pavitar

Vaaheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa, Vaaheguroo Jee kee Fateh!!

Challenge_everything veerji affectionatly wrote that Bhai Mani Singh jee was not only an amazing nirmalla but also a devoted sevapanthi..

Veerji, PLEASE enlighten the sangat on this front..


Bhai Sahib Bhai Mani Singh Ji Shaheed was not only a great nirmala scholar and leading figure in the Panth, but Bhai Sahib also founded the modern day Sato-Gali Sevapanthi Taksaal.

Bhai Sahib Ji was a great and devoted Sevapanthi of the highest degree. Bhai Sahib Ji’s beautiful garden of Sato-Gali is still lending its beautiful fragrance to the Panth today. (Although being under constant pressure from the S.G.P.C to conform to modern Tat-Khalsa ideals! :roll: )

Peace and love :LOL:

Guest Maha_Pavitar

Thank you for this information veerji. Where is is this beautiful garden? Is this related to Khalsa Environment Project by any chance??

Please tell the sangat more about Bhai Sahib Jee's life of seva...

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