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Who would like to learn Shastar Vidiya?

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Sri Akaal Ji Sahai

We would like to know how many people would like to learn:

a) Savyah Rakhsha (self defence techniques ONLY)

B) Shashtar Vidiya (full combat art, with the Akali Nihang maryada)

...if we started an Akhara (training centre) in your area?

The reason for this survey is to get an idea of the demand for the art, and where this demand exists. The Akhara would run weekly, either on a weekend, or during the evening.

Please be aware that before proceeding to learn Shastar Vidiya, a person is required to spend a minimum of 2 years learning Savyah Rakhsha. The artform is open to ALL good citizens of sound mind (regardless of GENDER, CASTE, CREED, COLOUR, FAITH, APPEARANCE, SOCIO-ECONOMIC STATUS, SEXUAL INCLINATIONS, etc etc).

It would be helpful if you could provide the follow information (optional)

a) where you live, ie, town/country

B) how far you would be willing to travel to learn this art?

c) why you wish to learn?

d) do you wish to someday teach this art?

e) what day(s)/time(s) would be best for you to attend?

f) would you bring your family/bf/gf/husband/wife/kids with you?

Thank you :D

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Def am interested.

Sri Akaal Ji Sahai

a) where you live, ie, town/country

England, Midlands

B) how far you would be willing to travel to learn this art?

Cycle or 11 number bus (indian joke) (no car)

c) why you wish to learn?

Essenstial Part of Sikhi, For sikhi to survive we need this as well as our Sant Side.

d) do you wish to someday teach this art?

If some1 blesses me permission, Yes. Otherwise No.

e) what day(s)/time(s) would be best for you to attend?

I will make time.

f) would you bring your family/bf/gf/husband/wife/kids with you?

gf no, cos if all come they will find out about each other... Wife maybe. lol

Kids, only the mid-wifes, and if i had a husband, god dont go there.

But once i have a family, all will come. Even Granny.

Thank you :D

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