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Rejection Of Janeu(sacred thread)

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Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh!

This is a question which i have wondered about. Even though i believe in the panj Kakkars and i understand the importance of it, sometimes questioning oneself allows for a stronger faith.

Guru Nanak Dev Ji rejected the wearing of the janeu. Most of us know the sakhi. It was for twice born hindus to wear at initation which allowed them to hear and read the scriptures.

Guru Nanak Dev Ji disputed the fact that wearing the janeu constitued a religious act. It was a formalistic way to religion. Guru Nanak Dev Ji rejected outward and exterior symbols to religion. As a religious person would be able to know himself or identify himself in relation to proper practice.

Thus, if a religious person performs these acts, he will know himself in a religous way. But, they would not be orientated to know God but oneself. And thus, their self identity. This would be a preservation of the ego or I, in it the social structure which supports it.

By rejecting the Janeu, religious ideology was based on questioning of self identity. This self questioning erased the ego/I. Whereby, we become open to new possibilities and be filled by the Divine.

My question is, if Guru Nanak Dev Ji rejected the outward symbols of religion, why is there an importance on the 5 kakkars? Thus, are the thoughts of Guru Nanak Dev Ji and Guru Gobind Singh Ji in opposition to each other?

I'm only playing the devil's advocate here. I do not profess to know the answers but i hope to learn from others, and come to be stronger in my faith from the sangat.

Bhul Chukk Maf Karni Ji

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waheguru ji ka khalsa - waheguru ji ki fateh

a very good question - ill try my best to answer it with my knowledge - anyone else can add ontop of it

ok firstly - the janao is a hindu thing - because shri guru nanak dev ji maharaj didnt see himself as a hindu - he didnt wear it - he was there to oppose the rituals and blind following of that religion

the janao is seen as a way of worshippin god by the hindus - they say that cos they are wearing a janao - they are saying gods name... where everyone knows - a string can break - does that mean ur faith in god is that weak??..... also wearing a thread does not mean u are sayin gods name - this was the one example of blindly following ur faith thru rituals

the kakars are there for a purpose - they have a practicle use - and as u may know - wearing ur kakars and taking amrit is not enuff in the sikh religion - its just the beggining of the road to self enlightenment

someone can wear the kakars and not achieve enlightenment - u must act upon them too - u must sit down and chant the name of god - do good deeds - help peopel less fortunate then urself - u must break ur own ego - u must become humble - the list goes on - in otherwords follow the sikhi rehat

if the kakars were similar to the janao - then everyone would be a realised soul - this is not the case

i hope ive been able to answer some of ur questions - forgive me if i have made any mistakes - this was the best i could answer ur queries

fateh ji :D

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Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh!

I understand what you are saying, but Guru Dev Ji saw religion as being internal. The rejection of the Janeu was also also because wearing the thread did not constitute a religious act in itself. All the exterior things that people had did not help them in their path. Then how can, the 5 kakkars help us in our path?.

Most of us, from when we are born wear a kara and some of us have our kesh. But when we take amrit we take on the rest of the kakkars. But isn't this like a religious act in itself? Isn't this what Guru Nanak Dev Ji tried to furthur us away from. As i said before.

Guru Nanak Dev Ji disputed the fact that wearing the janeu constitued a religious act. It was a formalistic way to religion. Guru Nanak Dev Ji rejected outward and exterior symbols to religion. As a religious person would be able to know himself or identify himself in relation to proper practice.

Thus, if a religious person performs these acts, he will know himself in a religous way. But, they would not be orientated to know God but oneself. And thus, their self identity. This would be a preservation of the ego or I, in it the social structure which supports it.


By wearing the 5 kakkars do we not know ourselves in the religious way and identify ourselves this way? Hence, preserving our ego?

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  • 3 weeks later...

a question

Guru Nanak Dev Ji removed the thread stating that it could get dirty and was worthless. Then why do Sikhs celebrate Rakhri by tying a thread around there brother asking for protection. Firstly it makes Women seem weak and secondly the thread is worthless.

That jus my opinion!

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a question

Guru Nanak Dev Ji removed the thread stating that it could get dirty and was worthless. Then why do Sikhs celebrate Rakhri by tying a thread around there brother asking for protection. Firstly it makes Women seem weak and secondly the thread is worthless.

That jus my opinion!

Penji /Veerji.......

first of all I'm rally sorry 4 not being able 2 determne weather I'm reaplying 2 my Penji or my veer

maaf kr do :oops: ..

Here goes :

Then why do Sikhs celebrate Rakhri by tying a thread around there brother asking for protection. Firstly it makes Women seem weak

*cough cough*...I think you¨ve missunderstood or u've misstyped..

SKH DO NOT CELEBRATE RAKHRHi its jus a "bheDDDd CHaal" meaning we've learnt 4m da Hindus

but ACCually Sikhi is AGAINST RAKHRI thats why Guru JI blessed Us with thee Kirpan EVERY1 have the rite of protecting themself...no matter man or women..

point 2:

True...and a VERY VERY GOod question asked...

the Thing is that Guru Nanak Dev Ji knew that in the Janue *or who u spell it* was jus a WORTHLESS riual which was very common at that time..

and was consider

2 help u through-out life etc etc..

and 2 make u *SAnsar Saagar paar*

and sum other stuff

But He knew that that isn't n e thing less than a silly ritual...which didn't have n e real ´meaning USEless..

But the 5k's arn't in order 2 Make u sansar saaagar..

and as u said .

Enlightenment comes from Inside not Outside


the K's arn't meant 4 enlightment......

they are used 4 a SIKH'S OWN bennit fit..

what can a janue help u wiv?? NUTHIN AT ALL

KIrpal Helps u protect urself

Kesh - Guru's Givt an naturall part of the body..

Kara - Symbolises angment 2 God...mremind u..that GOS ALWAYS WATCHING U so dont u SIn !

Kachera - REmind u 2 Controll ur lust & is COnftable 2 wear...flexible..and Good whne war..and excercising etc

Kanga - Keep ur cleaness of ur hair

I'm aware of that u proababl know this..

but..the thing is...ALLL OF THESE k's r 4 UR BENIFit and u can notice taht...

what will a Janue Do if sum1 comes 2 loot u :o? :? :S :S :?

ás Mr Steel Bangle ji said:

I hope ive been able to answer some of ur questions - forgive me if i have made any mistakes - this was the best i could answer ur queries

//Bhulla CHukka Maaf


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