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All things in this worldly existence

That are colored by attachment and aversion

Are in reality devoid of any existence.

When this is seen, everything is seen as golden.

When we meditate upon the illusion-like nature

Of all illusion-like phenomena,

We attain illusion-like enlightenment.

~ Dakini Niguma, sung to Tibetan yogi Khyungpo Naljor in a charnal ground,

11th Century A.D., India

(trans. Glenn Mullin)

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The Natural State

We continue to search until we realize that what we are seeking we already are. You are not a limited entity. You are the clear, knowing presence in which all appearances rise and set. Seeing this, all the imagined problems and doubts fall to pieces. There is no one left to have problems. There is only open, clear, spacious presence-awareness. Know this and be at peace.

- John Wheeler


The Natural State

With a bold decision, simply see all suffering, doubt and confusion as thoughts arising in the mind. Then turn to that in you which knows the mind and all else and claim that as your identity. That is the constant presence of being-awareness that remains untouched no matter what is going on in the mind. With your identity firmly rooted as that, the exclusive identification with and abiding interest in the thoughts withers away. You remain as the empty sky — bright, clear, open, embracing all, yet utterly untouched by whatever passes through.

- John Wheeler

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Student: I don't understand what emptiness means.

Chogyam Trungpa: When we talk of emptiness, it means the absence of solidity, the absence of fixed notions which cannot be changed, which have no relationship to us at all but which remain as they are, separate.

Form, in this case, is more the solidity of experience. In other words, it is a certain kind of determination not to give away, not to open. We would like to keep everything intact purely for the purpose of security, f knowing where we are. You are afraid to change. That sort of solidness is form.

So "form is empty" is the absence of that security; you see everything as penetrating and open. But that doesn't mean that everything has to be completely formless, or nothing. When we talk of nothingness, emptiness, or voidness, we are not talking in terms of negatives but in terms of nothingness being everything. It's another way of saying "everything" -- but it is much safer to say "nothing" at that particular level than "everything."


Judith Lief, pages 50-51.

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Your own sense of existence-awareness is immediately known and available at all times. It is not an attainment. There is no technique or process involved. You cannot gain it or lose it. It is here now.


Thoughts and experiences never obscure your true nature. It is always completely free and available. We just did not see it because we were looking in the wrong direction. Once it is clearly pointed out to us, we can see this directly and with no effort.


Once you see that who you are is constantly with you, you do not have an experience of moving in and out of peace or clarity. It is only due to contrary concepts that we seem to lose it. In fact, the thoughts are mistaken. Once we see this, the thoughts lose their grip.


The belief that you are a separate person is the cause of all ignorance, suffering, anxiety, doubt, fear and so on — that is to say, all self-centered thinking. Have a direct look and see if you can find the person you have imagined yourself to be.


The seeming separate “I†that we took ourselves to be was never really present. When that is seen to be absent, except as an imagined concept, the rug is pulled out from under the whole production. With no “I,†who has a problem? Who needs to do anything? Who needs to attain anything?


When you see how direct and simple it is, the doubts, questions and problems get undercut at the source. The recognition of clear, present awareness is utterly beyond doubt. Nothing necessarily changes in the appearance of living, but things are no longer being filtered through a screen of unexamined beliefs and reference points.


When it is seen that the individual is absent, all the questions fall to pieces and life in clarity remains. It is utterly simple, utterly profound — and utterly normal. The natural state could also be called the normal state!


No matter where the mind jumps to, it is all taking place right within empty awareness. That is all there is to it. And you are that. You have always been that.


Awareness, or your true nature, is not a thing or an object to be grasped by the senses or the mind. For this reason, the mind is utterly unable to understand what is being pointed out. Yet if I ask you “Are you aware?†you immediately recognize the presence of awareness, or the fact of your own being. True insight does not rely on the mind at all.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The Shift

Perhaps you're familiar with the concept of the witness. The witness is recognized by a shift in the center of gravity, from the temporal content of Awareness to Pure Awareness itself, from the concept of identifying as a separate personal ego to the clear and open space in which feelings, thoughts, and everything else effortlessly arises. In a sense, this witnessing is upstream from your thoughts and feelings, although assigning it a location in space and time is impossible. It is always right at the center and simultaneously underlies and oversees all phenomena. Witnessing is often suddenly glimpsed and then apparently lost again. Such a glimpse may feel somewhat like the surprised and uncertain feeling one gets when first riding a bicycle. "Hey I'm doing it!" As you may have discovered, this thought often makes you lose your balance.

~ Leo Hartong

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Sometimes there would be a rush of noisy visitors and the Silence of the monastery would be shattered.

This would upset the disciples; not the Master,

who seemed just as content with the noise as with the Silence.

To his protesting disciples he said one day,

"Silence is not the absence of sound, but the absence of self."

~ Adyashanti

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It is somewhat of a psychological trick, in your day and age, to come to

the realization that you do in fact form your experience and your world,

simply because the weight of evidence seems to be so loaded at the other

end, because of your habits of perception. The realization is like one

that comes at one time or another to many people in the dream state,

when suddenly they awaken while still in the dream, realizing first of

all that they are dreaming, and secondarily that they are themselves

creating the experienced drama. To understand that you create your own

reality requires that same kind of awakening from the normal awake


~ Seth (Jane Roberts)

The Individual and the Nature of Mass Events

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There is nothing new to get.

You have on the other hand,

to get rid of your ignorance,

which makes you think you are other than Bliss.

For whom is this ignorance?

It is to the ego.

Trace the source of the ego.

Then the ego is lost and Bliss remains over.

It is eternal You are That, here and now...

This is the master key for solving all doubts.

The doubts arise in the mind.

The mind is born of the ego.

The ego rises from the Self.

Search the source of the ego

and the Self is revealed.

That alone remains.

The universe is only expanded Self.

It is not different from the Self...

~ Ramana Maharshi

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"Man must cease attributing his problems to his environment, and learn again to exercise his will - his personal responsibility." Albert Schweitzer

"The greatest discovery of my generation is that human beings can alter their lives by altering their attitudes of mind.". William James

"Your circumstances may be uncongenial, but they shall not remain so if you only perceive an ideal and strive to reach it. You cannot travel within and stand still without." James Allen

"Whatever your mind can conceive and can believe, it can achieve." Napoleon Hill

"A mental picturing of that which we want, with the complete acceptance and the conviction that it is ours now, will bring it quickly. See it in its 'isness'". Lester Levenson, from The Ultimate Truth

"Let a person radically alter his thoughts, and he will be astonished at the rapid transformation it will effect in the material conditions of his life." James Allen

"Follow your bliss, and doors will open for you that you never knew existed" Joseph Campbell

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"When you become stabilized in your Self, the continuous commentary of the mind will stop. Your true state is ever-existent."

--Nisargadatta Maharaj

"There is one kind of giving up that has, as its basis, the giving up of one thing in order to get something later. But there is a more genuine giving up where something is given up as being harmful or useless, by itself, not necessarily in exchange for something more acceptable. It is a question of giving up a concept or an illusion out of a conviction about its illusoriness, without any other motive."

--Ramesh Balsekar

When you think there is something to meditate on, you only meditate on what you know already, so you turn in a vicious circle. In reality, meditation is from moment to moment; it is your background, it is the light behind all perceptions. It gives life to all perceptions; it gives reality to all that is perceived. You can never understand what meditation is or what God is, what love is or what peace or freedom is; it is beyond the mind.

--Jean Klein

"Understanding" is not an intellectual, an emotional, or a passing thing. It is something that comes with action, and therefore it is a complete understanding and not a partial understanding. In understanding oneself, one's consciousness and its content--for there is no consciousness without content--one sees there are two principal factors: pleasure and fear. They cannot be separated. Where there is the pursuit of, the insistence on, and the demand for pleasure, there must be in its wake fear. In understanding fear, one must not disregard the fact of pleasure.

--J. Krishnamurti

Our real nature is Liberation, but we imagine that we are bound and make strenuous efforts to become free, although all the while we are free. This is understood only when we reach that state. Then we shall be surprised to find that we were frantically striving to attain something that we always were and are."

--Ramana Maharshi

Know then that true knowledge does not create a new Being for you; it only removes your "ignorant ignorance." Bliss is not added to your nature; it is merely revealed as your true and natural state, eternal and imperishable. The only way to be rid of your grief is to know and be the Self. How can this be unattainable?

--Ramana Maharshi

You are--you always have been--where you want to be led. Actually, there is no "where" that can be led to. Awareness of this obvious position is the answer--just the apperception; nothing to be done. And the tragic irony is that such awareness and apperception cannot be an act of volition. Does your waking state come about by itself, or do you awaken yourself as an act of volition? Indeed, the least effort on "your" part will prevent what otherwise might have happened naturally and spontaneously. And the joke within the joke is that your deliberately not doing anything will also prevent it happening! It is simple, really; "doing."

"What I find difficult-and unacceptable, really-is the wishy-washy reliance on words, on concepts, of so much alleged spirituality. True spirituality is real, down to earth, concrete-it's coming home from appearance to reality."

--Douglas E. Harding

The union that one discovers in contemplative prayer will not be reserved to that time. Moments of silence will overtake you in the course of daily life. Reality will tend to become more transparent. Its divine Source will shine through it.

-- Thomas Keating

"There's Ramana's insistence that it's easier to see What and Who we really are than to see a gooseberry in the palm of our hand. All of which means that there are no preconditions for this essential in-seeing. To oneself one's true nature is forever on display, and how one can pretend otherwise is one of the world's great mysteries. It's available now, just as one is, and does not require the would-be seer to be holy, or virtuous, or learned, or clever, or special in any way. Rather the reverse. What a superb--and woefully neglected--advantage this is!"

--Douglas Harding

"You are that which is prior to any kind of peace or conflict, prior to every sensation, perception, or concept. All this appears and disappears within you. Longing and seeking are also part of these appearances. You don't need the fulfillment of any kind of seeking in order to be what you already are. For this, nothing has to come and nothing has to go. You yourself are the fulfillment.

--Karl Renz

"As part of the drama of manifestation we believe that we're just a little individual searching for our original, timeless nature. While we enjoy the game of seeking, strangely enough, what we're looking for is the closest thing to us, even closer than our breath."

--Tony Parsons

At the moment of Enlightenment everything falls away--everything. Suddenly the ground beneath you is gone, and you are alone. You are alone because you have realized that there is no other; there is only THAT, and YOU ARE THAT.


Those who don't feel this life pulling them like a river, those who don't drink dawn like a cup of springwater or take in the sunset like supper, those who don't want to change, let them sleep.


Be conscious of yourself, watch your mind, give it your full attention. Don't look for quick results; there may be none within your noticing. Unknown to you, your psyche will undergo a change, there will be more clarity in your thinking, charity in your feeling, purity in your behavior. You need not aim at these--you will witness the change all the same. For what you are now is the result of inattention and what you become will be the fruit of attention.

--Nisargadatta Maharaj

"The Center of my being is changeless, and where there is no change, there is not time. This, then, is forever my Reality, not something that comes and goes."

--Douglas Harding

What surfaces during meditation are residues of the past. These residues are energy localized through association of ideas--energy mobilized into fear and insecurity. Remain a witness to all this. In being the choiceless observer, attention is motiveless, and all conditioning subsides.

--Jean Klein

It is the nature of the life force to express itself through thoughts and words, so they will keep on coming. If you have to make an effort in the beginning not to get involved, make that effort until it becomes effortless. . . . Thoughts will come in consciousness; witnessing also takes place in consciousness. You must have the conviction that you are consciousness.

--Nisargadatta Maharaj

Identification with the body is so total that it gives one a sense of separate identity. Now, the separate identity is merely a concept, a concept based on the individual body appearing solid.

--Ramesh Balsekar

"The past and the future are simply part of the drama that keeps us locked into the illusion of being separate entities. Once the gate has opened into another possibility, then the real adventure begins . . . Realization does not emerge through our attempts to change our lives; it comes as a direct rediscovery of 'who' it is that lives."

--Tony Parsons

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  • 1 month later...

Neale: You have said that " what you resist persists, and what you look

at disappears." Can You explain that?

Big G: You cannot resist something to which you grant no reality. The

act of resisting a thing is the act of granting life. When you resist an

energy, you place it there. The more you resist, the more you make it

real- WHATEVER it is you are resisting.

What you open your eyes and look at disappears. That is, IT CEASES TO


If you look at somehing- truly LOOK at it- you will see RIGHT THROUGH

IT, and right through any illusion it holds for you, leaving nohing but

ultimate reality in your sight. In the face of ulimate reality your puny

illusion has no power. It cannot long hold you in its weakened grip. You

see the TRUTH of it, and the truth sets you free.

Never resist ANYTHING. If you think that by your resistance you will

eliminate it, THINK AGAIN. You only plant it more firmly in place.

Taken from Conversations with God, book1, by Neale Donald Walsch (a

heavenly series! )

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  • 3 weeks later...

"If you don't meet resistance with resistance, it dissipates dramatically. It just softens. Try it! Next time somebody says to you, "I'm right, and you're wrong," say, "Pfftt, you're right. You are right. You're right." And mean it. In other words, don't mock them. Don't be sarcastic. "You're right." And then watch how, all of a sudden, their legs almost go right out from under them. They don't have the energy to blast you, because you just took the fuel away from the fire."

Expressed by Abraham-Hicks

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"What I say is not very meaningfull,

what I say is not significant:

what I am not saying, what I cannot say -- nobody can say -- only that is significant.

Listen to that which is not said.

Listen to the gaps in the intervals.

Read between the words and between the lines.

If you forget the words, nothing is lost;

but if you forget that which is between the words, much is lost."


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P’taah Speaks:

Beloved Ones, intimacy with divinity is the profound feeling of oneness, of non-separation, which some of you have felt for fleeting moments in your life. You ask, "Why does it only last for such a little time? Why can I not feel like that all the time?" We say to you that the first step toward the constant state of beingness is to become intimate, very intimate, with yourself, for the divinity is the truth of you.

The ‘how’ of it is quite simple, really. Intimacy with your own beingness is to own every facet of you, especially those facets which you find undesirable, unembraceable. You know -- all those things you would prefer your best friends did not know about.

You see, my dear ones, what keeps you separate from that intimacy is the fear that you are not good enough, not worthy of love or enlightenment, or all of the wondrousness of this world. That fear is rampant upon your plane. It is the fear that you knew very soon after your birthing. It is the fear that was communicated to you by your parents, by mass consciousness, by all with whom you have contact in your day-to-days.

As you understand that the true nature of you is divine and that what keeps you from the feeling of that knowing is simply fear, then indeed you may consciously choose a different way of being. You may say there is no doing involved here. None of this divinity or enlightenment business is about doing. It is about being who you truly are, however that is in any moment. You see, while you are hiding the reality of you, you cannot transform those facets of you which do not exemplify the highest idea of who you can possibly be. Does this make sense to you?

The fear that you hold within you that you are not enough is really not the fear of the rational, intelligent person that you appear to be. It is the fear of the little child that lives within you that has been terrified all these years that it is not worthy of love. That little person rules your life. That little person keeps you in reaction to life, trying to be thought of and seen to be what you think you are not.

When you embrace that little one and own every facet of you in the knowing that what is not of love and joy is simply the reaction of the frightened child, then you can begin to be intimate with yourself. Then your life will begin to transform. Then you will lead a life of vital, joyous and passionate creativity. The frightened reaction of that little person within you has kept you in the chains of repeated patterns of self-sabotage for long enough.

So, as you allow yourself the gift of intimacy, owning every facet of you, embracing everything that does not fulfill the highest idea of who you can be, then indeed you are creating that space to feel the love of your own being, to be the love. The act of embracing in your mind’s eye, that little one within you, is an act of love, an act of compassion.

And, you see, beloved ones, it is the love which is the divinity of you. Love is another name for God/Goddess, All-That-Is. Love means no separation. Love is the building block of creation. Love is the truth of you.

As you go about your day-to-days, pay attention to your reactions, your feelings. Your feelings are your barometer. When the feelings are pleasant, joyous or fun, there is no negative self-judgment. You are in the now moment, allowing the flow of your life. When the feelings are not good, you know there is something to be aligned. The little person within is in reaction to something outside of you, which has brought forth the feeling of not enough.

In that moment, while you are in that feeling, you have a choice. You can go on in the same old pattern of hiding from fear, or you can be still and go within to the little one, embrace him or her with love and compassion and change the situation. We say to you that the transformation may most speedily occur in the emotion.

In other words, the transformation is not about your intellect. Your intellect may bring you to an understanding of the how and why, but does not of itself create transformation. E-motion, or energy in motion, is your power point. It is in the e-motion that you become in transformation because it is the great magnet or attractor which creates the reflection you call your exterior life.

Your ideas and beliefs about who you are, wrapped in the emotion of those ideas and beliefs, create your reality, every experience in your life. You may change your ideas of who you are but until they are wrapped in the joyous emotion of knowing that truth, you will not change your experience of reality, or should we say perceived reality.

That choice is yours in every moment. You are the grand, sovereign, spiritual beings who have chosen to come forth on this plane to have a grand, powerful, spiritual experience called ‘Human Life Now’! There is not a moment in your life when you are really separate from the divinity of you. You are in every moment a perfect, eternal expression of Creation no matter what you think you are. The separation is an illusion. It is the result of that little one who lives in the fear that it is not enough. It is your choice to transcend the illusion or not. We remind you that if you choose not to follow the path of growth and expansion, that is the choice of a grand master and there is no judgment about this.

However, you are here and reading this because you do desire that expansion, and we say to you "Stop struggling!" That struggle in itself is the product of the fear that you are not going to make it. It is living in the future. When you are living in the moment and ‘how does it feel,’ there is not the thought that you will not make it. Do you not realize that what you pursue already is? As you can honor yourself with the intimacy of your own beingness, in the love and compassion for every facet of you, indeed you are experiencing intimacy with the divinity of you. You are allowing the unfoldment into what is already and eternally the truth of you.

Make the conscious choice to experience love, joy, beauty, harmony, and much abundance, laughter, and play in your life. Each day, as you start your day, affirm that that is what you desire to experience that day. Give forth the thanks for the miracle of divinity that you are and go forth with the intent that it shall be thusly. When you are in the place of love, joy, etc., you allow that energy to flow. You are being love, joy, etc.

When you bring forth an experience which is not that, simply be still and go to the feeling. Go to the little one and hold it in your arms. Stay with it until you are feeling the warmth and comfort. That comfort zone tells you that you are back in your centered place to experience more love, joy, etc. Try it and see! We promise you transformation!

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"To pray successfully you must have clearly defined objectives.

You must know what you want before you can ask for it.

You must know what you want before you can feel that you have it,

and prayer is the feeling of fulfilled desire.

"It does not matter what it is you seek in prayer, or where it is,

or whom it concerns. You have nothing to do but convince yourself

of the truth of that which you desire to see manifested.

When you emerge from prayer you no longer seek, for you have --

if you have prayed correctly - subconsciously assumed the reality

of the state sought, and by the law of reversibility your

subconscious assumption must objectify that which it affirms.

~ Neville - Prayer

The Art of Believing


A few quotes from Neville on Correct Prayer

"Prayer is the most wonderful experience man can have. Unlike the

daily murmurings of the vast majority of mankind in all lands who

by their vain repetitions hope to gain the ear of God, prayer is

the ecstasy of a spiritual wedding taking place in the deep,

silent stillness of consciousness."

- Neville

"Praying, then, is recognizing yourself to be that which you desire

to be rather than begging God for that which you desire."

- Neville

"If your prayer brings no response, there is something wrong with

it. The fault generally lies in too much effort. Serious confusion

arises when man identifies the state of prayer with an act of will.

The sovereign rule is to make no effort. If this is observed, you

will intuitively fall into the right attitude."

– Neville

"It is not what you want that you attract;

you attract what you believe to be true."

- Neville

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We give meaning to people, events and objects, but they have no true, absolute meaning. The meaning we assign is the vibration we experience.

1) Take a past situation that really bothered you or that you feel had little or no redeeming value, or a current situation. Pick something you may want to change or feel differently about. 2) First, how does this make you really feel? What is the meaning you are assigning to this? What are your true thoughts? Be mindful of what you truly feel. Observation creates the possibility of change. 3) How does/could this serve me exactly as it is? What helpful things am I learning from this? What qualities am I developing? Are there more effective approaches I am considering? What am I doing well in this situation? How will this assist me to create what I prefer? 4) What is a most empowering meaning I can assign to this experience? What new feeling does this create? 5) Can I move into a state of gratitude? Can I now feel true gratitude for what this thing has taught me? Has this helped me to grow as a person?

~ Elan

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