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I have a question regarding Nitnem. My brother hopes to take Amrit this Vaisakhi THURSDAy:D but he cannot read Gurmukhi and has troble with pronounciation.

All he knows is SImran, which he does every-day, every minute and with every breath.

Is it okay to contuniue with simran and not do Nitnem. he feels as if he is just doing it as a ritual cos he feels he does not understand Gurbani.



it's a start and by Guru's kirpa gurmukhi will come to him.........I would say that initially Simran is enough but slowly get him to start learning gurmukhi and slowly he will do bani and what not.........

I hope this helps.............. :)


The Purpose of Nitname is Simran. I would say it is Nitname that becomes more of a ritual. Simran envelopes your being. What is the message of Nitname, is it not simran? Nitname 'alone' is not gona get you anywhere. It is Simran that will cleanse your mind. Simran. There have been many bhagats that could not read or write. yet they met their Guru and achieved Mukhti. Simran Alone is enough to produce the Wisdom, the Gyaan of God., given that it is done with love and in the right manner. Perhaps he can take Punjabi/Gurmukhi classes in the local gurudwara or your parents can help him out. Gurmukhi, especially Gurbani is very easy to read once the initial step is taken. There are individuals who have a hardtime speaking in punjabi in their everyday life...but when they read gurbani it just flows from their lips as if they are poets.


The Purpose of Nitname is Simran. I would say it is Nitname that becomes more of a ritual. Simran envelopes your being. What is the message of Nitname, is it not simran? Nitname 'alone' is not gona get you anywhere. It is Simran that will cleanse your mind. Simran. There have been many bhagats that could not read or write. yet they met their Guru and achieved Mukhti. Simran Alone is enough to produce the Wisdom, the Gyaan of God., given that it is done with love and in the right manner. Perhaps he can take Punjabi/Gurmukhi classes in the local gurudwara or your parents can help him out. Gurmukhi, especially Gurbani is very easy to read once the initial step is taken. There are individuals who have a hardtime speaking in punjabi in their everyday life...but when they read gurbani it just flows from their lips as if they are poets.

there are steps in every persons spirituality....its like say ur standing at the bottom of a mountain, and ur tellin someone how to get to the top based on what uve read/heard, but u dnt really know....

i guess understanding is required....pheena can u define what simran is....

and when u say bhagats achieved mukhti reached guru, thats because they took on a guru, completely...not half way...ill do this, but i wont do that...

nitnem is very important....essential even


there are steps in every persons spirituality....its like say ur standing at the bottom of a mountain, and ur tellin someone how to get to the top based on what uve read/heard, but u dnt really know....

i guess understanding is required....pheena can u define what simran is....

and when u say bhagats achieved mukhti reached guru, thats because they took on a guru, completely...not half way...ill do this, but i wont do that...

nitnem is very important....essential even

You are very correct veer i don't know, but the words that i have heard and read are from those whom i have full faith in and i believe what they have said to be the Truth. They have walked up this mountain and reached its peak.

Simran is Rememberence thru Japa. Jap is to recite, Simran means Remember. So when you repeat the Gurmantra, you are doing both Jap and Simran, which is usually just called Simran. Surely if we take the meaning of Simran, then we can remember god thru Nitname as well. so then can Nitname be our Simran? Then so can a Flower as we walk past it given you are senstive enough to find the God within that Flower. Slowly our everyday life is spent in his rememberence. If we are to simply induce Rememberence then i think Jap is the best and the most simple method for this. I was just listening to Sant Singh ji Maskees's Katha on Jap, i will digitize and post it up tomorrow. :)

Surely they took upon a Guru, no doubt veer, im not saying the Guru is not essential. In the Olden days not everyone knew how to read or write, surely that does not mean they were any less Sikhs. It was not just Gurmukhi, but any language for that matter. As the Sakhis i have heard those that could not read/write were told to do Simran and go to Satsang to listen to Gyaan. Those were their instructions. Simple instructions for Simple people.

At the same time i agree with you veer that Nitname is important and if one is able to learn how to read Gurmukhi he should definelty take up this task. But say a 60-70 year old illiterate man for whom death lurks nearer day by day wish to become a Sikh. He certainly cannot learn to read Gurmukhi in his elderly age, but can't Simran be enough for his Mukhti? In my understanding so far, if this old man has the desire, the innocense, wakes up at Amritvela and does Simran, listens to Kathas whenver possible, surely the Grace of God will fall upon him....and he will surely be saved. Gunka Papan was given a parrot by a Saint to repeat the name of the lord every morning, that is all she did according to the story and she was liberated.

but I think the best advice is given by Iron-Singh.


i think thats the problem, i guess u have to have some sort of intelligence to be a sikh...u maybe born into a sikh family, but u still have to chose sikhi...


i think thats the problem, i guess u have to have some sort of intelligence to be a sikh...u maybe born into a sikh family, but u still have to chose sikhi...

When you say intelligence what do you mean? Are you implying common sense or a degree/diploma of education. Or just Literacy?

  • 4 weeks later...

i think thats the problem, i guess u have to have some sort of intelligence to be a sikh...u maybe born into a sikh family, but u still have to chose sikhi...

thats not true, i dont remeber the exact words but Gurbani says that you dont need to be intelligent or literate,

'Jin prem kio tin hi prabh paio' thats the main thing

  • 3 weeks later...

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