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Girls looking for Guys for marriage!!


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Please suggest.

1.I will stop at nothing to find the perfect guy for me! What kind of a guy would be a perfect match? A person who is university educated (preferably graduate level or professional designation), is a non-turbaned Jatt Sikh, has a humble and fun-loving family, is good-looking (Keanu Reeves, Taye Diggs, Arjun Rampal, you get the idea), has a great sense of humor (Chris Rock, Seinfeld) and nice teeth, is born and raised in Canada, has a gracious nature, only drinks socially, does not smoke (anything!), respects his elders, wants children of his own, hasn't dated every girl on the block! if you know what I mean, and doesn't sell or do drugs. Once again, these are qualities that would MATCH me perfectly. I live in a hot place and am toogoodtobetrue_78.

2.Parents Looking For A Sikh Punjabi Guy For Their Daughter......................

We are looking for a well settled clean shaven sikh boy for our daughter who is presently teaching in a school.........

3.I am 28,5'4" in hight,slim,fair,proportionate built,sincere and stable young girl from Punjab. I love travel,movies and music.Our main occupation is agriculture. Father is retired public prossecuter and highly placed political figure in Punjab Govt, belongs to well respected Mazbhi Sikh family.Uncles are in U.S.A.Two younger brothers are doing their studies,one of them is Police Officer.Mother simple housewife. I am looking for a sincere,stable and well settled life partner particularly in California. Please furnish similar details. Clean shaven, non-turban Sikh gentalman preferred. Please include your photograph and contact us if interested.

and many more.I picked up the description which had specifically mention clean-shaven people while 90% of the women had ticked on " non-turbaned" choice while 5% of them had "not specified" and the rest wanted "turbaned" (thanks the rest - haha).Also 95% of the "picture provided" wanted non-turbaned and 3% "not-specified" while the remaining wanted "turbaned".This survey was based on the 3 most happening matrimonial site.

Moral behind the story, I am looking for a wife.HAHA and the inference is I am a turbaned Guy who loves to waste his time.

Any Comments.

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lol leh neo viah karnu tiyaar ho gaya... :LOL::LOL:

the fact is that nowadays not many kuriya wanna marry a turbaned guy - let alone a gursikh.. these kuriya who have these high standards end up in the most messed up marraiges.. their husband ends up cheatin on em and drinking and beatin da crap outa em... kids dont get any sikhi education and then u wonder why so many people are moving away from waheguru

:roll: :roll:

chalo - idealy i dont wanna get married - move to india and spend my life doin waheguru di seva :D:D

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nah butsseriously I was in England a yaer ago or so :S

and we check out da Desh Pardesh thingy's matrimonial sect * jus 4 fun..no real purpose :P lol :s*

and to my gr8 Disappointment As Neo Singh ji Stated it seems like ppl have got stuck more in CASTES and stuff


is a non-turbaned Jatt Sikh

belongs to well respected Mazbhi Sikh family

tats really a shame :cry: :cry:

BTU what i dont get is WHY...can't ppl get outta da caste stuff ..

and come into SIKHI and accept that Sikhi does nopt accept the caste system and that Sikhi does not support the fact that ppl go and destroy their natural beuty (the unshorned hair).....

T's really a shame that this has occured :(

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i will probably face the same situatuon in a few years neo singh

many girls raised in the west dont want a turbaned mate

which is pretty sad because it also suggests that their children will most likely not be sardars either. :(

But all is not lost because since you and I have not abandoned sikhi while living in the western world. i'm pretty sure there are females who have done the same thing.

Also I'd very much doubt that anybody would find a decent mate online.

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Steele Bangle veer can i join you.. i dont feel like gettin married too.. that post wasnt by mine.. it was from sikhnet...lol.. some guy is gettin all sad about it.. lol

me no gettin stress over marriage... jaie milgi singhani kirpa akaal dii .. jaaie naa milli pher bhi kirpa akaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal dii :LOL::LOL::LOL:

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Guest kaur1699

Fateh Ji...

Hey guys... Calm down :P ...

There are enough Singhnia/religious girls out there... Come on, your not going to find many in the matrimonials section of 'Desh Pardesh', but theres enough out there...

Its not just guys going through this... There are enough guys out there who want a 'barbie doll' style girl to get married to and not a religious girl...

Dont worry... You'll meet the person for you at the right time and the right place...

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neo paji waheguroooo

theres many kaur out there, who are in ur postion, life would be so perfect if waheguroo could bless me with a gursikh familly in the future :D, and i hope u get bless'd so, i'm sure u will, just look in the rite area. IE. SURREY< CALGARY<.....

gabroo - u are in a gursikh family.... everyone here is ur brother and sister and shri guru gobind singh ji is our father..what more do u need :wink:


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Guest kaur1699

gabroo - u are in a gursikh family.... everyone here is ur brother and sister and shri guru gobind singh ji is our father..what more do u need :wink:


Hanji... well said :D :wink:

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U know what people, SINGHS R IN, its the latest fasion accessory, past few weeks or so, its been really really hot, i have been walking the streets of london, and i was seeing girls with a singh on their arm, full beard and a dastaar,

i was well proud,

then only last week i was in birmingham, and you know what, town centre was full of singhs, (beard and dastaar) and they was with someone,

now point is that todays youth, (from what i could see in the majorly sikh populated cities) they dont mind and after talking to girls i know, would mind a bearded turbaned sikh, they wouldn't even mind caste but the parents want to marry in caste, like all fasion trends this one is surely going to spread!

so hang on in there singhs!

come to think about Singhs have been in 4 years, since the time of guru jee, mahraaj has made us hip and happinin, it aint the fact that they dont wanna get wid us, its the fact that they cant touch this :wink:

(These are my personal opinions)

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Vaheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Vaheguru Ji Ki Fateh

I think that talk is cheap. As a Singh, I have often come across Sikh girls that say they would have an equal likelihood of dating Singhs or those that cut their hair. They say they respect Singhs and have no biases against being with one, and would be with one if they had come across one that they had clicked with. This sentiments is often followed by a referral to family members by these girls, that are Singhs, thus showing the basis of their non-bias, tolerant and open minded thought on the subject matter. Sadly however, when it comes to putting their money where their mouthes are, so to speak, many girls are less than enthusiatic to date, be introduced to, or be with a Singh. Why is this?

In my experience, it has to do with alot of factors. Many girls have grown up with a sterotype that seems to have been ingraved in their minds about Singhs. They think that Singhs will try to change them upon or after marriage or within their relationship. That they will attempt to make them religious, stop them from having freedom and a good time. Will tell them what to do and how to behave. In essence, to these girl, being with a Singh would often times be equivalent to marrying into restrictions. Having such a stereotypic and negative view, it is no wonder alot of these girls fear to be in life long commitments with "these guys that are Singhs." Further, these girls usually aren't as attracted to Singhs due to cultural influences and standards of beauty. For example, culture is something that can instill lasting impressions, however subtle, through Indian/Western media. Being constantly shown in the media as either comic relief in movies or fanatics in the news leaves an unsettling image of the "regular Singh," and a unfair one. It would be equivalent to a Gursikh Kuri thinking of all guys that cut their hair as being non-virgins, alcoholics, druggies, and uneducated in religious thought. This would be an unfair assumption, as would those directed towards Singhs.

So what can be done about it? For one, Singhs should not see these stereotypes and unconsciously mold themselves to them. Many of the younger generation I see as having impressionable minds. Living in the, "what will others say," "I don't want to give of this impression of me," or "I won't ever be like them, and fit in", or even "I will never be able to attract a girl that I find attractive." Such thinking can be carried into adulthood and often times more so for those that already THINK that they have so much already going against them. This I think is one of the bigger issues that needs to be addressed by Singhs and Kaurs. It is hard not to be discouraged about alot of things, especially thoughts upon marriage and finding a suitable partner, when qualities in a partner such as those shown above in the original posting are echoed in our society. But just because the masses think and act a certain way, does not mean we should conform to it, or be disgruntled. Stereotypes remain "acceptable facts" until the counter is shown. And to show is your choice.

I myself use to live in this stereotype, until i decided i did not want to anymore. I use to think as a Singh, I could not find a suitable partner for myself by asking a girl out, by approaching her. That I could not do anything "unreligious," such as latin dancing as Singhs did not do that kind of thing. Or write Love poetry as it was unbecoming of a Singh. I got sick of this thinking, and my cowardis of not facing the challenges and stereotypes head on. When I started approaching girls, being myself, and not caring about what other thought of me, i became more comfortable with who I was, as were others. It was around this time I approached the most Beautiful girl I had EVER seen. NO exaggeration. I would previously have thought that for sure, she would not go for a Singh, and of all Singhs me, as I was living in a self created bubble. I had already determined what I "should get" and this was based on my experiences and observations of those around me. But for this girl, it was different, and I decided to approach her and speak with her, to be myself, and take it from there.

I have now been with this girl for a year and a half, and had seen that not only did I go outside the stereotype I lived in, but also removed the stereotypes I had placed on others, such as my girl. You surprise people and yourself when you are who you are. One thing, that I had found particularly surprising, was the fact that I was being approached by girls of different ethnic groups (Indian, Chinese and Caucasian girls), and not just our own when I no longer lived in the "stereotypic bubble". It is qualites in you that attract people, and leave lasting impressions...

Today, I am a confident Singh, that lives in the moment, and am not afraid to be me regardless of what others may think. I am goodlooking, have alot to offer the world and with Guru's Kirpa am in High Spirits. You might not be able to change the world, but you can change yourself, and be happy with what God Has Blessed you with.

Vaheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Vaheguru Ji Ki Fateh

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um anyways..

i don't wanna get married either, most guys are full of crap and marriage doesn't really excite me much.. but the thing you guys need to realize is, stop blaming the girls, cuz the guys are just as bad..

imagine how hard it is for girls to be raised in societys like ours today.. since we're young we're brainwashed to be pretty and gentle and delicate, and we grow up with all this propaganda hitting us through the media, telling us to be barbies and make ourselves perfect for guys.. as we grow into our teen yrs, we're expected to have perfect bodies, with hairless legs, faces, arms, etc... and most girls start removing their hair in elementary school now..

most girls also cut and dye their hair, in order to fit in and look 'normal' according to societys BS values.. it's really sad having to see girls transform themselves from the way guru nanak made them to the way that society wants them..

most guys in the world favour girls with no hair, who wear tighter clothes and who conform more to society and who are beautiful ACCORDING TO SOCIETY - BUT NOT ACCORDING TO SIKHI ...

most guys in this world don't understand the meaning of REAL beauty

i know BARELY ANNNNNNNNY GUYS (except for my bro, another singh or 2, and steel bangle) who think that girls should wear keskis...most guys think its only a manly thing to do, and girls need to be feminine, of course, and look like the girls on TV do ...

It's pretty damn hard being genuine when everyone around you is fake.

& it's even harder being genuine when everyone around you looks at all the glamour on tv and in movies and magazines and stuff, and judges you based on THAT rather than on the type of person you are... THAT'S WHY SO MANY GIRLS ARE RAISED IMPROPERLY and aren't taught really sikhi... they're taught to be slaves for men and they're taught that they don't NEED to be singhnees, because they're just 'weak woman', their husbands will protect them, they dont need to be strong... their jobs are simply to look good and cook..

think about it, guys

it's kind of a double standard when you expect girls to understand if you don't understand yourself (that doesnt apply to the few guys who do understand... dhan guru nanak , thank god, there are some ppl like that left)

BUT TO TELL U THE TRUTH - most guys are more corrupt than girls these days are, so i wouldn't talk man...There are just as many guys out there who want hairless girls and all that BS.. There are just as many guys who sleep around, drink, and disrespect sikhi.. Just as many guys, if not more.

bhul chuk maaf karna...

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r k - the only people who think like that are the ones who aint into sikhi themselves.... people who are dont care about minor things like hair and a keski - if anything its the most beautiful thing :D:D

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so true guys are as bad as gurls.in hong kong u cannot see the difference in muslims and us Sikhs. only when u see a turbuned man u can say"Sardarjii jae rahe ne."

about marriage, no idea ppl i'm just going to be 16. so marriage da kyal haje nahi karna. dreaming about dream guys just distracts u from studies.

btw , how old are u ppl anyway?

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I dont mind singhani without the dastar or with the dastar... people go go too much into phsycial details.. you people should put in matrimonial sites


Murkhooo singhani singhani hundiii aaa... undrouou bhi baaraie bhi

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Vaheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Vaheguru Ji Ki Fateh

With regards to Singhnees, I think they are all very beautiful in appearance. Alot of the Singhs I know would only want to marry a Singhni. But the things I find very amazing about Singhni's is how alot of them will not conform to western standards of beauty, and let all their hairs grow, in both the facial and armpit regions. At one time, it is sad to say this, but I found that very unattractive. But now, having matured, learned more about life, and people, I find those things Very attractive about Singhnees. It tells me of the Piyaar they have for Our Beloved on the inside. As a guy, i cannot even begin to imagine what girls have to go through, and how hard it is for them. There are alot of Singhs that want "barbie dolls" for partners, which does not make things easier for them. I use to be one of them, so I can relate. My Girlfriend is not a Singhni, but grows her hair. She does her eyebrows and shaves her legs, because to her she has done this her whole life, and to her that is how she is made to feel attractive. She knows, however, that I find her more attractive, when she does not do these things. She even stopped doing these things for a while, and saw that first hand. She has my full support if she decides to walk that path for herself. I think this is one of the problems girls face. Singhs often times want a hairless singhnee and that is not really possible. But Singhnees should know, that there are also many Singhs who want a Singhnee in all her glory. When you conform to western standards of beauty, you lose alot of yourself as a singh or singhnee. If Guru Supports you in the Image of a Khalsa, Guru will Support you in the matters of the heart. Don't ever be discouraged.

Vaheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Vaheguru Ji Ki Fateh

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