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Amrit vela

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lit, ambrosial hour (vela=time or hour), the last quarter of night or predawn morning hours, is reckoned in Sikh spirituality as period of time most conducive to concentration and appropriate for meditation and practicing nam, i.e. repetition of God’s Name. Says Guru Nanak in the Japu: amrit vela sachu nau vadiai vicharu (early morning is the time for practicing nam, God’s Name synonymous with God Himself, and for contemplating His greatness. Guru Angad, says:chauthai pahari sabah kai surtia upajai chau/ tina dariava siu dosti mani mukhi sacha nau (during fourth quarter of night, joy sprouts forth in the hearts of awakened ones; they go, befriend the rivers and brooks (for ablution) and have the True Name in their minds and on their lips. Shaikh Farid the Muslim saint, whose compositions are also included in the Sikh Scripture, is more forthright. Says he, "If you lose the last part of night to sleep, O Farid! count yourself as dead even as you live. (Remember that) if you have forgotten God, He has not forgotten thee. Guru Ram Das, laying down the daily regimen for a Sikh accorded primacy to early-rising to contemplate God’s Name, "Let him who calls himself a Sikh of the Guru, rise early and meditate on God" And, Guru Arjan, says: "Rise early in the morning and repeat God’s Name". To quote Bhai Gurdas: "The Guru’s Sikh rises early in the morning, performs ablutions at amrit vela and recites the Guru’s word"

Amrit vela in Sikhism is the prime hour not for its own sake, but because of its suitability for practicing nam, i.e. for remembering God and contemplating His greatness. No special auspiciousness attaches to amrit vela. Every moment of one’s life is meant for the remembrance of God. As Guru Arjan says, "Blessed is the hour (vela) when one gets absorbed in contemplation of Him".


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From the Vipassana meditation website:

7. Why do you say the early morning hours are good for meditation?

Going to bed early and getting up early is a very good habit. It keeps you healthy. The early morning hours are also very good for meditation, for your daily practice, because that is the time when all others are sleeping ; so most of this craving - when people awaken, everybody craves, the whole atmosphere is full of craving, you can't meditate better. Everybody is sleeping, you meditate - best time.

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"Amritweal Sach Nao Wadiayee Wichar" (2)

Guru Nanak says that Amrit Wela (the ambrosial hour of dawn) is best to meditate on His Holy Name, His greatness and to win His pleasure and blessing. Gurbani again says :

"Babiha Amrit Welai Boliya Tan Dar Sun Pukar" (1225)

The chatriks' (Babiha Bird) cry in the morning ambrosial hours penetrates the Divine Portal.

Gurbani further ordains :

"Har Dhan Rattan Javehar Manik Har Dhanai Naal

Amrit Welai Wattai Har Bhaghti Har Live Laayee.

"Har Dhan Amrit Welae Wattae Ka Bijya Bhagat

Khai Kharach Rahae Nikhutai Nahin". (734)

The Ambrosial hour that is Amrit Wela is the appropriate sowing season for the devotees of God to form the Divine Wealth. The devotees expend this Divine wealth sown in the appropriate sowing season of Ambrosial hour without exhaustion.

Guru Sahib describes about the way of life of Gursikh in the Gurbani as such ;

Gur Satgur Ka Jo Sikh Akhaai So Bhalke Uth Har Naam Dhiyawai.

Udham Kare Bhalke Parbhati Isnan Kare Amritsar Naawai.

Updes Guru Har Har Jap Jaape Sabh Kilwikh Pap Dokh Leh Jaawai.

Phir Chare Diwas Gurbani Gaawai Behndean Uthdean Har Naam Dhiyawai.

Jo Sas Giras Dhiyae Mera Har Har So Gur Sikh Guru Man Bhaawai.

Jis No Dyal Howai Mera Soami Tis Gursikh Guru Updesh Sunawai.

Jan Nanak Dhur Mange Tis Gur Sikh Ki Jo Aap Jape Awreh Naam Japaawai. (305)

In the above Shabad, Guru Sahib has used the word 'Bhalke' obviously meaning the next day. The next day starts after mid-night. Those who are absorbingly devoted to Naam Simran and have time, they get up after midnight, have bath and get themselves immersed in meditation on the Divine Name. But for worldly people, Amrit Wela begins at least three hours before the sunrise. Satguru says :

"Chauthai Pehar Sabah Kai Surtean Upjai Chao.

Tina Daryawa Seon Dosti Mana Mukh Sacha Nao." (146)

The persons spiritually awakened in God, are inspired with joy in the fourth quart at early dawn i.e. Amrit Wela. They have love with the rivers/streams have their bath, join Sat Sang and the Holy Name is always in their mind on their tongue.

"Uth Isnan Karoh Parbhatae Soae Har Aradhae

Bikhrae Dao Langhawai Mera Satguru

Sukh Sehj Seti Ghar Jatae". (1185)

Gurbani says :

By rising at dawn (three hours before sunrise) taking bath, and going to bed supplicating the Almighty Lord, The holy Perceplor grants success even in awkward throws and one returns home in serene joy with the blessing of the Almighty.

Bhai Nand Lal Ji, a close disciple of Gur Gobind Singh Ji, writes the importance of Amritwela in Rehatnama as :

"Pratehkal Satsang Na Jawai

Tankhah Dar Who Wadda Kahawai." (Bhai Nanad Lal Ji)

Bhai Nand Lal Ji says that a sikh who does not get up early in the morning or Amrit Wela and does not attend Satsang is a great defaulter (tankhaya)

Shabad Guru

When the sidhas (the yogic ascetics who have attained the power of miracles but not the Divine within) confronted Guru Nanak Dev Ji with the question :

"Teraa Kawan Guru Jis Ka Toon Chela." (942)

Who is your Divine Master and whose disciple you are then Guru ji answered thus :

"Shabad Guru Surat Dhun Chela" (943)

The Divine Word pervading the universe is my Divine Master and the devoted mind is the true disciple. During his life time Guru Nanak Dev Ji always preached the concept of Shabad Guru. Thus the Divine Word, Shabad Guru is above the worldly body of the Guru that is the Divine Word is the Guru and not the body.

Guru Gobind Singh Ji says :

"Aad Ant Ekai Awtara Soi Guru Samajheo Hamara." (Pakshahi 10)

It is imperative that Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji is Shabad Guru and the worldly body is not the Guru.

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This Shabad is by Guru Arjan Dev Ji in Raag Bhairao on Pannaa 1138

bhairo mehalaa 5 ||

saach padhaarathh guramukh lehahu ||

prabh kaa bhaanaa sath kar sehahu ||1||

jeevath jeevath jeevath rehahu ||

raam rasaaein nith out(h) peevahu ||

har har har har rasanaa kehahu ||1|| rehaao ||

kalijug mehi eik naam oudhhaar ||

naanak bolai breham beechaar ||2||11||

Bhairao, Fifth Mehl:

As Gurmukh, obtain the true wealth.

Accept the Will of God as True. ||1||

Live, live, live forever.

Rise early each day, and drink in the Nectar of the Lord.

With your tongue, chant the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, Har, Har. ||1||Pause||

In this Dark Age of Kali Yuga, the One Name alone shall save you.

Nanak speaks the wisdom of God. ||2||11||

Source: http://www.sikhitothemax.com

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