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Why all Sikhs are born with hair?

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When Siri Guru Gobind Singh Ji came in this earth, people have forgotten how to respect god's creation...so to reinforce god's gift. Dasam patsah told his sikhs to keep the kesh.

And besides having kesh has spiritual significance to it:

When person meditates bring their breath in and out to cycles of chakras(energy points in our body)..there is this chakra called- Navel Chakra..navel chakra connects to each rom of our body - 33 crore rom(hair ) in our body...once a learner has done meditation on navel(nabhi chakra) and fatigued it..you will start hearing vahiguroo resonance (dhuni) from your each praticle(rom) of your hair..it's like 33 crore roms of our bodies have became tongue recite vahiguroo dhuni (resonance) simultaneously to hear such resosance(dhuni)/celestial tune is ever blisful.

That's why gurbani says:

Gurmukh Rom Rom Har Dhavaie ||

Hair has spiritual siginificane to it without any doubt..ais laie mahapursh/panthic parchariks request veers and bhain not to do katal of their kesh every day but in intoxication of fashion, ahankar and to be accepted in social circle our veers and bhains does katal of their kesh everyday they cannot do vichar or search on spiritual signifance of hair instead they die in thrist when ocean is right infront of them.

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Satsriakal to all and N30 Singh Ji!

You wrote "When Siri Guru Gobind Singh Ji came in this earth, people have forgotten how to respect god's creation."

Have I understood it rightly? After Guru Gobind Singh Ji left the body and the body came in earth, people have forgotten how to respect God's creation.

I feel people always get lost without Guru.

Thanks for mentioning so many spiritual significances of hair. May God bless me with all of those.

You referred a wonderful Vaak from Gurbani "Gurmukh Rom Rom Har Dhi-aaavai" SGGS Ang 941

I am not sure if 'rom' means hair as you have explained.

You seemed to be concerned when you write " . . . in intoxication of fashion, ahankar and to be accepted in social circle our veers and bhains does katal of their kesh everyday . . ."

I was also wondering on this behavior. Why Sikhs cover their hair with so many styles and colors of turbans?

Balbir Singh

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no gurmukh went through internal spiritual stages.. on a navel chakra when gurmukh meditates, and when the navel chakra gets opened up, gurmukh starts hearing vahiguroo dhuni(resosance) from each rom of his/her body... it's ever blisfful.

If one kills rom rom one gets less anand when navel chakra is open.

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Satsriakal N30 Singh Ji!

I admire your statement.

You Wrote "and when the navel chakra gets opened up, gurmukh starts hearing vahiguroo dhuni(resosance) from each rom of his/her body... it's ever blisfful."

Is this all your experience? And hairs assist all this to happen in a person.

I have a question. The word 'chakra' indicates that which moves in a circular form. What is the shape of a 'chakra' when it opens up?

Please teach me.

We can also remain to the topic when you prefer.

Balbir Singh

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