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When is vaishakhi ? 13 or 14?

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so when is vaishakhi according to bikrami calender? i think 13, i m not too sure, so wanted to confirm it from sangat.


i beleive in bikrami calendar, peope who ditched it are over-parnoid and have quite frankly lost the plot, they beleive bikrami is hindufied blah blah, well well did u know their nanaksahi calendar is also influenced by christian culture because of gorrah dates.. so it's crystal clear, they can claim that their implementations or maryada has no stains of bhraminvaad, but they surely have big stains of what we as puratan maryada hamdardi call it "protestant christianvad' "

at the end of day, they went to a different extreme, days are not far, when they will be absorbed in victorian protestnant christianhood, it's just the matter of time/ trend, once trend of christians right wing jatha start absorbing them they will feel more insecure and then they will keep running in circles.

Fact remains- All Guru Maharaj adapted bikrami calendar in their daily lives or celebrate gurupurb, holla-mohalla, sangrand etc.

Guru's were *NOT* insecured and over parnoid like sikhs you find these days who have allergy of calling everything which has indian culture influence as bhramin vads.


Its only a bloody date.

exactly bro.. it's a only date..lol. that leads me to question what lead them to change the whole flipping calendar?

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