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Gurmat Sangeet discussion forum


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there's a new email discussion forum set up by harjinder singh lallie... details below...

Vahiguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Vahiguru Ji Ki Fateh ||

I am trying to get the Gurmat Sangeet Academy email forum known amongst as many people as possible. It will be really useful to learn from other Sikhs (around the world!) and could be an excellent easy-to-manage resource for sharing resources and informing interested people about Kirtan darbars, workshops, seminars, concerts, classes etc.

Do your bit to promote the email forum by forwarding on the following message to all your ‘interested’ friends and family:

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The Gurmat Sangeet discussion forum has been established to promote, propagate and share knowledge relating to the rich tradition of kirtan as promoted by our Gurus. The forum has been established by the Gurmat Sangeet Academy which holds regular classes in the Midlands on Gurmat Sangeet including tabla, Tanti Saaj (stringed instruments), Vocals and kirtan (putting it all together!). More information can be found at www.gurmatsangeet.org

To join the group, send an email to: GurmatSangeetAcademy-subscribe@yahoogroups.com once subscribed, you will receive regular emails relating to the knowledge of Gurmat Sangeet, kirtan, tanti saaj, tabla, pakhavaj etc., and also of kirtan darbars, workshops, seminars, classes, concerts and any other events that are music related.

To send a message to all the members of the email group, email it to: GurmatSangeetAcademy@yahoogroups.com it will normally take a few hours to go through as the list is being moderated (to ensure that all postings are relevant and courteous!)

Harjinder Singh Lallie

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Yes, veer Harjinder Singh Ji is doing a great job in learning, teaching, researching and promoting Gurmat Sangeet and Tanti Saaj. They are especially active in reviving Dhrupad kirtan.

In addition to the above e-mailing list, for those that are really interested, I would also suggest using the Raj Academy Traditional Sikh Music Community Forum. A community-initiated forum of students, Sikh Music enthusiasts, individual researchers and practitioners.

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