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What is Naam di daat?

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I agree there is no difference between a gurmukh and the guru because he knows naam. But this knowledge to be communicated to us has to come through ego to reach us. The big difference is mahapurushes use ego consciously, whereas 99% of us use it unconsciously, we are asleep.

I agree with this statement, mahapursh when they do parchar of gyan, its done in sukhsam humein, they have to go this level in order to do parchar, when they done the parchar then they fully immersed back in gyan avastha. One cannot do parchar and at the same time fully immersed in gyan avastha, why? there is nothing to say at that state. parchar of what? there is nothing to say, nothing to do, nothing to ponder at that nirvakalap samadh state. There are seven divine phases - turiya being the last, most of mahapursh operate in (bichardaie) - 5th/6th state because after reaching turiya there is no coming back, they say body cannot survive the intensity of samadhi that within few days body gives up and via samadhi atma merges back into paratma. Thats why many mahapursh save themselves going in turiya until last days of their lives. However, that does not mean they cannot reach turiya state(final state) before, they choose not go in turiya state because of akaal purkh's hakum whatever duties they were sent in this earth for. They say in seven divine phases, fourth onwards states is state for jevan mukht pursh and anything less than fourth phases is for jaigaso like us.

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