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15 Days With Sant Baba Maan Singh (DAY 7)

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Day 7 - Claen Mind And No Alcohol


Dirty clothes and places are not pleasing to anyone. A dirty mind is not

pleasing to Waheguru jee.

Guru Nanak Dev jee had discussions with the holy Sidhs. At the end they

recognised his greatness and said ``Dhan Nanak Teree vadee kamaee?Great Nanak,

Your Spiritual Efforts are Supreme.'' They asked Guru jee about the dirty

mind. Guru Nanak Dev jee says in Jap Jee Sahib.

``Bharee-a hath pair tan deh??

When the hands and the feet and the body are dirty, water can wash away the

dirt. When the clothes are soiled and stained by urine, soap can wash them

clean. But when the intellect is stained and polluted by sin, it can only be

cleansed by the Love of the Name. Virtue and vice do not come by mere words;

actions repeated, over and over again, are engraved on the soul. You shall

harvest what you plant. O Nanak, by the Hukam of God's Command, we come and go

in reincarnation. || 20 ||''

Guru Nanak Dev jee told them, ``O Sidhs, if the mind is dirty then God's Name

can clean it, just as soap cleans clothes and water cleans dusty hands and


No one would eat food out of dirty dishes, in the same way God's Name can't

reside within a dirty mind.

A landowner used to visit a Saint for blessings every day. The Saint used to

tell him, ``You have come into the world to meditate on God's Name.'' One day

the man asked the Saint for God's Name. The saint said, ``Give up your bad

habits of eating meat, drinking alcohol and smoking, then you'll be blessed

with God's Name. Give up all those habits and you'll be blessed.'' The

landowner replied, ``No I dont want to give up those habits, just give God's

Name to me.'' On the next day, he asked the Saint for God's Name once again.

The Saint repeated his instructions and said, ``Give up those bad habits then

you'll be blessed with God's Name.'' The landowner said, ``O those habits will

stop slowly in time, just give me God's Name right now.'' But, a dish has to

be clean for God's Name to be put into it. Not half clean, nor a quarter

clean, but totally clean. One day the Saint filled a bucket with manure and

went to the landowner' house. The man fell at his feet and said, ``I'm so

blessed that you came to my house.'' The Saint said, ``I've come to collect

5kg of flour for the free-kitchen.'' The man got the flour and the Saint said,

``Pour the flour into the bucket.'' The man said, ``No-way! take out the

manure first.'' The Saint said, ``What's it to you where I put it, I'm the one

who's going to eat it?'' The man refused to put the flour in the dirty bucket.

The Saint refused to take the manure out. The following day the man came to

the Saint again and asked for God's Name. The Saint said, ``You valued 5kg of

flour so much that you wouldn't waste it by putting it into my dirty bucket.

Now how can I put the priceless Name of God into a dirty mind?''

In this world people are ready to take, but not to give. People ask what do we

get from going into the holy congregation, or Sadh Sangat? Guru jee says leave

you pains and suffereing and take away happiness and peace of mind?.dukh

parhar, sukh ghar lay jae.

But man says the opposite, ``I'll leave amrit and take alcohol instead''.

Shraab means shirath da paanee or in other words alcohol is the water of

mischief. Guru Granth Sahib jee says, ``Amrit chad bikhay bikh ka-e?leaving

amrit one eats the most poisonous poison'' Amrit tastes bitter and poisonous

alcohol tastes sweet to the one who has no Guru, the Manmukh.

We think Anya means blind, but Anya actually means the one who has no sense.

According to the Guru, the blind one is not the one without eyes, but the one

without sense and wisdom of Waheguru jee.

An Anya man was blind drunk. No one wants to be told that they have bad wisdom

and that they are a foolish person. But by drinking you lose half your

sensible wisdom. Drink kills wisdom. Drink causes our spiritual strength to

be weakened and it causes countless diseases. It eats the body like wood-worm

destroys wood. The drunken man vomits and talks nonsense. This turban is his

honour, but by drinking the turban gets knocked off, infact some even take it

off with their own hands before drinking!

Guru jee says that alcohol causes us to lose our senses, leading to sinful

actions. And a sinful man can't be accepted by God. Guru jee says that a

Manmukh is worse than a pig (a pig lives in it's own dirt). The drunken man

vomits and stinks. No one can stand next to a drunkard, he stinks and talks

dirty in front of his own daughters and sisters. He swears in front of them.

He's dirtier then a pig. When this Manmukh dies no-one really cares that he


When a pig dies he's still useful. He can be eaten, his skin can be used.

But, when the drunken one dies, even in death he is of no use to anyone. Once

a drunken man was vomiting. A cat came near him and started licking her

whiskers. He grabbed it's tail, his wife's name was Kalwant Kaur. He said,

``Kalwant Kaur, you normally tie your hair in a bun, but today you've got a

pony tail!''

Guru Nanak jee said that both Bhai Balla jee and Bhai Mardana jee had been

connected with him for many lives before. Bhai Balla jee asked Guru jee, ``If

Bhai Mardana jee had been good enough to be with Guru Nanak jee in previous

lives, then why was he born into a poor house?'' Guru Nanak jee said, ``In

Treta Yug, the Second Age, Mardana was a Kirtanee-singer for Raja Janak the

Saintly King. Raja Janak was greatly pleased with him, but one day Bhai

Mardana thought I'll sing kirtan-praises better if I'm high on alcohol. He

turned up drunk. Raja Janak told him, ``I'm pleased with kirtan-praises not

drink!'' That's why Bhai Mardana was born in a poor house. Now if great

people like Bhai Mardana weren't forgiven for tiny mistakes how will we be

forgiven? If Bhai Mardana jee was born in a poor house for drinking, do you

think you are going to born in God's house!!

Alcohol is called the drink of 100 sins. The one who drinks, tells more and

more lies, and kirtanee-musicians like Bhai Mardana in his previous life

weren't forgiven. 99% of people who drink were first tempted by other people

saying something like, ``O come and have a drink, have a drink.'' Tempting

others with drink is a sin.

Drink destroyed holy Krishan's family. Do you think drink is going to save

your family?

Khalsa jee, two opposites can't be in the same place at the same time. You

can't be unhappy and happy at the same time, you can't be a Saint and a thief,

you can't be a faithful wife and a prostitute, you can't be a non-drinker and

an alcoholic. People receive amrit wear the 5Ks, but drink! Now tell me which

code of conduct, or rehat maryada, says its OK to drink alcohol? At Guru Amar

Das jee's time the Masands, or missionaries, were greatly respected, but by

Guru Gobind Singh jee's time they were totally corrupt. They used to eat meat,

drink alcohol and corrupt innocent people by taking their money in the name of

Guru Nanak Dev jee.

Guru Nanak Dev jee wrote against the corrupted holy Muslims and Hindus priests

of his time. Today words will be written against our kirtanee-musicians, our

Gurdwara presidents and against fake Sants. The false Sikh is the one who does

false deeds. The false one is not accepted in Guru Nanak jee's house. Make it

a rule to keep the company of people that help us to get closer to Guru Granth

Sahib jee. Sant Attar Singh jee, now there was a true Sant, and Baba Nand

Singh jee helped thousands of people to get closer to Guru Granth Sahib jee and

not to themselves.

Agiaa bhaee akaal kee, tabeeo chalaaioo Panth

Sabh Sikhan ko hukam haa, guru manioo granth

Guru Granth jee maanio pargat gura kee dhay

Jo prabh ko mil boch ha kojh shabd mel lay

The Immortal Being issued the command and the Khalsa Path was created

ALL Sikhs are commanded to obey the Granth as their Guru

Obey Guru Granth for it is the now the body of the manifested Gurus

Whoever longs for Waheguru, will unite by searching its Word

(by Guru Gobind Singh jee)

If our Granthi-priests, kirtanee-musicians, tadhee-singers, Sant-Saints,

Gurdwara presidents and poets stopped eating meat, stopped drinking alcohol

and lived up to the vows of Amrit, then there would be no stopping us in giving

Amrit to the whole world. If the teacher knows nothing, what will the students

learn? Can they pass their exams? The presidents and preachers who eat meat

and drink alcohol can't pass Guru Nanak jee's tests. There are no fights in

Muslim Mosques, Hindu Mandirs or Christian Churches, why are there fights in

Sikh Gurdwara's? Because, the people in Gurdwaras say, ``I did more seva-service, I should get more money. I did more, I should get more money. I

did more, I should be the president. I have more knowledge, people should vote

for me.'' The true Sikh would get closer to Kirtan-praises and not to the

Kirtanee-musician. The true Sikh would get closer to Guru Granth Sahib jee and

not to the Granthi-priest. The true Sikh wouldn't be after money and status.

Its hard to tell the truth, its even harder to live it.

A man used to get drunk and beat his wife. His wife was cooking one day but the

dog ran off with the meat. Out of fear of the husband she took the dog's puppy

and cooked it. The nine year old son watched. The husband came home and the

wife served it, just before he took the first bite he noticed his son was

staring at him, he asked him what the matter was. The son thought if I tell

the truth my mother will get beaten, if I lie my father will have to eat the

dog's meat. In the same way Khalsa jee, if you follow the path of truth by

giving your head at the Amrit ceremony, you'll find it hard to tell the truth

and to live it as well. But that is the Khalsa way.

Now people say only three prayers (JapJee Sahib, Jaap Sahib and Tav Prasad

Savayeh) have to be read in the morning. When five prayers (JapJee Sahib, Jaap

Sahib, Tav Prasad Savayeh, Bentee Chaupee and Anand Sahib) were read by

everyone the Khalsa was always victorious, now the Khalsa is failing in every

town. What has become of us? What has become of us? Today people say that

Mool Mantr is up to Gurprasad. If we read up to `Nanak Hosi bhi sach,' then

we'll see that the first verse ends here because there's of the ||1|| sign. It

means Mool Mantr is up to here.

Some people came to Guru Gobind Singh jee and said we give the

Masand-Missionaries our Daswand, or tenth of earnings, to give to you, but they

just eat meat, drink alcohol and abuse our daughters. Guru Gobind Singh jee

was horrified. If you can't keep your own house clean how are you going to

keep the world clean? Guru Gobind Singh jee told his Sikhs to fill a well

with oil - the Masands were going to be punished by being burnt to death in the

well. The Sikhs protested saying, ``You can't kill the Masands - they're our

preachers, we're a new religion and we'll die without them.'' Guru Gobind

Singh jee carried on regardless of the consequences. The Masands were fakes

and worst of all they were misleading people in the name of Guru Nanak. The

Masands were brought to Anandpur Sahib and thrown in the burning well by the

hands of Guru Gobind Singh jee. O Holy Congregation, Guru Gobind Singh jee

resides within you, `The Khalsa is the special form of Guru Gobind Singh

jee?Khalsa mera roop ha khaas'. How can you be his special form if you drink

or eat meat?

When someone dies we ask the Granthi-priest to say the Ardas prayer. The

Manmukh, or Guru-less one, who died drunk his whole life away. The

Granthi-priest says the Ardas with pressed palms, ``O True Guru King, this

spirit came to travel in this world, be merciful and keep this spirit at your

feet always.'' What a great lie we tell in front of Guru Granth Sahib jee.

The Masands were burnt for lying and we have the audacity to lie in front of

Guru Granth Sahib ji! The one who couldn't stay at the Lotus feet, or Words,

of Guru Granth Sahib jee while alive, how is he going to stay there after

death? Even the family of the dead one don't want to keep him in their house.

He has no place to go. Guru jee tells us that the one who drinks alcohol gets

beaten in this world for his actions. Now do you think he's going to get

luxurious sofas to sit on in the next world?

The nation that suffers floods will survive and recover. The nation that

drowns in alcohol will be destroyed. It would have been better that our nation

stayed poor, but strong with Sikhism, rather than getting rich and forgetting

their faith.

Historically, personal Sikhism was rich, look at the characters of Bhai Mani

Singh and Bhai Taru Singh jee's lives. But the Khalsa nation was poor. Now

personal Sikhism is poor but the Khalsa nation is rich.

Jesus said if a hungry tiger enters a lamb's pen, he causes less damage than a

man intoxicated with maya, or worldy attractions,. Its easier for a camel to

go through the eye of a needle than for an atheist to enter Sach Khand, or

God's Realm of Truth.

Without teeth we can't eat food. But maya without teeth has eaten the whole

world. The one who drinks alcohol will suffer punishment in the next world.

If you are Khalsa then you are special and have a sword in your hand. Not a

beer bottle! If you want to belong to Guru jee then you'll have to receive

amrit, get up early at amrit-vela and meditate on your daily prayers - Nitnem.

Khalsa jee, our nation is nearly 300 years old, many have gone before us, what

has happened to them? Many have become rich coming to the West. Many are

calling others over to the West so that they become rich too, and many poor

ones are left sitting at riverbeds wondering where their next meal is coming

from. I tell the poor ones receive amrit and Sikhism will not leave you on the

riverbank of poverty. You will not be poor anymore nor will you live in poor

houses. Receive amrit, we ask for countless things from Guru jee. If we just

obey one Hukam-command and receive amrit we'll get what we want.

On becoming holy and wearing holy clothes, don't start committing sins. The

`holy' sinners are the worst of all. They feel no shame, even the sins feel

shame at the deeds done, but these `holy' sinners don't feel shame.

Guru Gobind Singh jee's mission was to get rid of the `holy' sinners like the

Masands and spread true religion. He uplifted the status of the innocent and

the poor by making them into Khalsa that belonged to Waheguru. He told us to

work hard, go to universities and get the best education and to teach others

the true way of Sikhism. But, we've been riddled with weaknesses. Our

Bana-uniform hasn't stayed on us, our morning Nitnem-prayers have been reduced,

we don't get up early at Amrit-vela, we haven't lived according to the Rehat,

or code of conduct. Guru Gobind Singh jee said to us that the Khalsa will be

`Vidia vicharee ta par-upakaree'?knowledable, educated and helping others

become Sikhs. How can we make others into Sikhs when we're not Sikhs

ourselves. Receive Amrit!

There should be at least 600 people to receive amrit in Southall.

Vaheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Vaheguru Ji Ki Fateh !

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