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Posts posted by ASJ

  1. Forget about "isms" and the rest. Sikh religion does not believe in 30 crore devis and devtaas. A sikh is only suppose to worship One God and not worship anything else. Only IK ONKAAR. Differences between the Sikh religion and hinduism are huge. One's spiritiual journey starts from Charan Pahul da and Khandey Bhattey da Amrit and, not by invoking hanuman or drawing mandalas on the floors in different colors. Sikh(ism) and hindu(ism) are totally worlds apart.

  2. Hahaha.... punjabi culture is NOT a sikh culture. Punjabi culture is a hindu shite.

    Guru wrote Dasam Granth which is nothing but the PUREST of the pure Hindu Granths.

    "...not told to judge" and here this joker is being the supreme judge judging whole community! Sick! that's what you are. blaming every frigging flaw in your community onto the others. so easy.

    Our sikh girls coming from decent sikh background copy them...

    Is Sunny Leone that decent Sikh girl you are talking about? when she goes to gurdwara i bet the granthi would wish she was matha teko in the opposite direction.

    Also, you are cussing Punjabi culture, which culture these Muslim boys follow, Japanese?

    BTW, those seeking answer for the question posed in the original post should look at the matrimonial ads in Punjabi and other language newspapers in punjab/north India. there is an overwhelming demand for "clean-shaven" Sikh boys followed by their caste. Do not tell me that Sikh girls give these ads. Accept the reality, no self-respecting girl would like to live with a fanatic looking delusionary idiot such as MANNmere

    Sher, you surprise me! You are not only a fanatic yourself but also a slanderer of those trying to make sensible comments here. Some people are just gifted with more brains than others, so just face it. People are complaining of punjabi culture everywhere in the sikhdom and blaming hinduisation of it.

    Mannmere, your argument is too highbrowed. You need to come down to earth buddy! I enjoy reading your posts even though some of the comments you make are a little too difficult for me to understand but nonetheless they are extremely pertinent and interesting.

  3. This has been going on for a long time in Britain and then they make demands for other cultures to integerate!!

    If I had any children I would protect them from such an integeration!

  4. Mannmere, you have specified some valid points in your post but our Gurdwaras don't have plenty of space to allocate a room to each and every activity. They are sometimes built in houses or very old churches which have been lying vacant for years. It is difficult to have so many rooms on the premises. What's is wrong with people discussing politics or social issues inside the Gurdwara in the presence of the Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji? I know people have to be fully focused on what is being said but they can leave the children in the play areas if there are any allocated for this purpose.

    I am just wondering what if the pradhaans sahib jis discussed everything with the sangat first before planning anything? I have heard many times that the pradhans don't listen to anyone, they just do what they like. I was there when the Prof. was doing one of his lectures and I did find it very hard to concentrate. His lectures are very well researched and very academic and one really needs to take notes, you are right.

    To be honest I am one of those youngsters that 'abandoned the path' because there was no one to guide me and teach me about sikh dharam. If you saw me now you wouldn't think so. It took me a long time to discover sikhism and now I think I know a little bit more and feel so good. My knowledge about sikhism did not come from any of the Gurdwaras.

    I think youngsters abandon the path of Sikhee because of the inability of their parents and their parents' parents to pass it on to their children due to lack of understanding and illiteracy. I find it so thoroughly disgusting that majority of our elders are not punjabi literate.

  5. Again I think it is way too simplistic to blame it all on that. I mean for a Sikh girl brought up in the west, Hollywood is likely to be as influential as Bollywood, and Hollywood has its fair share of sleaze too.

    I seriously disagree with this one. I don't think the Gurus were point blank against what you call 'Hindu' culture but I prefer to term 'Indic' culture. They use references from it all over Gurbani for example. But yes they did try and purge its more negative side. But lets recall that as well as the rubbish, Indic culture also produced lots of literature, maths, yoga and meditation techniques. So it is not all garbage.

    Plus in the end, the problem is with apneean going with abusive perverted men generally from Pak backgrounds. It's stupid to pin it on every last Muslim commr

  6. What, and there aren't umpteen Hindu forums for you to do this?

    Let me put it this way, let's reverse the scenario:

    Now if I knew of a Sikh who was showing up on Hindu forums and trolling them about Hindu shortcomings (I'm sure some exist and may even be doing this as we speak!), I'd very quickly (and rightly) categorise them as straight 'knob-heads'.

    How are you any different?

    Dekhiya, laraayee hogayee!!

  7. Yes.

    We are a cry baby quom now, who doesn't like to face home truths and like to blame everyone but ourselves for our state.

    Are you sure?

    Sikh/punjabi kom is the most laraakee kom in the world. It is just so shocking to see them how they fight in the gurdwara sahibs, at home in a family set up and so on. They fail to apply their eagerness to fight in the right places where it is needed most. Unbelieveably shocking.

    They can't face the home truths because they are not even clever enough to know what they are. Why can't they unite and fight against drug abuse in their kom?

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