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Posts posted by anad

  1. Following is the video related to the topic of this thread, but at the same time, it is valid for anyone who looks for everlasting happiness, which emerges from the unending fountain of bliss, namely Wahiguru Akal Purukh.

    The shabd by itself as always is beautiful and peaceful, the voice of the hukam pathi is sweet and melodious, the katha kartar is clear and direct in the depth of the Bani, and so it strengthens our wavering faith in Wahiguru Akal Purukh.

    Enjoy it,

    Sat Sree Akal.

    Thankyou. Really liked the video :-)

  2. Dear Lunalon,

    This is my very brief opinion, answering from a different angle.

    The answer is WITHIN your self. What problems do I face? What goals do I desire? Your Self is your consciousness [ it is at your command] If you feel that what you desire is selfish [ it is for your own purpose [and does not come within the Wand ke shaakana] your ardas or faith is definitely not 100% as you may have doubt of the achieving the goal, resulting the "prayers" not being " appreciated".

    So if one has problems or desire[ TASK] for something, then have an absolute faith ( do not let a drop of doubts or indecisive) that the task has been or being completed by your Creator/Lord Master. Show your gratitude to Waheguru for placing you in the said circumstances that allow you to perform the task ( doing it frequently) . Once you done it believe that it will be done and move on and act as it is.

    Now in the beginning you will feel that people will think you are selfish. Remember ,this is your feeling and your conscious [ from past memory recording is playing to you]. Ignore this.

    What you are doing is creating a new self image, self respect and self esteem for your self . As you keep thanking Waheguru for His grace and resolving your problems simultaneously you increase your Faith in Lord. As Harsharan said you may stop calling it selfish as you are moving toward One ( this is Japji Sahib's 5 Khand come into play) . Your own result will show you whether your "prayers" is being appreciated. "seek Within and not without".

    Combine your task/problems or desire with your Simraan during," amritvela sach naa-o vadi-aa-ee veechaar" . The veechaar here means to me as praising Him for gratitude for He has been giving and giving. It will sound flimsy in the beginning or guilty or selfish but soon later you will realized that this is a visualization with His grace. The word selfish will just whittle away.

    Dear Lunalon,

    This is my very brief opinion, answering from a different angle.

    The answer is WITHIN your self. What problems do I face? What goals do I desire? Your Self is your consciousness [ it is at your command] If you feel that what you desire is selfish [ it is for your own purpose [and does not come within the Wand ke shaakana] your ardas or faith is definitely not 100% as you may have doubt of the achieving the goal, resulting the "prayers" not being " appreciated".

    So if one has problems or desire[ TASK] for something, then have an absolute faith ( do not let a drop of doubts or indecisive) that the task has been or being completed by your Creator/Lord Master. Show your gratitude to Waheguru for placing you in the said circumstances that allow you to perform the task ( doing it frequently) . Once you done it believe that it will be done and move on and act as it is.

    Now in the beginning you will feel that people will think you are selfish. Remember ,this is your feeling and your conscious [ from past memory recording is playing to you]. Ignore this.

    What you are doing is creating a new self image, self respect and self esteem for your self . As you keep thanking Waheguru for His grace and resolving your problems simultaneously you increase your Faith in Lord. As Harsharan said you may stop calling it selfish as you are moving toward One ( this is Japji Sahib's 5 Khand come into play) . Your own result will show you whether your "prayers" is being appreciated. "seek Within and not without".

    Combine your task/problems or desire with your Simraan during," amritvela sach naa-o vadi-aa-ee veechaar" . The veechaar here means to me as praising Him for gratitude for He has been giving and giving. It will sound flimsy in the beginning or guilty or selfish but soon later you will realized that this is a visualization with His grace. The word selfish will just whittle away.

    Hmm..true you said :-)

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