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Posts posted by Orchids

  1. Convert the whole world? I didnt hear about this. Isnt it more political than about religion itself? Cos I seriously doubt they have set out to convert the world.

    And how bout remembering not to judge a whole grp of ppl by the actions of a few? You wouldnt like it if others started judging Sikhs in such a manner if something similar happened.

    Everyone is, all Sikhs, but that doesnt mean you have to view another religion as the 'enemy'.

    educate them..make them aware.. the rest is up to them

    and do what...kill them? beat them up?

    create more religious tension in the community and prove to the non-desis that all their stereotypes about the asian community are true?

    respect to u... but not everyone that converts does so because they were forced to convert... most ppl convert by choice.

    okies im sorry

  2. The moghuls????

    Every religion has a history of abusing or abuse meted out to them. How long are you going to hold a grudge and judge people by the actions of their ancestors??

    history repeats itself

    guru gobind singhji was backstabbed by a moghul

    how could u forget

    his innocent sweet children were killed by the moghuls

    you will find these days that al queda and the terrorist organisations have a similarity with the moghuls basically they want to convert the whole world...

    anyways we knocked the moghuls down, we kicked em off their balance..

    you see it happening today innocent people dying in the name of terrorism..

    the best religion of all religions is to remember god

    i dont get why people can stay in the country that fed them and bomb it down..

    im proud of the khalsa

    if it wasnt for the khalsa we might not be sikh today

    think about it..

    we have to prevent our sikh sisters from being converted to some religion

    stand against injustice

    if you see any indian girl being converted 2 some next religion by force do something about it.. go after the dude..

    we need to form an organisation that goes after fundamentalists

  3. Hello today I beat someone up. I thought he said "Gurudwara is a randi khann.." but actually he was jokingly saying "You should goto a randi khanna instead of the Gurudwara." ..... I beat him up real bad today, there are marks on his body. :oops:

    I want to know what we should do if someone say bad insulting things about our religion? and wether it was oka I beat him up. How do i remover the karma of doing this bad thing? I have a hot temper

    u have a kashmiri dude as ur roommate? :shock:

    i hope he never forgets this beating

  4. even i get depressed

    but i try and do path and listen 2 kirtan

    and in college its always boring

    many people dont understand

    i agree the community has failed to understand depression

    no human can erase pain and suffering

    only waheguru can

    i often try and do college work when im depressed cause at least i know then that my college work is out the way...

    hopefully god carries me through these times

  5. greetings

    my local library has dasam granth sahib and other sikh texts.. they should know that these should not be placed on a bookshelf! i also got this book from the library which was called stream of thoughts but i found out later it was by some nirankari dudes.. shall i complain 2 my local library?

    they also have path in the audio section

  6. http://www.khalsapride.com/SikhSpottings/tele.htm

    there u go

    a singh was spotted in the video for hey jude.. awesome song

    if any1 can find the video with the sardar in let me know?

    can any1 find it?

    anyways for those of u that cant be bothered 2 click the link heres the article in its eternity

    NEW! A sardar with turban, Manjit Singh Balbir Singh being the referee of a soccer match in the malaysian league soccer match. This match was telecasted live all over Malaysian National Television. [ spotted by Sachdev Singh, 7.7.02 ]

    "Ludacris and JD's new video Welcome to Atlanta features a sardar throughout the ENTIRE video. He is on the right in the tour bus first, then later picking out boots, with the rappers and trying on clothes, and then finally he is at a club with both Ludacris and JD. Who is this guy!!! (seen on 12/4/01)"

    There is a Full Sikh Television News Anchor who speaks perfect Malay on one of the Malaysian channels; Tv 3 or Tv 2 Malaysia. He comes on everyday on national television and reads the news, in Malay!

    Handsome young turbaned sikh boy spotted on a show called "Books on Parade". He and his teamates won the trivia contest. His name was Jagdeep Singh.

    Sikh on a KFC commercial who was just about ready to enjoy a nice picnic on top of his car.

    On CNN they were previewing a coverage for the NBA finals. Two sardar Laker fans were cheering to the camera and showing their Khalsa Pride. (6/11/01)

    On CNN Perspectives they were doing an in depth series of interviews and travelling around with the Dalai Lama who is currently located in India. For a segment of the show, they focused on the town of Dharamsala a vibrant community. While this show may have been focused on Buddhists- a young Sikh boy with a putka was shown as a citizen of Dharamsala in a still picture that was being mixed with the 'action' videotape. It was nice to see his picture to know that Dharamsala, which was being depicted as a vibrant community-also had some spice with some Sikhs who stood out in the crowd.

    On American's Funniest Home Videos on ABC, March 3rd, They aired a clip of a school play where a Sikh Man's Kid ran up on stage. They zoomed in on the Sardar as he was getting his kid.

    Saw the sardars from josh on CNN TWICE! First on a news clipping for the bollywood music awards where they performed. Then saw them on CNN w/ Riz Khan for a half hour show. They were amazing. Their video for "Tanha" is on their website www.planetjosh.com

    I saw a Sikh man on the channel 11 news today. He was taking part in the effort to rescue a woman who was buried under rubble after the recent earthquake.

    On ABC Channel 7 News there was a report done on the rapidly growing Asian population in New Jersey. Mostly statistics of Asian populations growing 104% in Ocean counties etc. was presented. I wouldn't have even watched the whole story if I hadn't been surfing channels and happened to catch a Sardar being videotaped with a fine looking pugh! It's nice to see that Sikhs can grab attention wherever they are spotted =)!

    A sardar was spotted in the "Mo Money Mo Problems" music video. He appears in the scene where Puff Daddy makes the winning putt, and then runs around and gives a "high-five" to everyone, and then he is spotted jumping up and down hugging a handsome sardar man.

    In the "Hey Jude" video from the Beatles, a sardar is spotted sitting next to one of the band members. He was by that band member throughout the entire video therefore was on the video- pratically the whole time.

    On Boy Meets World. Their is a sardar who is a doctor testing Eric's sleeping problems.

    On Dharma & Greg (tv show) a Sikh was spotted in the background on several different occasions.

    On an 'old school' episode of Seventh Heaven the black church is burnt by racists. In a very moving ending scene, all religions and faiths join at the site of the burnt church to raise money and join in favor. You see whites and blacks holding hands, Muslims, and the best- a sardar rocking a sweet dastar twice! I think its great that the show writers put a Sikh in the show in a good context.

    I spotted a Sikh on a Dr. Pepper Commercial during the NFC Championship Football game. He was shown in a car (no taxi sign) and was wearing a black dastaar with a uncut beard.

    "There was a GE (General Electric) commercial on TV during a college basketball game recently. THe commercial showed how GE was moving ahead in technology and they were showing many different people working for them, and then they show this cool Singh smiling and walking for about 2 seconds. It was just awesome to see a Singh on national TV."

    "There is a Sikh sitting on the bus behind Alanis Morissette in her video 'Thank You.'"

    "Sikhs have been spotted in the Wu Tang Clan video entitled 'Ice Cream.' the artist name was Raekwon. It showed a boy in a patka behind a register as the members of the Wu rhymed in a convenience shop. Yet again, another positive example of Sikhs in hip hop videos. This video came out in 1996 i believe."(Reported by Sartaj Singh)

    "A Sikh was spotted in the Cocca Brovaz video entitled "Won on Won." this video came out in December of 1997. It showed a Sikh dancing with the duo of the group for a significant amount of time. Longer than the puff daddy video. They were rhyming and they said 'you can catch me chillin at akbar's door.' and then they showed them dancing with a sardar. it was a positive role for the Sikh."

  7. Errr, don't you get it? Notice how the word freak is rhymed with Sikh.

    trust me i am a fan of the beatles

    you wont understand

    the beatles went on this meditation trip 2 india their guru was the maharishi mahese yogi... during this time the singer of the band made friends with indians.,. some people thought he was a freak for doing so.,...

    the song is a unreleased one, it was left out of their double L.P titled the white album..

    sikh fauge the song is not out officially.. try on kazaa

    oh yeh and also there was a singh at a beatles concert let me see if i can get the pictures for you.. i used 2 have the beatles anthology and there was a picture of a singh in the audience...

  8. Got this from ss. Like to share with the sangat and discuss about it. If anyone wish to bring critcism of (Whats being said??). Please do with humbleness and scholary fashion. This forum has no place for cheap insults or slandering.


    There has been something on my mind for quite some time now. And i think we need to take action. It is in regards to Gurudwara etiquette. From what i have seen in some Gurudwaras, there seems to be a very relaxed mood when it comes to enforcing basic Maryada and rules. Here is a list of some things that i feel we need to enforce immediately...

    1) No talking in the Darbar. --- The Darbar is a place for Sangat to listen to Gurbani, not to listen to people talking about there lives. I have seen so often (sorry to say, especially on the female side) people siting in groups just chatting it up, not listening to Kirtan themselves, and distracting others from enjoying the Kirtan. This is disrespectful to Guru Ji, if you want to talk, just leave.

    what should be done? --- we should make it OUR personal duty to inform anyone talking in the Darbar Hall to please be quiet, and also talk to the Gurudwra committee to regularly announce the importance of silence in the Darbar. Don't be afraid that someone may get mad at you, it is our DUTY to enforce respect of Guru Ji.

    2) Controlling Children --- for many people a Gurudwara is like a playground for children. I know it is natural for a kid to enjoy playing with other kids, but there is a time and place for everything, and playing in the Darbar is not appropriate.

    what should be done?--- Any kid running, yelling, and making a disturbance in the Darbar should be dealt with right away. Go straight to the parent(s), and explain that the child's behaviour is disturbing Sangat who wants to focus, and if the kid can't be controlled, then the parent should take the kid out of Darbar hall. I especially feel for my sisters, you are trying to listen to kirtan, but having to 'tune out' the kids who are yelling and rolling around. It is our duty to enforce Maryada instead of just hoping the problwm will eventually go away. Another idea: have Paraydars on duty strictly for enforcing silence during diwans.

    3) Langar Maryada --- In some Gurudwaras i have been to, i see many little kids doing seva in the Langar. I love to see children get involved in Seva, but they must follow the rules. Most of them are just too young to know about rules, keeping Langar sucha etc...for example, not washing their hands, touching the karchi to the plate, touching water container to the glass, serving wth uncovered hair. These kid's parents must not have explained to them how to serve langar, and may think it is not a big deal, but it is a HUGE deal. There are many Amritdharis who want to be jooth free, but may be getting served by a karchi which touched the jootha food of a smoker. Just two days ago i asked a kid who was serving langar if he washed his hands, and he said "yes, i did at home". I can guarantee that at the local gurudwra i go to, there are many kids who go to the washroom, play on the ground, eat etc...and then just start serving langar without washing hands because they "already washed them once when they came to the Gurudwara. I have even sen a kid a walking around serving jalaybees and eating them while serving. These little kids don't know the rules, it is upto us to teach them.

    what should be done?--- talk to the committee and have people on duty to enforce Langar soocham. Educate the kids, ask them if they washed their hands with soap, make announcements on stage to tell people about the rules, and tell parents to tell their kids, make flyers with rules etc. If we don't do anything about this, then it is partly OUR fault that the langar being served is not sucha.

    There are many other things that occur in the Gurudawara that must be controlled. I'm not coming out here to complain, i am coming out here to share my views and to ask the Sangat to make a difference in our Gurudwaras. I know there are many Gurudwaras that are keeping the rules enforced, and that is really good, but some Gurudwaras are slacking. If anyone has any information/advice etc...please post! Lets try to make Gurudwara a place where we can sit in the Darbar, and listen to Gurbani without any distractions, have sucha Langar etc...because it will benefit EVERYONE and as Sikhs we don't turn our head the other way when there is a problem, or expect someone else to do it, we take action and do it ourselves, especially where respect of Guru Ji and Sangat is involved.

    i remember when i was a kid, this is really embarassing for me 2 say this but :oops: i remember when there was a wedding and in the gurdwara i kept running around and playing tick..

    and i remember when in the langar hall i used 2 play skiing because the floor was kind of wet

    sorry just thought id tell u

    i ask for forgiveness

  9. hello

    im a huge beatles fan..

    george harrison did not mean that in a wrong way... when the beatles went to india they meditated with the maharishi.. its hard to explain he wrote that song because most of the people thought he was crazy making friends with indians or something? i have that song it sounds really nice.. its a bootleg song..

    anyways im more of a john lennon fan...

    i have that song not guilty if you want it..

    it was taken off the white album and remained a bootleg

  10. REally sad to see how Panjabiyat is being neglected by Panjabis themselves! On the other hand I would not blame Sikh girls for not liking sardars. Let's face it: many girls feel intimidated by lthe look because they associate it not with some "evil" propaganda fed to them but to everyday life situation. As a girl I certainly would not call Khalistani and the local amritdhari mysoginist men the best model of masculinity! many girls have had to suffer from very strict, harsh and violent "sardar"

    Moderator Note- Edited:Its not your job to decide who is sikh or not..leave that to akaal purkh.

    dads or brothers and although I disagree with them I can understand why they would not like to go out or marry sardars!

    It's not girls who have to change: it's Sikh men who have to re-learn the art of seduction again! Aren't we kings at the end of the day! Our women want kings: not clowns, not alocoholics, not hypocrytes or brutes! They want kings!

    omg i cant believe u said that!

    speaking of which i heard one incident here in the UK where a sikh man killed his wife for not making roti omg thats out of order..

    sometimes i go into bars with my friends (not that i drink) and i see loads of singhs downing alchohol.. i cant understand why they would want to drink something that tastes so nasty :roll:

    and theres loads of sikhs in videos drinking and stuff like in bhangra videos

    but not every keshdhari sikh is like that?

    i know one singh that wears the bhindranwale hoodie :roll:

    and theres one singh also i know who walks around with 5 girls and stuff

    im asking myself where is our religion going?

    to hell with bollywood, bollywood films r lame.. when i walk through that door all freshie actors drop dead.. and every1s like "wow whose that guy"


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