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Bal Rehal

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Posts posted by Bal Rehal

  1. This is the shabad which bhagat Ji recited at that time. I think the sakhi itself is in the Guru Nank Janam sakhi written by Bhai Bala. I am not sure, but I think this shabad is not included in the SGGS. 

    The sakhi goes something like the pundits who were with Naamdev were jealous of Bhagat Naandev Ji. So they planned a clever way to get him killed (indirectly) as there was a well near a certain Mandhir. They invited him to a rein swai where they would perform all night kirtan at this mandhir. There was a haunted well nearby - whoever approached it got killed - therefore it was out of use. 

    Some time into the kirtan, the Pundits started saying they were thirsty. No one would volunteer to go to the haunted well to fetch water. Bhagat Naamdev was sent. 

    When he went there, he saw a huge scary ghosty figure shoot out to stop him from fetching water. However Bhagat Ji saw Parmatmas roop in everyone. Therefore he started to sing this shabad - asking God why he was appearing to him in this dreadful form. 

    The scary roop changed into the image of God which he had fixed in his mind. The evil pundits were thus ashamed. Their plan to kill bhagat Ji did not work. 


    Was a human eyeball....very huge... but amazingly I was not scared. It was surrounded by some warm comforting light which just gives you the feeling it is not evil. (as some things which are evil can be sensed right away)

    Bilaaval, Fifth Mehl:
    Worship and adore the Lord, Har, Har, Har, and you shall be free of disease.
    This is the Lord's healing rod, which eradicates all disease. ||1||Pause||
    Meditating on the Lord, through the Perfect Guru, he constantly enjoys pleasure.
    I am devoted to the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy; I have been united with my Lord. ||1||
    Contemplating Him, peace is obtained, and separation is ended.
    Nanak seeks the Sanctuary of God, the All-powerful Creator, the Cause of causes. ||2||34||64||

    Please use this shabad as the original one says khaiye where it is supposed to be paiye


    SGGS Ang 409... lovely shabad explaining his hukam to us and how to stay away from worldly things and yet still live in the world.

    One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:
    Meditate on the Lord, the Lord of the Universe.
    Cherish the Beloved Lord, Har, Har, in your mind.
    The Guru says to install it in your consciousness.
    Turn away from others, and turn to Him.
    Thus you shall obtain your Beloved, O my companion. ||1||Pause||
    In the pool of the world is the mud of attachment.
    Stuck in it, his feet cannot walk towards the Lord.
    The fool is stuck;
    he cannot do anything else.
    Only by entering the Lord's Sanctuary, O my companion, will you be released. ||1||
    Thus your consciousness shall be stable and steady and firm.
    Wilderness and household are the same.
    Deep within dwells the One Husband Lord;
    outwardly, there are many distractions.
    Practice Raja Yoga, the Yoga of meditation and success.
    Says Nanak, this is the way to dwell with the people, and yet remain apart from them. ||2||1||157||


  4. Quote

    Thanks mahapursho. I seek more information if anyone has

    Why do you specifically seek this type of info. Perhaps if we know then you can be given help specific to your case. 

    A good general read on understanding the nature of lust is available on a Christian website. The lessons on defeating lust are much similar in Sikhism too. The story of Bhai Joga Singh is a good example of how Guru Ji gives a person the ability to stand up to these 5 thieves which creep upon the human being. There are many lines in Gurbani which make us aware of these five vices which are kaam, karodh, lobh moh and ahankaar. It is sadh sangat and The true Guru who can keep you safe from these vices. One of these vices is Kaam or lust. 


    Here is the sakhi of Bhai joga singh


    A Christian website which explains how to overcome lust. 



    More lines from Guru Granth Sahib Ji will take some time to be posted on here. 

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