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Posts posted by ama

  1. On 3/29/2021 at 5:38 AM, paapiman said:

    wjkk wjkf

    The below Shabad can also be recited to attract a great woman in your life. Most likely, this Shabad has to be recited 108 times daily.

    Gurparsaad, Daas will try to post the audio link of the katha.




    Bhul chuk maaf

    can you please explain the meaning of this shabd line by line

  2. Though I am getting spiritual with time but often my mind gets agitated seeing the present conditions and questions start coming up...

    Our present times are very dangerous considering the farms bills can literally wipe out sikh farmers economically in Punjab.

    Our elders are sitting on roads for past 4 months with over 350 dead when it was time for them to live relaxed life. But our enemies continue to thrive in positions of power.

    Leader who cheated us are leading good lives with sufficient wealth for several generations. You may say, akal purkh will do justice... But when our sikh get killed, and the killer lives a good life for many decades, questions start to come up....

    This is not new. Over 100000+ fake encounters in Punjab during 80s, thousands dead, brutually murdered in 84 riots, lackhs dead during partition. All those politicians who did this are living as if they did nothing wrong and continue to life good work-family life in politics and family.

    In present times, our youth can only do labor jobs whether in indian or abroad. Shops even in India, are owned mostly non-sikhs while they employ security guards earning 8000 per month are sikhs.

    All major thiriving businesses are owned by non-sikhs... 

    If in my personal life, I am facing issues.Though I am highly grateful to waheguru for so many blessings but some time I feel alone. I am 32, and proudly tie turban, MBA by qualification and good enough personality..But even I am having hard time getting married to girl from good sikh family..Sometimes I wish had gone abroad, removed turban, had my hair cut, and would have easily got married by now like most of my friends...I wonder if I ever had a son, better if I cut his hair from start, else he will end up like me without any love life and like most turbaned and full beard boys who continue to suffer quietly...

    If akal purkh take care of their saints, why do innocent sikhs who pray daily and live life as per sikh ethos continue to suffer..

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