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Posts posted by Indian

  1. I think n30 is right. His "version" always seems a little better. But thats not the point.

    This is my belief, and it sounds the same as n30...the description is one of the oldest in the hindu texts...the rig veda...

    This is a development of sounds that is part exclamation of ecstacy:

    Wha......or Wahe

    and Guru: That which take us from darkness to light

    Gu: from darkness

    ru: to light

    All together we have the ecstasy of "that sacred sound" which is the vehicle to transports us from our small self to the "all self" or God.

  2. "Those that forget history are doomed to repeat it"

    You should not forget the attack on the Temple because the above statement applies forever. But there are Sikh websites that stay clear of these kinds of issues and just stick to the teachings of Sikhism. There are Hindu websites that stay clear of the issue of Islam.

    But I am of the firm belief that politics and religion should not mix especially in Indian communities across the world. As you and I both know this conflict has an Hindu-Sikh flavour to it. And I dont like seeing fellow Indian religions fight amongst each other. It plays into the hands of certain people.

    But I doubt that the attack against the Temple was just a hunt for one man, if it was then the Indian Army would'nt have taken so much casulties. I doubt that one man could have caused so much casulties amongst the Indian Army.

    Both sides have gripes, either both sides should be able to explain their side with equal time or the issue should be put on the backburner.

  3. I think we should stop harping about the past and continue trying to make the best situation possible for our upcoming generations. These kinds of things although tragic need to put on the backburner. Or else this will never stop.

    Hindus have grievances towards muslims; Muslims towards Hindus; Sikhs towards Hindus; and everything in between.

    The cycle of hatred does not stop. And for a more productive future we need to cut the cycle.

    We need to start afresh. Make 2003 as the first year. Just think like you have never met hindus, muslims, christians before and this is the first time. That should hopefully solve the problem.

  4. Thank You.

    We cant go into some matters, especially full charge. Telling a person from another faith that you have a better way to God is a big "No"

    And that is were the root of the problem lies. We would not have religious violence in the world today if people stopped taking this attitude. Instead of using the word "religious debate" which sounds combative, we should use the word "Interfaith discussion"

    But back to the discussion. We Hindus believe that whenever the sacred law diminishes, then God himself sends a person or sometimes comes himself to regenerate the faith. And we believe people like Nanak, Buddha, Mahavira and others were doing this.

    The diminishing of faith will rapidly increase in the Kaliyug, in which we are living. And there will be more Prophets, Gurus, Sages. Most of these men will be forgotten but some will become famous and religions will be spawned after their ideals.

  5. ..... we will only push them away and they will never have the chance to see to realise that sikhi is the same as what the vedas and shastaras and sutras teach but is more affective in this kal jug than some of the old ways are that they are still using.......

    That is a dangerous statement my Sikh brother. The question remains as to what you hope to accomplish by teaching Hindus that Sikhism is just a faster more time effective way of Hinduism? Do you wish to convert them?

    That leaves a dangerous precedent. Because as we all know Sages, Gurus, Holy Men have come throughout Indias long history and will continue to do so. Who can predict the future? What if God sends another Prophet?

    What if 100 years from now a person is born into the Sikh community and says "Listen, Sikhs I have a faster more time effective way of reaching WaheGuru, its the same thing as whats written in the Sri Guru Granth Sahib but more adapted to todays time!"

    What would be your reaction?

  6. I have searched through all the information regarding Sikhism but could not find anything relating to eating meat. Being South Indian I am a strict vegetarian.

    A Sikh person that I work with says that eating meat is okay in Sikhism.

    But I cant for the life of me eat any kind of meat. I come from a family of fishermen back in Kerala but thats were it stops, we dont eat the fish but we do make our living off it.

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