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Posts posted by Shhh121

  1. I totally agree I need to go deeper within and raise my vibration spiritually. Please understand I’m by no means a saint nor a very religious person, I lived a life full of sin in the past, I’m trying my best to become a better man so much so that I’ve drastically changed my lifestyle and habits the past few years. I feel better for it, I feel happier within and freer mentally. That’s was my main objective I think to become a better person and be happy, I realise a lot more work is required and it’s not something that happens overnight, it takes a lifestyle change completely. I totally agree and can appreciate meditation and prayer is a huge thing I’m lacking in a life, it’s just something I wouldn’t know how to start I guess. I do believe things can be done as a human being on a day to day basis, which can raise your vibration too though, the habits you have, the food you feed your body with, practices like cold showers and daily exercises, choosing the harder options in life and choosing to do things you dislike as it harder thus making yourself okay with being uncomfortable, going out in nature daily absorbing it all, sun bathing, grounding whereby you walk bare foot on soil,  avoiding distractions like social media and the news, all these things are things I’m doing and have helped me hugely spiritually. The answers are within I believe, the further you search within the more you discover, so I total agree meditation and prayer will help me take it to take next stage it’s just I don’t know how to start. At the moment I’m purely channeling in my retained semen thought celibacy purely into my work and bodybuilding, im currently in the best shape of my life physically and mentally I was at too but this drama latley has made me have a slight slip up but it’s okay I’ll get back to where I was for sure Im certain of it. I do truly believe everything happens for a reason, if this girl wasn’t meant to be in my life, I guess she was either a lesson or  simple reminder to tell me to keep doing what im doing as previously a girl like this id probably never get in my wildest dream, I’ve not even tried or moved a finger and she’s just come right at my feet.  I guess it’s just perspective and how you view things and interrupt it, end of the day I did try to remain strong and grounded to the point that I do now avoid her altogether the minute I do see her I move away now. If her intentions were good with me and her feelings are genuine it must hurt her because no one should have to be treated like that, so to a certain degree it upsets me that I do have to be that way and I guess it hurts aswell because that aren’t my true feeling about her. But please believe I am trying my best to not give into kaam, she’s just not backed off me, when women show interest in me I can accept it and not feel the need to need or want anything further but this girl has been on my chase for far too long so it’s got to the point she’s got inside my head now, that’s literally it I think. Early on I was focused I didn’t care so much, I did like her yes but I was happy doing me and she never really crossed my mind, now that’s it gone on for far too long it’s got to the point where I cannot not notice her anymore has she’s always there to the point she’s literally got inside my head now, it’s actually crazy because ive never experienced this my whole life. I admit I’ve totally been corrupted and given into kaam in past 100%, but the past few years I’ve not so much as even had a date or a kiss, it’s hurts at times you get lonely and more than anything I miss female interaction is guess, I’m by no means not a good looking guy, women show me interest everywhere since I’ve turned my life around but never once do I feel as if I want to act on it, but this girl now has got me wondering purely because she’s got herself in my mind now somehow, I guess I allowed that happen through my own weakeness 

  2. I do yes, I’m aware music can influence and impact your vibration, I do listen to agreeisve music at times but also lovey dovey type tunes which seems to bring out my emotions lol I also listen to dance type music and even pop, rock, classic, my tatse is varied., I couldn’t fully make sense of the videos you sent brother but it led into me browsing for me content, so I been watching some videos on YouTube regarding kaam and I feel as if to degree I am indulging into kaam. I mean how can I develop feelings like this to someone I don’t know or even spoken to. At the same time I have to be real and admit it possibly is kaam, she’s very attractive and a keen fellow gym goer with a very fit and healthy body and obviously she’s confident in her own skin as she’s clearly worked hard for her body so she does dress accordingly for her workouts and it can be of a revealing nature. Thing is most women do nowdays, and I don’t just cave in like this to them all, with her I don’t know what it is, maybe because she’s keen on me it’s started to make me develop desire now, at first I could shake it but I guess I was just denying my feelings but now i almost feel like it’s all I can think about to the point that I dreamt about her too many times now. At the same time I’m struggling to see how a single person is meant to meet someone if it isn’t some sort of kaam initially, surely most peoples interests lie with a person there attracted to. Just seems to confuse me abit. My intentions are purely to meet miss right and ultimately get married and have children or atleast have a serious relationship I don’t have desire to do a hit and run, I feel as if so many women have given me the green light to do so now and I never once even entertain the idea, nor do I go out and socialise with my friends at places where I know guys typically go to land women and vice Versa, I stay away from all that and just try work on myself it’s all I do now to the point where I feel like it’s an unhealthy obsession and maybe I should let my hair down abit as life is too short. I don’t know brother really confused at the moment. If I’m honest also I don’t think my mother would even approve of this girl, so even if there was something there between us I think I’d have to deny my feelings and do the right thing by by parents. It’s crazy because I fear for my future I don’t want to end up a lonely old man but at same time I cannot pretend to love and be with someone who isn’t in my heart either 

  3. Correct, it’s purely the sheer amount of choosing signals she gives me and the lengths she goes to be around me and follow me about and always be in my vicinity. The looks she gives me, I feel it- it’s my intuition I guess. Maybe I am being narcassistic I don’t know, I generally can gauge when someone is keen on me though, they make it easy for me to approach them. Let’s face no women in todays society or very few are going to make a move on a guy first, most women don’t have the continence for this and are too insecure about being rejected. Truth be told I can tell many men fall at her feet and I just chose not too, maybe this is why I stand out who knows though it can all be in my own imagination. Do you think it’s wise of me to continue to avoid her or Carry on as normal or atleast try my best to, because either way it hurts whatever I do. I know I can quite easily find a partner and a mate, wether it’s marriage material and the girl I fall for is a different matter, that’s ultimately my dilemma here too  

  4. Apologies I don’t quite know what you meant by naam simran brother, I don’t practice paath or anything like that no. As I say I’m not the most religious person in the world. I don’t meditate or anything either, I’ve always been open to it but i just can’t bring myself round to doing it, I wouldn’t know where to start to be honest. Past few months I’ve felt amazing, best I’ve felt my whole life, my skin was glowing my eyes where shining and twinkling, I don’t know what’s happened to me I feel a total mess right now and feel lost. It’s like the more I try avoid this girl the more it hurts me and stresses me out, I’m a fully grown man and I feel like a teen in school right now I t doesn’t make sense to me 

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