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Palvinder Singh

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Posts posted by Palvinder Singh

  1. 41 minutes ago, Gupt Wannabe Daas said:


    Very sorry Sangat Ji. Daas has to be honest and tell you that Daas found it much more difficult than Daas initially thought it would be. When daas started the first couple days there was no real problem then after that Maya hit like a storm that daas was not expecting. This pushed me off really hard. Daas noticed from this that whenever you strive to do something that is true and for love and pyaar for Guru ji and AkaaL Purukh Waheguru, yes they will help and Guru Ji will give you blessings if you carry on, however maya tries its absolute best to push you off, as it is Maya's job to keep you blind. But honestly have never felt maya trying soo hard to keep daas continually blind and ignorant ever. This coupled with the fact that daas has big exams starting next week forced this stupid Gulaam to stop doing the jaap. However Daas's exams finish by the end of june and then daas will have 8 weeks of holidays and so daas will start the jaap again then and also daas thinks it might help if daas shaks amrit as well. Daas hopes that he can take amrit after exams finish with Guru Sahib beant kirpa which may help keep concentration.

    Pleas forgive this gulaam for the countless mistakes he makes


    Veer ji Keep doing Ardaas in front of Guru Sahib Ji. Waheguru mehar Karan ji

  2. Waheguru ji ka khalsa Waheguru ji ki Fateh.

    Sangat ji, With Waheguru ji's Kirpa I have started doing Simran but As i am new at Doing So,  I am so confused where should I Keep my Dhyaan ? 

    I saw Videos of Sant Giani Maskeen ji, And they Mentioned That one have to listen him/her own Waheguru's Dhun. (I get That) when i do this there is huge amount of pressure between my eyebrows (Possibly on Third eye IDK) 

    But on the other side Bhai Sewa Singh ji Tarmala said to do Saas Giraas Simran. Said When You inhale you have to loudly Say WAHE And when you exhale you say GURU. I am confused because I cant say WAHE when inhaling Loudly. 

    Please guide me Sadh Sangat ji. 

    Waheguru ji ka khalsa Waheguru ji ki Fateh.

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