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Posts posted by Nectar

  1. theres the obvious thing to do - dont get involved with anyone and then you will not be able to carryout acts of lust that you may look back on and regret or may look back on with fondness

    life isnt that simple, and some times people get together regardless of what they are told is the wrong or right thing to do

    i respect people that are able to go through their entire life and not get involved with anyone before their married. I think that was posssible a couple of decades ago and when our parents were growing up - cos as soon as you hit your late teens you were married off. Now a days there are a lot of 20 somethings that are unmarried - some actively looking for their spouse - some just thinking 'if it happens it happens' and not forcing the issue. Some of these unmarried 20 and 30 somethings will inevatbly get involved with other people before they are married. Some will get involved with people that they think they will marry, some will hope they will marry, and some who just want to be in a relationship of convenience with no pressure.

    I wouldnt actively encourage people to do it - but i wouldnt look down on them as though they had done something wrong either. Its quite a tricky situation as we all know whats right and wrong but some people reach a certain point in their life where they want a partner.

    We live in a western world, I live in England, Ive seen how some gorai behave with regards to relationships (not all) - I wouldnt want that to be prevalant in our culture, it does exist though within certain circles. My point is - there should be an open dating scene of some kind within our culture that isnt frowned upon. Parents are protective understandably and yes there are obvious risks involved. Things are moving on and some parents encourage their kids to be open with them and dont think the worst if they are seeing someone. There obviosly needs to be a balance though. Its weird - if we were having an operation we would obviously want a doctor who had a decent level of experience before they operated on you - you wouldnt want anyone who had never carried out an operation in their life. But when it comes to relationships - some people flip when they hear that their potential spouse has seen someone before them - how dare they!

    Very rarely does anyone think - well theyve been in a relationship before, may be they have some important kwnoledge and experience to bring to this marriage. and yes there is a balance to be drawn between healthy and unhealthy relationships.

    I know ive waffled - possible gone off subject with my orginal post - but thats my trade mark - i talk utter crap sometimes. Is it wrong for us to act on lust - i dont know, possibly. Is it wrong for 20 somethings to be involved in relationships with people their not married to before they are married, possibly - but who are we to judge.

    Very Nice post....its not the previous generation only but in a few parts of Punjab still there are people who don't get involved in any relationship before marriage....

    Personally....I feel emotions like love are scared ...physical union is sacred and shd be done only with in the institution of marriage....and I can never ever think of sharing those special emotions with someone other than my husband.....and moreover Sabar da falh is meetha i.e.

    Fruit of patience is sweet.....Mostly....

  2. Dear Sadh Sangati

    I am trying to connect to the gursevahub.com using Dc++ BUT

    it gives an error

    *** Connecting to gursevahub.com...

    *** Connection refused by target machine

    *** Connecting to gursevahub.com...

    *** Connection refused by target machine

    *** Connecting to gursevahub.com...

    *** Connection refused by target machine

    I connected in the passive mode but still it wont connect :(

    KIndly helppppppppppppppppppp!!!


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