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Posts posted by zogd

  1. this lady said, on this site

    RE:Irresponsible statements

    sikhs need to get over petty religious fanaticism, and take nation, that is INDIA, above their fanaticism. if they continue on this path of talibanised sikhism, they are also headed for hatred and lack of rationale, that has no place in civilized world.

    I responded with

    how dare u call us Sikhs uncivilized and talibanized ruchita. U simply love to put a spin, anything negative about the sikhs goes. Honestly the indian goverment is the biggest thug and gangster democratic organization that exist's, they're the biggest gang around . This fanaticism that u talk about maybe ur a little bit confused lady. When innocent ppl and your family are killed its either shut up and watch or put up. The Indian government is no freind of my ppl even though they like to say they are on good terms. Since you also love to pass judgment on my religion without concern or care. Ill just go ahead and say that Hinduism as a whole is a confused, outdated, ritualistic, a mockery of a religion. But thats okay thas just my opinion. But wait "how can i say things like that OH my God!, those things arent true no,no,no" thas right I cant lady, in fact my best freind happens to be hindu. Watch ur mouth, before u start to label us as terrorists. No matter what, thats what will continue to happen since the facts are always misinterpreted, or bended so some how ur point of view of the sikh's being terrorists is acheived. Maybe you should learn some elementary respect.

  2. Okay, as a sikh with cut hair, Ill tell you what I know from experience. Im just gonna explain waht i have learned. There are two things with a female, first its the outer shell or the way u present and look. second its ur persoanlity. I bet u know this already. Once a gurl talks with you or u talk first the first 2-3 min all she cares is about oh hes hot oh hes cute blah blah blah. After that waht really matters is your persoanlity, im realizing that more and more. Cuz not to be cocky but i look really good like calvin klein good. But yo i cant keep a gurl for my life or meet them or start a convo. I really dont have a good personality honestly. My younger brother keeps his hair but hes ten times more confident and talkative, i dont get it. But know i realize my brother he doesnt treat his hiar liek a handicap to his 'game'. Its his personality hes funny, carring loving, hes got social skills. He doesnt give a damn, he talks to any one and he doesnt care if they like him or not, he doesnt care, he says u gotta like me for who i am. Look at ppl that look diffrent, ppl who are small or look considerably diff, there attitudes are most of the time amazing, imagine if we had these kinds of attitudes. And yes im not gonna say it isnt difficult, of course it is to go and initate convo with chicks, its mad hard for me even though i dont have hair, i almost have a social phobia cuz i used to keep my hair, mad shy always worried what ppl think of me. But see u have to think like my brother, you gotta find that strength to go and talk to anyone anywhere, almost like a Fu*k it atitude. Everytime i get afraid i have a mental picture i picture guru Gobind Singh's soilders on a rainy battle field, faces wet, fog in thier face, total silence, in ready position, soilders with their swords by their sides, i try to imagine the thoughts running through their minds. They the guru's soilders or matter of fact any soilder of any country has to worry about his life, HIS LIFE try to put urself in those circumstances. Then I ask myself 'sh*t im just afraid of ppls words not their steel coming at me its just words not even close to life threatning. Im just rying to inspire u guys, cuz i wish somebody had taught me all this when i was a little younger.

    And ill try to attempt soemthing and if i fail like talking to a gurl I like, then so what maybe next time. And im not asking you to go after the hot chicks cuz honeslty cuz we are diff its almost realistically impossible to get soem of the chicks but u can increase ur selection incredibly if u just have this attiutde. Im still trying to perfect this attitude.

    The attitude part II

    You only live once, and its best not to live in a subserviant way i think. Be loud, be heard and exude total confidence, cuz TRUST me all the prayers and teachings the patt all want the Sikhs to be heard. I have noticed a trend amoung our kids our generation especailly in america and britain. By the way im only 18 livin in nyc. Kids my age are soo quiet, and shy, naive and reserved they also have good points to them ill explain later. I went to india and i met my cousins, honestly its like i can feel an energy about them, something i couldnt touch. I felt that they grabbed life by the horns basically. especially people in the pindh are so awsome to talk to. i speak very fluent punjabi, and talking wiht my family living in the pindhs sitting and just talking makes me feel soooo alive. Just driving on tractors or walking barefeet in the fields laughing making all kinds of jokes. Back home in nyc, i hang with kids who still have this attitude about them, which is sooo important to have, i beleive the Guru's wanted us to have this attiude along with piety and reverance at appropriate times .But I go to a gudwara in nyc and all i hear is we sikhs should do this and that and then we go home and God bless their heart, but ppl love to tell other ppl waht to do in our community and usually they just sit. Ppl just have this negative, oh we will fail air about them. Thats why im tellin you all this so you guys do more patt, or do more something. An Inspiration sort of thing.

    Let me know what u guys think

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