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Posts posted by bahadursinghkhalsa

  1. Nihang is not a birthright ... just as becoming a Sikh of the Guru/ becoming Khalsa is not a birthright, you do not become a Nihang by birth, nor do you become a Nihang because your father was a Nihang. Any Sikh can practice the Nihang way of life if they wish so ... as long as they study and practice it, the same as anyone (regardless of age, so called caste, colour, backgound) can become a Khalsa/GurSikh aslong as they give their head/life to Guru Jee.

    Sikhi is not exclusive, that only certain people can join etc... I read once an article in it states something of the following that "Dhan Guru Granth Sahib Jee is not only Guru of the Sikhs BUT the whole world, the rest of the world doesn't know it yet"

  2. Im new to this site and its caused BARE confusion for me and ive been confused further by ither sites like shastervidiya, sarbloh etc etc.

    ALL these sites are bending Sikhi n sayin this n that, most these sites startin to mis HINDU ideoliegies with Sikhi.

    All im gonna say is a SIKH IS A SIKH, simple, u dont split into different groups ie, udhasis (who seem like hindus to me!).

    U r supposed to believe in the all Guru's from Guru Nanak thrugh to Guru Gobin Singh ji. and follow the teachings within the Guru Granth Sahib. and to paat etc.

    AS for Nihungs, NIHUNGS R JUST SIKH soldiers who practice martial arts, i dunno wat all this stuff bout SHIVA is. im sure Sikhi eilimnates CAST and ritualistic/IDOL worship.

    As for eating meat and bhang, this was dun in times of war, not when a man is jus sitting around like most Singhs in uk and canada.

    Come on ppl, SIKHI is simple dont start confusin it wiv hinduism plz

    btw i got nuthin against hindus, there simply a different faith.

    Sorry for precise lack of knowledge .... Guru Nanak Dev Ji, Guru Gobind Singh Jee Maharaaj by blessing us with the same Khanda Batta da Amrit made the Khalsa One and joined The Khalsa with the The Almighty One, Vaheguru.

    Agreed about Nihangs being Sikhs who practice martial arts.... and that Sikhi eliminated false practices such as caste, rituals and idol worship.

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