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Posts posted by artistformalyknownasodhi

  1. As my dynamic name, is being thrown all over this forum post. It is only right that I have a word to say..

    Jokes, aside..

    I remember asking Baba Santa Singh about Bandai Khalsas, and if we should associate with them. He replied that even though Banda had committed his sins which included the killing of innocents and abuse of the panth and his position, the bandai followers had payed their tankha through shaheedi etc, and were not to be discriminated against. in todays day and age,

    But to be honest, I know of many occassions in which sikhs have in the name of their khalsa identity taken to violence against innocents.. The southall slough violence of 1990s rings a few bells. Now you might all say they werent true sikhs bla bla.. but lol when the hell was the panth ever full of true sikhs??

    There have been traitors and backstabbers since the times of the Gurus, a state is not a perfect heaven of like minded angels.. it is a collection of all types of identities, from the blood hungry mad men, to the great respected saints and shaheeds.

    Secondly the personal accusations against javanmard, have no ground, so dont make up crap just coz you think you know the guy. His views are respected on this forum because he opens our eyes to alot of concepts and thoughts which are usually ignored by the typical punjabi sikh..

    His range of experience and personal life allows for a refreshing dialogue about the key concepts of Sikhi we all take for granted. If you disagree with the guy fine, but personal attacks dont have no ground.

    OOh and akalisohdistan, I accept your offer.. lets start enriching nucleur reactors for peaceful means :D

    lets get on it then pow

  2. lol...i got 101 different mates some dnt have a clue about sikhi...some due every intoxicant under the sun on a regular occasion...in all there acts i have never once thought about doing something i didnt want to do, its about being self confident in ur thoughts and ur actions.


  3. thank you for replies; helped big time. ppl in this forum r really clever and give great advise. thank you soo much.

    Xylitol, i would love 2 hear more thank you.

    well, i sort of wanted to leave these "mates" becuase i know what i had to deal with everyday. i havent stopped speaking to them becuase of their Religion etc i dont speak to them becuase of their bad intentions. but i suppose your right about the tru firneds coming our way.

    End of the day im not really bothered whether i have such friends, as long as i got Waheguru, my mum and two brothers im sure i'll survive :wink: 8)

    worry not sikhi is full of brothers and sisters 8)

    me loving it wid da smart arse remarks :D

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