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Posts posted by doaba

  1. u can also get them in patiala at Baba Bamba Singh Baghichi. 1 of the main Budha Dal shornia. Baba Udey Singh is the main guy there. But most likely u won't catch him there so just go to the shop. Also u can as at any mohalla at any time depending on the time of year and where the dal is moving at that moment. right now its obvious at Anandpur Sahib.

    i've heard 1 tape of his and Baba Santa Singhs curses the crap out of indra Gandhi. thats so hard to believe but its true. Something about they anted to do a mohalla around delhi but the givernent didn't allow it but the fauj did it anyways. it was well funny on the tape. it also talks about raga mala. Erm the main point was. After Guru Gobind Singh if there was such a human being with the same amount of knowledge of raags and everything how come he is not famous for writing the raag mala if it wasn't guru Himself.

    Baba Santa Singh does wicked Katha every1 shoud go and meet him and just listen. He is deffo 1 of the most powerful ppl on this planet.

  2. u can get on any bus or tractor every1 in [punjab will do ur sea. but make sure they don't do seva of ur ass or ur money. seriously. but don't worry about it every1 goes its liek a bunch of birds flying around change of season.

    don't get ataxi cus i think it'll be a wast oe money and parking is hassle. alos train is good. sleeping quearters best thing to do is not to wear bana and speak in english so the sgpc kiss ur ass. make sure u lock up the doors of the room or carry everything with u cus enough robberies happen. its like a robbers paradise. and every1 is a robber. even the religious lot lol.

  3. y narsingha should start an investigation duno. y u ppl always ask him. y not start it urself.

    theres a fer gurbanai quotes that talk about gays.

    (here is where u sikhs come in with ur gurbanai quotes) plz do so.

    Well i started the sant derai metha and dal gay thing. ok i;m not picking on no1. cus i have respect for sants as most of the woemn in my family follow teh sants gursikhi. i'm not picking on mehta i'm just saying takshaal do have fights within themselve when it comes down to who has the more and loyal students.

    Dals well it happens in them but y did u just take out the sants and mehta. aahh i'm guessing u just wanna pick on Budhaa dal.

    ANyways Baba Santa Singh does not turn his back. it happens it kaljug. and no Dals r not like spartans. Nihang Singhs just don't bum each other for the sake of being more loyal to one another cus of a being of teh same army. They are normal Sikhs and if some of them have gay feelings letthe. every1 does innt.

    ok another thing i thought i tell u ppl.

    Nihang Singhs r a dal on there own. or should i say a panth on there own. Dalpanth. u can not talk about 1 nihang singh and say its all of the.

    The Dalpanth is a bi community and i say again a panth of its own. oh no i sc a few more questions arising here . oh oh oh r they different from normal sikhs r they not teh khalsa hahah damn it. so obvious.

  4. no EA games challenge everything sodhi is right and u r right. depends on what u mean by farladhari nowadays.

    guv what foool don't tel me to grow up y don't u stop acting mature come to my childish level. lol joke manjeeeez u guys can't take a joke. and btw u wanna debate with em lets get it on.

    and the homo problems at all the derai COME ON ppl u know it happens. so stop saying proof. can ppl just lock this or what. next time some yellow cabs come to this country ask them or some next sant simple as that. no u ppl stop asking each other when u should ask the ppl staright.

    and about budhha uk yo yo yo let me asure ppl. all the main guys i know all love long legged woman like me. so no gays here. maybe some students who think they are nihangs and wannabes yes they may be gay but i can't talk for them.


    peeps start of anothe topic man. beast stop and guv shut up now u talking to a fool so y r u even asking her) all these question u have asked sevral times between both o f. she hasn't replied so leave it at that. guv be the mature one and leave it alone. or children like me will just drag it on.

  5. AHHA LOOK PPL THIS PERSON HAS NOT A clue bt a valaeti mind. u knowz what i'm on about don't u lot. so explian to her.

    oh listen fool bidi chand can never have a farla so ho comes they have a dal.

    bloody sikhs love kilingeach other don't u's.

    mr kaur oh dearest princess learn about ur roots and history. farla has many meaning. oh no i'm to lazy to explain. i'm sure the mods or some1 else can tel u some stuff.

    and letter about mr ndar singh jathedar of budha dal uk leh who cares.

    Hes jathedar of Baba Darabar Isngh akahar oh no whers teh proof prove it prove.

    Well woman just like this 1 famous sikh said prove to me ur mum is ur mum. u wasn't there 9 months b4 hand.

    same reply you will give me that ur mother is ur mother is mostly the same answer u will get for mr ndar singh.

    Bad boy Baba Hanuman Singh

  6. from what i know ustad write their own gutka sahib in larivar form. and tech there students teh same way. not only to read but to write it to. ahhh another thing sikhs are losing day by day. hey i know lets kill those ppl who have teh knowledge cus they eat meat. lol. sorry just being a admin cut and i thoought i add that in. lol. Vaheguru!!!!! Baba Santa Singh bad boy style.

  7. Yo Yo Yo listen up yeah. don't gimme no shit about what i'ma gonna say. yo challenge listen up. Basically amrit is only 1. who gives it out the dal. simle as that. if ppl wanna take amrit froma jatha of sants go for it but that isn't khanda bata di paulh its chraan paul or maybe even amrit like japji sahib with water. but at the end of the day who give out amrit. dal. simplea as taht. if in the last few years every 5 ppl get 2gther and start to give out arit there own way how can u say tats amrit or thay have the right to. who gave them the right. yeah yeah yeah i know i just got a whole bunch of u amritdharais kacheras in a twist but yo. i said it straight simple as that.

    soz about me spelling but i gotta say i ashammed my sangat at school when it came to english classes. HAHAH

    Mods Note: The language for this forum is English, not Ebonics, please use it "

  8. YO YO YO

    Budha dal give out amrit at holla duno about vasakhi. from what i know amrit is not given out all the time. U can also go to any dal. From what i know they want you to wear panj shaster in ur hair and have a blue datsaar.

    2 main places to go to is budha dal the dal itself where they may be at any time of the year. and tarana dal of beas bab mukun singh ishis name i duno last i saw him as eerrm time back. if any1 else knows his name pls tell us. Respects to Baba Kirtan Singh badboy. Other dals like i say u can take it of them to depends if they got a mohalla on or not.

    I WOULD NOT ADVISE hari vela. simply being they have stopped ppl from eating meat. Do not ask me why for gods sakes i'm sure u ppl r smart and know where i'm coming from. even tough they me homis i mean the oldschool lot thenew comers r just gorai or ppl who believe baba nihal Singh is one of the highest Nihang Singhs. Why the heck ppl have that in their minds duno man.

    If you boys go to punjab to take amrit say hello to Baba Santa Singh from the ppl from uk.

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