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Posts posted by ComeGetSome

  1. Good post Baz, but i don't believe we all alter our bodies to show which religion we belong too, for example, for a Sikh, keeping the hair is considered natural, it was given to us by god, this is why we keep our hair, not just for identity but to show this is how god wanted us to look like. Therefore, Sikhs do not alter their bodies, what do you think?

  2. Just A brief translation, trying to get the rest:

    This is not a story; it is a factual account of the deliverance from a 1000 year damnation of a high ranking Muslim cleric by the name of 'Suleman'. It is unclear how the boy came to be possessed by 'Suleman' but the grave urination theory is compatible with common knowledge. In 1962, this suleman from Iran possessed a kid, who happened to urinate on his grave. 'Suleman', although a well respected cleric of the time, often engaged in issuing black magic to those that came to him for help in matters of grave urgency. When 'Suleman' died more than 1000 years ago, he reached the court of the 'Dhram Raaj' he was informed of his wrong doing and sentenced accordingly. He would wander the earth in the spirit form for a 1000 years. At the end of this period a heavenly 'hasti' in the name of 'Isher Singh' would come unto the earth and bear him release from his incarceration. These are the words 'Suleman' actually used to describe his encounter with the 'Dharam Raaj'. The tape was recorded in the presence of Sant Baba Isher Singh Ji (Rarewale) but no verbal interaction between 'Suleman' and Sant Ji is recorded.

    Audio Tape – Dialogue.

    Suleman: In the country of spirits. There are so many Hindu and musalman evil spirits. Nobody listen to them. It’s just like there are so many prisoners in the prison; only few get discharged but on an correct time they all get discharged one by one. My time came sooner that’s why I’m getting discharged from this evil joon now after 1000 yrs. Now I’ll go in human form and will take 10 births of human life and then I shall get salvation (mukhti). Understand??

    Sangat: It will take 10 births to get salvation? Understand?

    Suleman: Yes 10 births

    Suleman: In my country of spirits. There are millions of spirits wandering around, a lot more than humans. But if you want to see them you can’t see them with your own eyes.

    Sangat: Do u guys live in a town?

    Suleman: For us there are khandar (quiet places), jungles. Our spirits can meet each other. You know how hard is it to wander around in winter with no clothes for a human. We feel the same way with no human body.

    Suleman: What else you would like to ask me?

    Sangat: We wanted to know if you guys stay outside, what you normally eat?

    Suleman: Our food/diet is from animals. Our food is blood, bones, skin.

    Suleman: Thousand Years ago, this kid who lives in the village where I used to do my prayers. I used to help people who were suffering from the black-magics by charging them money. It’s an order of akaal/allah that whoever is charging money to help people with black-magics and stuff, that person shall suffer heavily as an evil soul. That’s how after I got killed I suffered heavily as an evil soul. I been told that after a 1000 yrs is over Sikh Saint- Sant Baba Ishar Singh Sahib (Rarewale) will give you mukhti from this evil group (Jaun).

    Sangat: Who told you that?

    Suleman: Khuda-Karhim/Dharamraja. When you get the punishment, Dharamraja also tells you the specific time you will get discharged/free from the punishment.

    Sangat: What age you were when you actually died 1000 yrs ago?

    Suleman: I died when I was 70 yrs and after that my spirit wandered around for 1000 yrs. I know the timeline of prophets when Ashok Raja, Guatam Bud and Guroo Nanak came.

    Time - Skip from 5.42 to 7.40

    Sangat: When you were in Guroo Nanak Sahibs time, why didn’t he give you mukhti from this evil group (Jaun)?

    Suleman: According to my destiny my judgment day was written on this place (Hoti-Mardan) by Sant Baba Ishar Singh Sahib, then how can it be before in Guru Nanak Sahib’s time.

    Sangat: Did you meet Guru Nanak Sahib?

    Suleman: We went to Mecca Medina; Guru Nanak also came to Mecca with the Panj Bhootak Chola. Guru Nanak was Waheguru, Sant Ji is also Waheguru. Both are the same, no difference! What we see in front of us, we respect that more, and what passes us, our thoughts/understanding pass with it.

    Time- Skip to 13.15

    Sangat: So who is a Mahapurkh from the Muslim faith?

    Suleman: For Muslims, there is Sahib Nazammuddin, who died, Shekh Ullah Diz, (Sarangpur Wala), these are very high spirited souls, but they don’t possess the power to reach Waheguru. Something that takes one from birth to the final destination (Waheguru) can only be received from Murshad (True Spiritual Teacher).

    Suleman: A Murshad that is one with Waheguru, he unites his mureed with Waheguru. Only the spiritually enlightened souls can enlighten you.

    Suleman: I understand that Muslims read their ‘Namaaz’, but from my understanding, that Namaaz, is not their prayers, but a duty, their mind is somewhere and their prayers are somewhere else, Waheguru is not pleased with such prayers. Doing prayers with love, and oneness is the true prayer.

    Time: 27.48 – Singing About Guru Nanak Dev Ji.

  3. The following letter was sent to the Central Board of Film Certification and the Information and Broadcasting Ministry of India by Prof. Jagmohan Singh, General Secretary, Shiromani Akali Dal (Amritsar) on May 7. The Panthic body has appealed to the Sikh people all over the world to hold protest demonstrations on 11th May 2005 to mark their discontent with the film. - Editors.

    Ms. Sharmila Tagore


    Central Board of Film Certification

    Bharat Bhavan,

    91-E, Walkeshwar Road,

    Mumbai - 400 006

    Dear Madam:

    I write to you to express concern regarding the film, "Jo Bole So Nihal, Sat Sri Akal!". As you may be aware, Sikhs all over the country are agitated over the contents of the movie and the gross, negligent and deliberate misuse of the Sikh war cry and greeting, "Jo Bole So Nihal, Sat Sri Akal!" .

    A large number of Sikh organisations, from all over the world, have protested the contents of the movie as well as the use of the Sikh slogan as the title of the movie. The producers and directors of the movie have shown scant regard for the sentiments of the Sikh people.

    The promos of the movie, as seen on many Satelllite TV channels do not leave much to the imagination of the film goer. Scantily clad actresses intermixed with the use of a Sikh slogan is just not acceptable. I do not need to point out to you what you and the members of the Censor Board have already seen.

    We strongly believe that the Central Board of Film Certification, popularly known as the Censor Board has not applied its mind while certifying this movie. This movie violates the guidelines of the Censor Board as well as judgments of the Supreme Court of India.

    The guidelines issued under Section 5B of the Cinematograph Act, 1952 are very clear. This section says that ' a film shall not be certified for public exhibition, if, in the opinion of the authority competent to grant the certificate, the film or any part of it is against the interests of the sovereignty and integrity of India, the security of the States, friendly relations with foreign States, public order, decency or morality or involves defamation or contempt of court or is likely to incite the commission of any offence."

    I would like to inform you that this film will incite the Sikhs to react violently when the movie is released anywhere in India or anywhere in the world for that matter.The Sikhs may be small in numbers but they are a proud people and any interference or jugglery of their religious sentiments by any person, by word or movie, will not tolerated. We love and respect our religion and any misrepresentation of the same is sacriligeous and will be dealt with as such.

    If Bollywood has chosen to debase society, it is welcome to go to any depths, but as far as the Sikh people are concerned, we have had enough. Bollywood has been tampering with the Sikh image through word and image for a long time. It is now time to stop this nauseating trend. If having a Sikh prime minister in India has not changed the mindset of the Indian filmmaker, then he/she will have to face the ire of the Sikh people.

    No film, which has religious content of any kind, should be certified till it is seen by a member's of that community. In fact any movie having religious content should be send to Sikh religious bodies for prior approval. I have personal knowledge of the fact that Principal Raghbir Singh of Khalsa College, Mumbai used to be a member of the Censor Board of Film Certification in the late seventies and early eighties of the last century. He had personally told me, then, that his presence had ensured that anti-Sikh portions of movies were deleted when pointed out during the pre-release screening sessions. I also have personal knowledge of the fact that in the seventies, a film made on the life of Guru Nanak had to be canned as the film maker crossed all limits and portrayed Guru Nanak through a film actor. This is not public knowledge because the film maker was wise and he quietly withdrew the film when he and the Censor Board were told that this is not acceptable to the Sikhs at all.

    It would be naive for the Censor Board to hide behind the curtain of law and say that exhibition of the movie is a state subject. The exhibiton of the movie may be a state subject, but its certification is the prime responsibility of the Censor Board. In this case, the Censor Board has to act with godspeed. The film is slated for release on 13th May, 2005 and believe me, it will lead to mayhem wherever it is released. This movie must be canned and then everybody who has participated in this venture to denigrate the Sikhs will be hauled before the law of the land. We will not take it lying down.

    We have appealed to the Sikh people all over the world to hold protest demonstrations on 11th May 2005. In Panjab and the rest of India, Sikhs will denounce the Information and broadcasting ministry for its utter negligence and will burn the posters of the movie as well as symbolically burn the effigy of the CBFC and the Information and Broadcasting ministry. We are also urging the distributors of the movie to keep away from the movie.

    I urge you to take immediate steps to stop the release of the movie, Jo Bole So Nihal, Sat Sri Akal. The Censor Board should immediately have a member each from all the ethnic minorities so that henceforth nobody plays with our sentiments.

    I once again implore you to take immediate action. Any further annoyance of the Sikh people will be detrimental to peace and tranquility in the region and the Censor Board would be seen as a conspirator alongwith the government of India. The ball is in your court and of the government of India.

    Thank you.


    Prof. Jagmohan Singh

    General Secretary

    Shiromani Akali Dal (Amritsar)

    Contact: jsbigideas@rediffmail.com

    07 May 2005

  4. I'm not winging, your thinking long term, think short term. I agree we should make high quality Sikh production movies, but this wont prevent whats happening here and now, we need to cover both. You need to stop with your ignorance and cussin because that doesn't help, this movie will still damage the image of Sikhs even if we continue to make a long term plan, so we need to do both. It seems like your the one doing the winigng, i'm simply trying to find a logical solution and be part of it.

  5. Veer-Zaara was stupid, i think its alot to do with who is financing these flims, i've read that 60% of Bollywood films are financed by the mafia underworld, this includes the worlds most wanted gangsters such as Ibrahim Dawood & Mirchi, as they finance they have a say as to what is to be shown and whats not, Bollywood is a dirty industry, which is why trash like jo bole so nihal is being produced.

  6. I'm not saying i want to, i'm just questioning the fact that in Jap Ji Sahib it says there are endless names for the supreme being, does that mean meditating on any of these names will have the same effect as meditating on Waheguru?

  7. Article Taken From:


    Lately, Bollywood has completely been humiliating us and it just gets worse. I watched a movie called Bewafa where a "monay" couple does mool mantar in front of a picture of Guru Nanak Dev Jee Maharaj, then they take degh without covering their head, and then the next scene they are all drunk dancing like fools. Now there is a brand new movie coming out with Sunny Deol, a punjabi actor who should understand enough about Sikhi to not be doing what he is doing. The movie name is "Jo Bole So Nihaal".

    He is a Singh in the movie and he has a trimmed beard. He associates with less than half dressed woman and its just all an insult. Jo Bole So Nihal seems to be abounding in "drama, action, thrills and sex."

    The president of the Shiromani Gurudwara Prabandhak Committee, Bibi Jagir Kaur spoke against this movie. She has asked for immediate removal of some scenes that misrepresent the Sikh religion. At the same time she has spoken with the Minister of Communication and Publications, Mr. Jaipal Ready, asking him to take legal action against directors who use religion or religious symbols as a means of humour in their movies. This humour may seem funny to some; however, it hurts the image and the hearts of many people.

    The name of the movie 'Jo Bole So Nihal' is infact a religious slogan very close to the Sikh hearts, however, the movie is anything but religious. Such titles misguide the viewers. From the posters, which show images of half clad women, to the soundtrack, which used quotes from Sikh Scriptures; this film has nothing to do with the Sikh religion. Many Sikh organizations have spoken up against this movie and have asked that the name of the movie be changed right away; otherwise the movie will not be allowed to play in any theatres or cinemas.

    One of the organizations that have spoken out against the movie is the Sikh Students Federation. Federation spokesmen, Bhai Gurcharan Singh Grewal and Bhai Paramjit Singh Khalsa said that if this movie were made to hurt the pride of millions of Sikhs, they would not let that happen.

    Samita Bangargi, a bollywood actress was quoted as saying, "… I'm ambitious, but also very firm on my principles. I was offered Rahul Rawail's 'Jo Bole So Nihal'. But it had big-time smooches and bikinis. Wearing any kind of clothes isn't a problem. But I have to be convinced why I'm doing what I've to do." This further provides evidence that this soon to be released movie, is far from being a religious film.

    The punch line "No if...no But...sirf Jatt", is a direct hit on Sikh values, where Sikhs today are trying hard to get rid of the caste system. The movie is about an innocent and lovable Sardar, who has a trimmed beard in half the movie and is clean-shaven in the rest. The words innocent and lovable describing a Sardar in a bollywood movie starts ringing warning bells, and Sardar jokes start coming to mind.

    A mastermind that terrorizes people around the world tricks the Sardar constable, played by Sunny Deol. Because of this criminal, the whole village goes against the Sardar. As the master mind moves to New York, the FBI come to find the character played by Sunny, since he is the only one who will recognize their criminal by face. It iis not very surprising that the FBI agent is a hot young Indian woman, who has no problem at all showing some cleavage while she flashes her badge. The movie continues with Sunny and the FBI getting together to find their perpetrator.

    The soundtrack of Jo Bole So Nihal contains songs such as "Main Yaar Punjabi Jatt, fix kardhoon tere nutt" and "Raath Kuch Aur Thi, Savera Kuch Aur, sabh kuch loot ke lagayea ik chor" as well as the title song "Jo Bole So Nihal" which contains lines from different shabads aswell. While singing this song Sunny looks lovingly at his co-star who is dancing beside him in a miniskirt.

    Sikhs all around the world have raised their voices against this movie. Let’s put a stop once and for all to Bollywood and their misrepresentation of Sikhs. We ask all Sikhs to boycott this movie. A fellow Sikh said it perfectly, "shall we sit quietly and watch them making us fools or shall we act together and let them make know we are not going to sit quite every time?" Let your voice be heard!

    What you guys reckon we can do? Together we could make something happen. Suggestions :?:

  8. If God has endless names as written in Jap Ji Sahib, then why do we have to meditate on Waheguru? Why can't we meditate on any name from any religion? I find this hard to understand, anyone help me out.....? :roll:

  9. No not eating Sarbloh silly, that would just be stupid - it would break your teeth, although i have been told that eating small amounts of ground iron benefits your body especially the blood. I mean the simple diet of Dhaal & Roti and not eating out, only from your own pande made from iron, not eating late at night and plenty of fruit, and all food should be made yourself while doing your mool-mantar. This is what i've been told.

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