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Posts posted by Banokles

  1. I have to say what is the point of astral projection, is this some kind of joke. Focusing energy on astral projection is the same as focusing energy on accumulating money. But with accumulating money you won't mess up your head (as much) It strikes me as incredibly childish to try to do such a thing and open yourself up to psychological/spiritual/etherial problems. As one sane poster remarked "go to the charan of the beautiful lord" especially in kaliyuga devotion to god is the highest attribute in man, look how rare it is now to be devoted to God! But let me not go there. This astral projection BS seems like all that new age crap where our rabid greed to consume which is imposed on us by our backwards society, is transferred to the spiritual domain, where it becomes highly dangerous to a person who follows it 110% with full effort. (which is unlikely in this day and age of quitters.)

  2. I agree with the prior post that the supreme cannot be limited to ONE. As one is a concept of our mind, no matter how lofty, a mind with concepts of things cannot reflect the pure indweller. If you have faith in God ask him he will surely reveal the knowledge of Why and how does HE fit in the number ONE? maybe he will reveal the knowledge through the internet or in a flash of lightning, his ways are mysterious

    And when you ask him remember these words "If I'm wrong or have said anything which is against the teachings of our Gurus or I've hurt anyone, then I would like to request for Mafi/forgiveness" this is the attitude we should cherish towards our lord, the attitude of a servant towards the supreme lord makes you a king among men.

  3. Something that I wrote and I would like to share with sangat.

    Enaan with eyes of fire blinded nous

    Axe dripped red outwards sense

    Paavit chaste holds shining sword

    Against baleful fire no ward

    Andoom Apathy Baresark

    Burns in fire and laughs

    Clernes learning a thousand books

    Consumed by his reflection Enaan’s looks

    Army of man only a few fight

    The rest lie and wait for night

    Enaan shakes his matted locks

    A thousand look to the heavens in expectation

    Heavy foot strikes the ground

    A thousand slither in cold despair

    Threads of human will Enaan perturbs

    Threads of iron they will hold

    Thread will break with due tension

    Thread break swim opposite direction

    Rocks and trees silent watchers

    They laugh as man wallows in delusion

    Ruby eyes light the path

    Wine of avarice man stumbles in dark

    The dark path pain ruby eyes promise gain

    End of the path no gain only pain

    The path travelled determines the end

    Hand me the axe

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