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Posts posted by Silence

  1. Nahin ji, not what i was saying (in this topic anyway). Regardless of whether or not the others can achieve mukti, once we have sold ourselves to Guru Sahib there is no other place to go.

    If someone wishes to partake in the methods of other paths then they can go join that one.

  2. oooohhh rebel. /sarcasm

    Gurfateh is not my hukam dear its Guroo Maharaj's, doesn't hurt me if you wish to actively go against it!

    ਨਾਥੁ ਛੋਡਿ ਜਾਚਹਿ ਲਾਜ ਨ ਆਵੈ ॥੨॥

    Nāth cẖẖod jācẖeh lāj na āvai. ||2||

    Abandoning your Lord Master, you beg from others; you should feel ashamed. ||2||

  3. That site along with tapoban and R4G were also on the scotland yard's blacklist as hate sites about a year ago when some numbnut brainless drones decided to start 'rescuing' Granth Sahibs from people who do their Paths. Not sure how it is now but I guess once you make the list it takes a while to get off it especially with the kind of people on there.

    well you were hardly likely to understand thier seva,mr.fateh.

  4. Koka Shastra is a granth based on the Kama Sutra. From my understanding, whereas the later is a treatise on the whole man/woman relationship in society the Koka Shastra has dispensed with the ethics and ideals and deals strictly with technical love-making and how both sexes can provide pleasure for each other.

    All these books come under the heading of Kama Shastra, and include the Ananga Ranga and Ratirahasya as well.

    Modern translations are available including western authored simplified versions that only deal with sex postions, kissing etc.

    I Highly recommend people dispense with their shyness and inhibitions and read these books if only to enhance their relationships.

    Happy Love-Making (whether by the front door back door!!!) LOL

    Your Guru Sahib does not provide for you completley? You must go to other places?

    No, Guru Sahib is POORA

    so let me break it down for you

    if its not from your Guru its maya :)

    ask guru ji why we don't like maya.

  5. LOLLLLL a degree in Gurmat Sangeet HAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAA thats the funniest thing ive heard all year!

    LOLLLLLL an old geezer wanting to be the Guru HAHAHAAHAHAAHA, thats the funniest thing I've heard in my life!

    Love how you guys act all humble when definding your "religion" and say oh, but look we preserve Guru Ji's maryada, whats the problem with sikhs learning? you won't have any defence any more? ahh boohoo.

  6. thanks for the reply and vid.

    So you think that not all of Niddar Singh's art is the real vidiya hmmm

    Thats really strange that their wouldn't be a similarity of technique within the dals, would have thought that they would have preserved it :!: this is really starting to get disheartening, its a shame to see 50% of our heritage is just washing away like this, and quite disrespectfully, what with ustaads mixing up chinese martial arts with it.

  7. This is an honest question, free of any malicious intent.

    Basically I am pretty disillusioned with gatka as most of these akharas teach, was just wondering is it only Niddar Singh who teaches the true Shastar Vidiya in england? Also do all Nihang dals in india do it the same way, would they be willing to teach me the Guru's full martial art (kirpa naal daas is in sikhi saroop, dumalla etc)?


    in that video, the unarmed was seriously IMPRESSIVE, but the talwar stuff was basically what I was taught when I used to do gatka. I'm not attacking it, just asking.

  8. Actually Guru Maharaj is already here as others have said, Dhan Dhan Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji Maharaj, this stuff about "Guru sahib coming back" comes from complete lack of faith in Dhan Dhan Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji Maharaj and viewing Sahib ji as nothing more than a book.

    As Guru Maharaj has already inferred physical power onto Guru Panth and Panj Pyare, it will be the Panj Pyare in full power (not before seen) that will establish Khalsa Raj, NO SINGLE INDIVIDUAL has been given such power. Do we have such little faith in Guru Granth Sahib Ji that we don't think he can do it? Guru Granth Sahib Ji Maharaj will infuse his sikhs with power beyond limits, his panj Pyare will be given his duties.

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