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Posts posted by Silence

  1. Definetly something we can all relate to, third para, bang on the mark.

    you know, guru maharaj got me to read this earlier on vaheguruu

    ਕਬੀਰ ਮਨੁ ਜਾਨੈ ਸਭ ਬਾਤ ਜਾਨਤ ਹੀ ਅਉਗਨੁ ਕਰੈ ॥

    कबीर मनु जानै सभ बात जानत ही अउगनु करै ॥

    Kabīr man jānai sabẖ bāṯ jānaṯ hī a­ugan karai.

    Kabeer, the mortal knows everything, and knowing, he still makes mistakes.

    ਕਾਹੇ ਕੀ ਕੁਸਲਾਤ ਹਾਥਿ ਦੀਪੁ ਕੂਏ ਪਰੈ ॥੨੧੬॥

    काहे की कुसलात हाथि दीपु कूए परै ॥२१६॥

    Kāhė kī kuslāṯ hāth ḏīp kū­ė parai. ||216||

    What good is a lamp in one's hand, if he falls into the well? ||216||

  2. what you said now makes little bit more sense

    fundamentally on the mukti thing its about whether you beleive in meat or not, you do, i don't. This isnt going anywhere vaheguroooo

    anyway last thing, no matter what preparations anyone does, they can NEVER be sure they have given either themselves mukti, or an animal mukti, as god my not want that animal to be mukt yet.

    Vaheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Vaheguru Ji Ki Fateh

  3. you know this is the exact reason why all panj pyare should be explaining how to do simran at amrit sanchars :)


    go through the articles :D

    one from the above mentioned website, read the parts in bold though make sure you have a look through the site itself, a jewel

    How Do We Do Simran?

    Daas feels very upset when ‘Amritdhari Gursikhs’ approach to me and ask ‘how do we do simran?’ Worst of all is when these Gursikhs have been Amritdhari for some time. Majority of the time Daas is led to believe it is not all their fault. Sikhi is a very spiritual religion, infact, probably the most spiritual religion ever created and ever to be created. However, how can we be spiritual and call ourselves Gursikhs without meditation (Simran).

    Ik Pal Khin Visrehi Too(n) Suaamee Jaanao Baras Pachaasaa

    If I were to forget You, for a moment, even for an instant, O Lord Master, it would be like fifty years for me.

    Daas’ opinion is when Abhilaakees (Candidates for Amrit) go to take Amrit, it is the duty of the Panj Piaare (Five beloved ones) to teach these Gursikhs how to do Simran and the Panj Piaare should also be Jeevan vale Singhs, Abhiyaasee Singhs, (very spiritual). This is so they can inform the Abhilaakees about ups and downs that they may face in their lives, different stages of spirituality, Amritvela, Athai Pehar Simran (24 hours simran) etc, so, the Abhilaakees get a fine idea that the path they are going to tread on is not easy and it is the strict path of meditation, leading us in reunion with Vahiguroo again.

    Daas is a firm believer in sharing Spiritual wisdom, as it improves our Jeevan (life) and someone else’s Jeevan aswell.

    Aap Japo, Avraa Naam Japaavo

    (Meditate yourself and inspire others to meditate).


    If we have not been taught how to meditate by the Panj Piaare, Daas recommends one should go and present ourselves (pesh) to the five beloved ones, as they will teach us meditation. Daas know of one Jathebandee that carry’s out this type of practice, namely the Akhand Keertanee Jathaa, there may be more. All Panthik Panj Piaare should carry out this type of practice, for the upliftment of the Panth.


    First of all we meditate out loud using our lips and tongue, as you can imagine this type of practice can not be carried out 24 hours a day (Athai Pehar).

    KhaR Dargaihi Painaaeeai Mukh Har Naam Nivaas

    They are dressed in robes of honor in the Court of the Lord; the Name of the Lord

    is on their lips. 3

    Secondly comes Swaas Swaas Simran. This is what the five beloved ones teach us, even this practice becomes difficult do 24 hours a day, because of worldly affairs etc. Bhai Raghbir Singh Bir, in Bandginama, talks about this practice, he says, “When you say Vah you breathe in and when you say Guroo you breathe outâ€

    Saahi Saahi Thujh Sunmulaa Kudhae Na Visaaraeo

    With each and every breath, I dwell upon You; I shall never forget You.

    Third comes meditating in the mind and contemplating the Shabad. So, basically listening to the Mantar and contemplating it at the same time, this can only be achieved through dedication and plenty practice. When we contemplate the Shabad we think about how beautiful Vahiguroo is and he created this beautiful creation, automatically ‘Vah Vah’ (Great, Great) comes out of our mouth; this naturally gives us Naam Ras, Prem Ras, Amrit Ras. Daas will write about this subject in depth later on. Now this is the time we can do Simran Athai Pehar (24 hours) without anyone knowing what is going on inside, but we are in total ecstasy, people will know there is something different about us but they will not know what, as their spirits will be attracted to ours without their body knowing. AURA ENERGY PRESENCE.

    Gurmukh Man Samjhaaeeai Aatham Raam Beechaar

    The Gurmukhs train their minds to contemplate the Lord, the Supreme Soul. 2

    Then comes the fourth stage when the concentration of the Shabad goes in to the Dasam Duaar, this is an amazing stage because life becomes very easy and meditation carries on by itself in Sehaj (peace). We just accept Guroo Sahibs Bhaana (will) as sweet, our mind is not affected by any negative thoughts or actions at all just Anand and Sehaj (peace and poise) total contentment. The concentration has reached the crown Chakraa and there is no coming back down, total upliftment. This stage comes with Mahaaraj’s blessings and past Karam (deeds) plus plenty of Abhiyaas.

    Hirdhae Pargaas Giaan Gur Gunmith Gagan Manddal Mehi Dhiaanaanaa

    My heart is illuminated by spiritual wisdom; meeting the Guru, I meditate in the Sky of the Tenth Gate.

    Oodh Kaval Jis Hoe Pargaasaa Tin Sarab Niranjan Deethaa Jeeo

    Those, whose inverted lotus of the crown chakra is illuminated, see the Immaculate Lord everywhere.

    Daas would just like to finish off by saying Simran in Sikhi is not about technique for meditation, it is about loving the Lord Vahiguroo and what he created.

  4. lol, i know you guys hate me but w/e.

    I will be honest and say that I don't know the coconut gurgadi significance (you expected that right?), but whatver happened then, it wasnt someone pretending it was their head so they could get away with not listening to paath. Come on, do you really think leaving a coconut there will give you the phall of listening to an akhand paath? What will plese guroo sahib more, a guy who listens to a bit of paath, puts a coconut down for two days and then goes out with his mates, has a laugh, or someone who has his mind on vaheguru ji and remembers guru sahib throughout his actions?

    I never said anything against parshad. There is a big difference between breaking a coconut to say that thats you breaking your ego and recieving a gift from your Guru. Kirpan phering in parshad is IMHO because sarbloh is a great conductor of naam simran and spiritual vibes. Bani tells us clearly our ego is broken only through naam simran and through pleasing vaheguru.

    Well guru sahib physically going out and shooting down animals is 100% the same as an animal dying from natural causes or being eaten in the wild, becuase all life and death is a result of Guru Sahib's (Vaheguru's)hukam. Whether it is visible or invisible, it is guru sahib's (Vaheguru's)hukam. Furthermore whatever guru sahib did, he did for self less reasons. The people doing jhatka of goats are doing it becuase they want to eat it, not because they are trying to help it, sorry to be blunt but to be honest imho the thing about giving it mukti is added in so it doesnt sound too bad.

    Well lets look at ourselves first, while we with his kirpa do bani and naam simran everyday (only becuase of his bakhshis), while this gives us his blessings, brings us closer to maharaj and gives us the urge to meet Vaheguru, we (or atleast i) cannot be certain that guru maharaj would have decided to give us mukti yet and take us out of birth and rebirth, he may want us to come back and progress more. How in any way does this mean that bani has no power? At the end of the day mukti is only granted when VAHEGURU ALONE is pleased, NO other person holds that power.


  5. thanks for the vids

    now no offence, but come on, a coconut representing a head? I literally burst out laughing when I read the three holes thing. If you want to stay sitting at an akhand paath for the whole time but you don't, then thats just dubidha, you can't have the best of both worlds.

    So what if you put a coconut there? why on earth would that please guru sahib? Truely giving your head to guru sahib is remembering him in each place you go, putting a coconut as a representative for your head is meaningless.

    And same way, so what if you chop a coconut, doesnt mean you have done anything. One akhar of gurbani is worth more than any of that.

    now in regards to chatka of goat, most people can probably guess my stand on that, i won't bother getting into that long debate, but i just wuold like to say one thing. In our whole lives with his kirpa we read nitnem everyday, listen to and do kirtan, naam simran, etc. and at the end of it we still can't liberate ourselves, what makes us so sure that we can liberate another soul? What power do WE humans have to carry out such a thing.

    sorry, just my opinon and really no offence, we are all students of the same guru.

    thanks very much again for the videos.

  6. What other reason do you desire it and what reason would you carry it out other than KAAM, the most deadliest of the panj chor, which Guru Sahib has told us to stay away from? Cool the desire within you with bani and naam, you will feel satisified.

  7. just to clarify i do believe that they are all gurbani, i.e. WRITTEN by Guru Gobind Singh Ji Maharaj. However, i believe that Guru Granth Sahib Ji collectively IS Guru Gobind Singh Ji Maharaj, sampooran guru. Sorry if that doesnt make sense, but that is my beleif. Anyway, I don't know what you are talking about comfort zone, i merely clarified my PERSONAL position on the issue and in no way was this post meant to be argumentative. Its not really a case of comfort zone, its just that i have a belief which has been confirmed by experiences which will be kept gupt. Its not allowed for me to consider anyone else as guru because for me it would be disrespectful. Sorry this is something between me and my guru :oops:

    Truth be told, with his kirpa I have been feeling something amazing towards dasam guru sahib's bani (cant explain it), and that is what made those questions crop up.

    I just want to say that not everyone is in the same position. How can you assume straight away that I am being lazy? Im literally at the toddler stage of dasam patsha's bani, I just wanted to know a few things to get me started.

    Lets deal with the situation how it is not how it should be. Majority of the youth today like myself only have contact with dasam granth through nitnem banis and have only just about heard about sarbloh granth, so you can't expect every single person to immediatley run off to india to find someone to teach you the whole granth, chances are that even that will be too advanced for them.

    I am just a stupid person trying to understand traditions of maharaj's panth, if you have the knowledge then you might as well share it with someone asking rather than juge them.

    Now if someone could kindly answer my pretty simple straightforward, almost yes or no questions about Mahraj's PAVITAR bani, just to get this neech banda started?

  8. Before I start, I just want to say my knowledge on dasam granth and sarbloh granth is highly limited, so sorry if my questions seem basic.

    Firstly, I will always believe that Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji Maharaj alone is my Guru, he is completley independent for me, however as far as I understand Nihangs believe that the Guru is Guru Granth Sahib Ji Maharaj, Dasam Granth and Sarbloh Granth, is this correct?

    Second question, about doing parkash, when nihangs do parkash of all three, are the two Granth Jis kept on the same level as Guru Granth Sahib Ji? Must parkash of all be done to be considered Guru?

    Also, if only all three are the guru, how come nihang amrit sanchar can be done with only dasam granth and guru granth sahib ji?

    What I'm really confused over most is, is Sarbloh Granth actually supposed to be kept parkash or is it meant to be kept secret. The sarbloh site first said one of these, then said the other :S lol.

    If it is kept secret, then for nihangs doenst that mean that they never have what they believe as Guru Sahib fully parkash.

    Finally, is it true that dasam granth bir ras goes away after a while but sarbloh granth bir ras stays permantently? Then why not just read sarbloh granth??


  9. you don't give a "rat's arse" about words, interesting. Do you know what gurbani means?

    reading bani is experiencing god

    do you not think that what the individual being described in the first post was experiencing the bani?

    Also, Guru Sahib is a very different teacher to any other you have known, you have a lot of ego to say that Guru Sahib cannot impose his will on you, as he is doing it every second of your life. Please for your own sake take time to reflect on Guru Sahib before you say something. Anyway Maharaj is telling us to become his slave, so we should be ideally hanging off everything maharaj says and doing it.

    Also, the tone of your talking pretty much sums up how much of Guru Sahib's kirpa you have experienced my sharp-tongued friend.

    Dhan Dhan Thakur Guru Granth Sahib Ji Maharaj!

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