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Posts posted by Fauja_Singh

  1. "The Khalsa Panth have a beautiful, poetical description of the Nirmale, however I will not state it here................ " - kamalroop singh

    The Khalsa Panth now exculdes amritdhari nirmale as well?

    Its the same thing again and again

    akj - we are the only khalsa...

    taksal - we are the only khalsa...

    nihangs - we are the only khalsa...

    "ghaatt n kin hee kehaaeiaa ||

    Of these, no one admits to any deficiency;

    sabh kehathae hai paaeiaa ||

    all say that they have found the Lord."

  2. were employed by the Snatanists - no one said they said anything about being snatan - I'm saying their words have been manipulated by snatanists such as Singh Sahib Baba Santa Singh Ji's reference to shiv saroop etc.

    Oral traditions which allow drinking alcohol such as panj rattneee etc.

    Be under no illusion - this is no attack on nihang singh jathedars

    I did not mean employed in the sense of pay roll - I meant employd in the sense of put to use.

    For example the technique which was, has and probably will be used by various people to justify actions which don't fall in line with Gurmat Sidhaant - is ... well Baba ****** Singh drinks alcohol and he says it is ok so it's ok

  3. Dear Kamalroop,

    I am not labelling all Nihang's as traitors. However KEY nihang oral traditions, maryadas, and jathedars were employed by the Snatanists to change the Khalsa Maryada and present it as Snatan Matt. That is a fact.

    When Niddar started to do his crimes against Sikhi, Buddha Dal did not, has not and probably will not issue a statement. What books have the Nihangs ever written, or press releases have they ever given, correcting the mistakes of NIddar?

    Why was it that the distinctness of the Khalsa/ 4 Bajjar Kurehata/ Shaheeds/ Sants were criticised by Niddar, and now readily used by the neo-Nihangs of the UK to take cheap digs at Jathebandis such as Taksal? Have you read the pages written by Niddar on the subject?

    All the best,

    Fauja Singh

    (Everything seems clearer on the flip side)

  4. The great Budha Dal Army, the Fauja of Guru Hargobind Sahib, the laadle of the Guru simply issued a statement...

    Surely with all the creatine they were on they could have done more?

    Budha Dal top Pathis (of aad dasam and sarbloh granth sahib) were stil aligned with poohla till the end - and head jathedars still met with him right till the end...

    (I understand this is slightly humourous or comical but compared with veggies wearing 2 to 3 pairs of socks I think its valid!)

  5. "It is common in Sant deras to tell people not to read Chandi Di Var"

    Naamdharis are vegetarian yet constantly repeat baanis such as uggardanti, chandi di vaar and indeed sampooran akhand paths of Sri dasam.

    Mehta Chowk is a taksali dera where parkash of sri dasam is done regularly but no meat is consumed.

    "whether the Kirpan is sharp or usable, or if they know how to use it, is questionable. "

    This point is true of countless nihangs singhs as well who I have seen wearing standard issue sikh missionary kirpans.

    "The old tradition was that a Sant could not keep worldy items, as a Sant was separate from maya. "

    was Raja Janak not a Sant?

    was Prehlaad not a Sant?

    (Gurbani actually states Prehlad was a sant..

    ਸੰਤ ਪ੍ਰਹਲਾਦ ਕੀ ਪੈਜ ਜਿਨਿ ਰਾਖੀ ਹਰਨਾਖਸੁ ਨਖ ਬਿਦਰਿਓ ॥੩॥

    संत प्रहलाद की पैज जिनि राखी हरनाखसु नख बिदरिओ ॥३॥

    Sanṯ parahlāḏ kī paij jin rākẖī harnākẖas nakẖ biḏri▫o. ||3||

    He preserved the honor of Prahlaad, and destroyed Harnaakhash with his nails. ||3||)

    Prehald owned possesions, Janak was a king, Sant Ishar Singh Ji Rare Vale lived amongst maya yet like the lotus flower remained nirlep.

    "At one point they even attempted to create the Nirmala-Buddha Dal, but lost their battle in the British court."

    I would like to see some evidence for this claim.

    "They make their health suffer., suffer from runny noses, constant flu and cold, feel withdrawn, have to wear two or three pairs of socks, and so on."

    I love the survey of vegetarian sock wearers - just another weird oddity of this article. I am vegetarian and I can say that I have never had to wear extra pairs of socks...lol

    "In the Prem Sumarag Granth, Guru Gobind Singh writes about Jhatka, and what types of meat to eat, as well as the methods of slaughter."

    This is assuming that Prem Sumarag is entirely the work of Dasme Patshah - again an unfounded claim.

    "Just eating meat, kills the energy of the mind."

    Why dont we worship lions, wolves and jackals they must all have still minds?

    Just a question for you Singh Ji have you ever performed the act of jhatka - physically cutting off the head of an animal yourself?

    This may be a personal question and please refrain from answering it if you dont want to - i'm just interested.

    I find this last article disturbingly unfounded...

    This is not an attack Singh Ji - you have some good articles but this whole meat eating is best just tips you on the opposite side to hardcore vegetarians.

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