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Posts posted by BhagatSingh

  1. Jaikaara,

    Bhai Mati Das, Sati Das and Dyala ji were all Brahmins. And don't forget the around 15 or so Brahmins contributed to Guru Granth Sahib, including Guru Ramanand who was a teacher to many of the other contributors. There is a huge positive contribution from Brahmins in our community.

    But I don't think KDS opened the thread to malign Brahmins, I think he genuinely wanted to gain info on the Gangu character.

  2. Yeah no Mukti does not come from committing suicide. He must first understand what it is. Mukti is freedom from the material world ie maya, and being free from the desire return to it. If you are attached to the material world (ie the way he is) while you are still alive then that nature of your Individual Soul will remain charmed by her, and when it's time to merge with the Super Soul, your Individual Soul will instead want to go back to the material world.

    So suicide while maintaining attachment to the material world, does absolutely nothing. You may actually end up in a worse position once you return. But if he is serious about this, he should first kill off his desires and hopes of his mind and see to it that his purpose in the material world has been fulfilled, after that he can do as he pleases.

  3. Jaikaara,

    The end goal always seems daunting and unreachable. You have to break it down into small steps, and focus on "what is the next step from my current position". E.g I can start by sprinkling water into my scalp before eating, and in to the house after I meditate. This I am able to maintain over a month. Ok what is the next step? Fire maybe harder to bring in. So maybe I can improve the air quality. I go out and buy certain plants... and so on.

  4. Nimbu (and I think Ajwain too) should be good for digestion pretty much in any recipe. Has anyone tried adding ground flaxseed to any old Sabji recipe? Me thinks the strong masala in the Sabji should mask out any other taste!

    As for the thread, if we are going to start talking about puratan maryada here then they hardly used any furniture at all. They didn't use any in their homes and they didn't use any in temples. The puratan culture was always connected to the five elements: water, fire, air, earth and sky. They sprinkled water into their scalp before eating. They sprinkled water throughout their house after doing patth. When they did paath they would light a small diva. No electricity so fire was used sometimes. Their air was much cleaner. Their house didn't cover up the earth below or there was stone or marble there. Plenty of windows, with spaces without roofs inside the house. They slept when it got dark, woke up when the sun came out. They were completely in touch with all the elements, which our environments severely lack today. So if you are serious about this, then perhaps its time to go deeper than simply chairs, and look at the big picture.

  5. Sat

    What may help is if you concentrate and clarify the experience. For example, you can clarify the heart chakra by determining its true form through concentration, determining it's boundaries, it's form, it's composition. This fully opens up the chakra. If there are negative thoughts, you would do the same. As the thought arises you pay close attention and feel the effects on the thought on yourself. This will often neutralize the thought and its effects. If there is pain in the body, you do the same. You concentrate and clarify by paying attention to the pain, it's location in the body, it's boundaries become aware of areas of the body are in pain, and the areas that aren't and clarifying that further. This alleviates teh suffering caused by pain.

    The same principle can be applied to any experience even sweetness in the mouth. Waheguru may not be the sweet taste but he can certainly be found in it.

    PS If the taste is bugging you too much then you can also stop meditating until it dissipates.

  6. I guess crown chakra can activate independently as well. The top of your head, if you feel pressure there then it is the crown chakra.

    Chakras are in the middle of the body. What you are experiencing are the chakras. There should be one in your throat too. It may be entangled with your chest. It may help if you clarify the one in your chest, ie determine where its boundaries are, that will pull those two chakras apart.

    There are also the root chakras in your genitals and anus. They are harder to activate if you tend to think too much in day to day life. Two things may help, breathing down into the genitals, and feeling the sensations in the feet. What I like to do sometimes is to go outside bare feet, early in the morning. I step on to the cold wood in the balcony and feel the sensations.

    Right now its a new experience for you, once you get used to it, it will be easier to bring back the focus on simran. Remember if chakras activate you are on the right track. They are signs on the road if you will.

  7. I wish this guy were still around and was called to the west for actual testing (the Indonesian guy).
    What was sad was that the Indonesian guy never related his meditation technique in detail, so we could try for ourselves.

    That sounds good and all but when I think about it, I think this guy should stay as far away from the west as possible and only teach his techniques to students who are passionate about it and who will take his moral and ethical teachings along with the art, under a guru-sikh relationship.

  8. The water should be slightly cool to the touch. Dip your middle finger and ring finger in and flick. Start from where you were doing the path and cover the whole house. Give some of the water to family members on the way. Pour it in the palm of the hands, tell them to drink some and sprinkle the rest into their scalp, with respect for the water. Keep in mind that that for this to work one should pay full attention to the path while it's being done, full attention to the sprinkling and drinking. There should be strong intent behind all the actions in the ritual.

    Also get as many plants in the house as you can get, plants like areca palm, sansevieria, indian money plant and tulsi. In puratan times they lived around greenery, we can try to simulate that by getting plants that increase quality level of the air in the house. And greenery in general has a very calming effect.

  9. Lol doing a magic trick somehow debunks actual magic?

    So if i did performed a trick where I showed you that I could speak to a someone really far away without a cellphone, have I debunked cellphones? Similarly if someone can burn paper or project electricity from their body, and another does a trick which appears similar, the latter has not debunked the former, he has simply tricked you.

    I really want to believe it as well, but there's always that little thing inside me saying it can't be real lol.

    Stop trying to believe and actually learn about it. And the only way to do so is to do it yourself. I don't know any layman being able to project electricity from his body, it sounds incredibly difficult and so that's an experiment set up for failure but I do know one layman who can do this and it looks like the place to start:

    Check out his other videos where he talks about it more.


  10. Some of them can be witty.

    During the time when terror was unleashed in Punjab and youth were being rounded up and beaten mercilessly by the police, there was one case of a suspected militant leader who, despite being beaten for one week, wouldn't utter a word. At the end of one week, he announced one day he would talk but first they must treat him well. "I want my body to be massaged with oil, and feed me well if you really want me to talk." They did all that and then said "Now, talk!". "OK, I am ready, you can beat me for another week now, no problem!


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