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Posts posted by BuddhaDal

  1. http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=oi2iTMcPgoo


    The rapist got lashes, the victim, a 16 year old victim was hung:

    Atefeh Rajabi Sahaaleh (1988 - August 15, 2004) was a 16-year-old schoolgirl who was executed in Iran after being sentenced to death by an Iranian religious judge, Haji Rezai, for allegedly having committed "acts incompatible with chastity": She was repeatedly raped throughout her childhood and is something of a feminist icon for her courage in arguing in court that the perpetrator of rape should be punished, not the victim. She was publicly executed. Under Sharia's law she had no rights as she was over 9 and female. Atefeh's rapist was also convicted of adultary.He received 98 lashes.

    Judge Haji Rezai, who was also the local mullah, prosecutor and head of the city administration, personally obtained permission from Iran's Supreme Court to execute her, and put the noose around her neck himself before she was hoisted on a crane jib arm to her death.

    Atefeh lost her mother in a car accident. Her father was a drug addict. At the age of 13, a 51 year old former government agent started molesting her. On the night of her wedding to a boy who loved her, she was taken by the authorites and soon after executed without knowledge of her family.

    There are at least 81 other children facing execution in Iran. Sign the petition to stop child execution in Iran. Visit: www.stopchildexecutions.com.

    Voice Of America ( VOA ) , Persian News Network ( PNN ) : Elham Sataki

    Reality.... people in Iran want to live without the religious police breathing down their necks, and hate the theocracy they live in.


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