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Posts posted by G.Kaur

  1. I agree that there's a big difference between what is normal and abnormal, but who cares about what society and other people think of you? Well I don't. If I was going to worry about if people think I'm a pendu or they like me, then I wouldn't have time for anything else in my life.

    I can't answer for other people, but are you saying that if a man or a woman has excessive hair growth on their body they should remove it?

  2. Ive had a lot of problems in finding another wife. Some girls just cant bear then thought of sharing me with another woman. What is the world coming to?

    While you are at it, why not look for 3 wives instead of just one? Aren't you allowed 4 wives and then you'll get 72 virgins in heaven, or do you only get that if you become a martyr?

  3. Well in arrange marriage case there is no way one can know the personality of his/her partner.Even in love marriages people just show their fake personality and only show their true colors after marriage.Only the people who actually lived witha person know what kind of person he/she is.

    Well it depends on what kind of arranged marriage you go into. Some people talk to each other, go out etc. before they get married and then they get to know each other. Other people don't even get a chance or aren't allowed to talk and only talk when the family is there and they eat ladoo and mithai together at the girl's house.

    But again you never get to know a person once you've lived with them.

    I agree with you that hairs are all over the part of body,but how much hair is normal for women on face?I heard this issue is raised more by Sikh women living in west ,is it because some abnormal hormonal food women are developing more facial hair?

    We all should remember that in South asia there are very poor people and millions of women don't go to beauty parlour yet 90% Girls/women don't have any visible hairs on face .

    Women can develop excessive hair growth on their bodies due to different things; hormonal imbalance, either they are born with too much testosterone or it could also be from all the chemicals (parabens, phthalates etc.) that are in shampoos, creams, make-up, conditioner, toy and food. There could be other reasons too.. In the western world there are more parabens in products, phthalates, the environment, pollution and other things that could have an effect on the hormonal system for men and women. This is why we see girls who get into puberty at the age of 7, boys who are born without their private parts (well they are there but you can't if it's a girl or a boy), men whose sperm quality is decreasing, and women who get hirsutism.

    In my opinion, it doesn't matter how much hair is normal for women, because the fact still remains that Amritdhari's are not allowed to remove hair from their bodies.

  4. Suryadev, attraction towards people doesn't necessarily have to be psychical features. A person can be very attracting because of her/his charm, personality, intelligence etc.

    People choosing a life-partner only because of their looks is ridiculous. What are they going to do if the spouse get's hit by a car and you can't even recognize their face after the accident? Are they going to divorce their spouse because now he/she isn't attractive anymore? What are people going to do when the wrinkles starts appearing, the black hair become white, you get cellulite here and there. Are people going to divorce their spouse's when this happen and find a "new, younger model"?

  5. Another thing Suryadev, there are always topic's on forum's on men complaining about women who don't want to marry keshdhari men. Women who want clean-shaven "sikh's". But why is it okay the other way around?

    The fact is that every human being has hair all over his body except under his hands and feet. Read a biology book if you don't believe me. These are the only 2 places where you don't have hair. Some people have very light hair color so you don't notice the hair while other people have dark hair and you can see it easily.

    If we as a kaum can't accept women with facial hair (women following rehat given by Guru Gobind Singh Jee) phir sada ki rehgaya? What's the point of our religion and taking Amrit then?

    I don't know what men's problems are. Maybe they've seen too many bollywood movies?

  6. I'm not worrying. I'm just making a general point. A lot of 'modern' women seem to think they are degraded by cooking. Some just find it boring.

    That being said, apnay people really do need to get clued up about nutrition and cooking in the west because sometimes it just seems like half of the stuff they put in food here is killing you or making you prone to some disease in some way or another!?!? lol

    Yes, maybe you could teach us. I'm looking forward to Dal's cooking classes!

    Yeah, then my life will be so much better........

    Yeah just wait and see...

  7. Suryadev, it is about rejecting a girl who's following her dharam.

    There's a big difference between a woman with a beard (hirsutism) and a few hairs here and there. If an Amritdhari man can't accept a woman with facial hair, what was his reason to chak Amrit in the first place, if he can't accept the Rehats given by Panj Piare?

    Maybe looks is the main reason for you to get married or not to get married to a woman, but to other people things like Rehat, spirituality, nitnem are more important than looks.

  8. I'm very glad to see a forum where the moderators and admins don't delete your posts if they don't agree with you, where the mods/admins do follow their own rules and don't act like pakhandis, where the admins/mods don't act like children and we can openly discuss all kind of things.

  9. asd, what were their reasons for rejecting you, if you don't mind me asking?

    Suryadev, it's not about being modern. We all have our reasons for accepting or rejecting a rishta. What is lib?

    It goes both ways these days.. Amritdhari men are very picky too. I've heard of Amritdhari bibian who got rejected by Amritdhari men because they had facial hair! Since when did we start rejecting people for following their dharam? Some other issues amongs Amritdharis are caste issues.

    A friend of mine told me about a Singh from the UK who couldn't get married because he's from a chamar background! What has the world come into?! Then he had to go to India to get married.. If I remember correct he got married to a non-Amritdhari.

    Lately I've heard of many Punjabi couples who've got divorced within 2 years. One of the marriages only lasted for a few weeks, so I'm just wondering why (some) people rush into a marriage and don't think about the consequences and the future? I know this is totally off-topic but it could be interesting to discuss.

  10. Kdsingh, I don't want to live in India, but in the UK (London and B'ham) there are Indian restaurants everywhere. That might be a solution, lol.

    Dalsingh, 3 words: it is boring! + I never paid attention to roti/daal/sabji classes in my mom's kitchen. I've made roti 3 times in my life! Disasters all three times. I will learn it when time comes near :/

    Suryadev, cakes are so easy compared to roti and daal. Or maybe it's because I have no interest in cooking.

  11. try it sometime.

    or when making the atta for roti add a bit of the oil juices from achar to the flour. See how it tastes to you. The oil will also slightly soften to the roti.

    If you can't cook. You need to find a hubby who can.

    Cough, cough(DalSingh does seem a dab hand in the kitchen) Cough, cough

    Joke of the century! Haha.

    On a serious note, I think cooking is very boring. Everyone around me keep telling me how fascinating coking is, but I don't think I will ever like being in a kitchen cooking 3 meals a day. Sigh! I like baking cakes though.

    In 2006 I made a fool out of myself at Seven Kings Gurdwara in East London because I couldn't make rotiyaan. It's been 5 years now, and I still can't make them, lol.

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